Creating a new text style

• May 13, 2024 - 12:09

I've renamed the User Text 1 style to "Commentary" - it is Comic Sans Ms bold and italic font.
Now I'd like to be able to select this from the text palettes. I can drag the newly created text (CTRL SHIFT) into the text palettes area but it shows a red no-entry sign.
Advice welcome.


Sometimes the paletyte is a bit finicky about accepting Ctrl+Shift+drag. Try closing and reopening the palette, closing and reopening the score, etc. Sooner or later it will work.

But, keep in mind styles are score-specific. So while adding your custom text to the palette will (eventually) work, it probably won't do what you want, since in other scores, User 1 will still be set to the default font. Instead of using a text style for this, just customize the properties of the staff text itself. Custom formatting is preserved, so that will force Comic Sans Bold for that element regardless of score style settings.

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