MuseScore Video Sync...

• Jan 31, 2024 - 04:50

Seems like there are quite a number of composers having income affected due the lack of video sync in MuseScore. I first tested MS while I was using Sibelius. I liked it so much, I began composing exclusively with MS.Now I find myself moving toward scoring music to picture. It's quite frustrating that this crucial feature isn't a priority for the developers of MS. And as much as I hate to do it, because I really do love MS, I'm going to have to return to Sibelius. This is a feature that no serious composition program can do without and still survive long term. It's confusing why other major composition programs implement this but MS doesn't. If MS is able to include the feature in the future, I'll most likely come back to it. But in the meantime it looks my old buddy Sibelius is the best bet for me. I wonder if maybe enough MS composers banded together, we might be able to convince the fine folks at MS to include this invaluable tool.

Just offering some thoughts to see if others might be feeling similar frustration...


Buenos días,
me encanta musescore y también necesito sincronizar vídeo con la partitura que estoy componiendo.
¿Alguien nos puede dar alguna solución?

If you create a MuseScore account and upload your scores there, you will be able to create a score video synchronized with music. You can only do this once a day without a paid subscription though, and the score in the video seems to have formatting problems, so manually synchronizing the score to the music may be the best option right now.

I wonder what kind of a time investment it represents? I am coming from Kawai Touch Notation which I thought was cool because you can draw notes and add tails or rests quite easily. it allows me to correct note values without the program erasing the surrounding notes. It was not very good for more complicated rhythms though. Sibelius got wiped out for me when I changed over to Fat 64. Logic disappeared as well.

While exploring tips on using MuseScore, I got some great advice from a fellow musician I met on It's a random video chat site that's free and easy to use. If you enjoy connecting with new people or need help with music software, it's definitely worth checking out.

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