Stabile udgivelser, prerelease og "natlige" udgivelser

Updated 1 year ago

    MuseScore comes in three varieties of builds: stable releases, prereleases, and nightly builds. If you have not been closely involved with a software project before, then these terms may be unfamiliar. Don't let that stop you from getting involved. The quality of a stable release depends on testing and reporting by the wider community using the prerelease and nightly builds.

    Stabile udgivelser

    De stabile udgivelser af MuseScore (også kaldet "final releases") udkommer hver 5. måned og er beregnet på almindelig hverdagsbrug. De stabile versioner har gennemgået vidtrækkende tests inden de udgives. come every few months and are intended for normal, every-day use. Stable versions receive extensive testing from the community prior to release. In the lead up to an official release, code development slows down to focus on fixing bugs found by the testing community and to avoid introducing new problems. If any critical bugs are found at the last minute then they may delay the official release. To obtain the latest stable release click on the green download button at the top of the MuseScore website.


    Prerelease builds of MuseScore come every three or four weeks. Prereleases offer an early preview of the next upcoming stable release and are intended for testers and advanced users. Before each prerelease is made available for download it is quickly tested to make sure the prerelease can open and save scores. Significant bugs are expected and do not necessarily hold back a prerelease unless it breaks very basic functionality such as entering a quarter note in 4/4 time. To obtain the latest prerelease read the relevant section on the [[nodetitle:download]] page.


    Nightly builds of MuseScore are available for Windows and GNU/Linux and usually come every night but may be less frequent if there are no changes to the code or the builder is unable to create a build that day. The nightly builds are intended for testing only. Since the nightly build is almost entirely automatically you may be the first human to test it. Occasionally even basic functionality may be broken. To obtain the latest nightly see:


    Frequency Purpose Prior testing and stability
    Official release Every few months Normal use Fairly stable
    Prerelease Every two or three weeks Early preview for testers and advanced users Some instability expected
    Nightly Every one to three days For testing only Untested