What files does MuseScore 4.3 create in Windows 11

• May 15, 2024 - 00:20

I want to know all the folders and files that MuseScore 3 and MuseScore 4 create on a Windows 11 computer – including the hidden files. Is this documented somewhere?

This is so I can manually delete them all - and once again get MuseScore 4.3 working on my computer. I've run the automatic uninstall but it does not delete everything.

As I cannot even open MuseScore I cannot follow a suggestion from this forum which hopefully will tell me what to delete. The suggestion was to:
Open MuseScore > Main menu > Diagnostic > System > Show Paths
And then post the output on this forum.

I’ll try to delete all files & folders like:

Also, how do I see those hidden files?

My previous post details my struggle: “MuseScore 4.3 opens splash screen and bombs” about 13 May 2024.


I posted this in one of the other places you posted:

"So you need to go to Control panel>File Explorer Options>View>Show hidden files and folders>OK.

Then run a search of your hard drive for Musescore4. When the search is done, delete what is found."

Even if you could open MuseScore, you wouldn't be able to see all the instillation places. The hard drive search will list everything having to do with MuseScore.

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