I clicked save on my score and save to comuputer but it is completley gone now.

• May 16, 2024 - 00:52

I clicked save on my score and save to comuputer but it is completley gone now. It's not in my files no backup file was created and its not on the cloud. Using windows 11 and MuseScore 4


In reply to by Pentatonus

Given his description, I would guess that OP simply never successfully saved. He thought he had clicked Save, but had not. Or he did and got an error that he didn't notice. Or (best possibility) he saved it successfully to somewhere other than where he thought he had.

That last is actually a reasonable possibility. Using the Windows File Explorer (you said Windows 11, correct?), search the entire C:\ drive for your filename. If it doesn't find it, try searching for *.mscz. If you've used MuS a lot, it will find a LOT of files, but if you look through them you might find it. (If you're lucky, of course :-) If so, move it to the right place and off you go. If not, *shrug* sorry, start over. (And save more often! :-)

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