How to use the "conversion job" command-line option

I figured out how to use the command-line option for converting a bunch of files all at once.

From Kommandozeilenoptionen, the command-line is:

mscore [options] [filename] (Mac and Linux)
MuseScore.exe [options] [filename] (Windows)

the "conversion job" option is -j or --job and it takes a json formatted file. So, the command line on the Mac is:

/Applications/MuseScore\ -j conversion-job.json

Here's an example of the conversion-job.json file to convert from "mscz" to "mscx" (useful for searching through a bunch of files for text entries since the mscx format contains uncompressed text):

{ "in":"Bagopolier_Freylekhs.mscz","out":"../xmlScores/Bagopolier_Freylekhs.mscx"},
{ "in":"Beckerman_No.14.mscz","out":"../xmlScores/Beckerman_No.14.mscx"},
{ "in":"Beckerman_No.5.mscz","out":"../xmlScores/Beckerman_No.5.mscx"},
{ "in":"Beckerman_No.6.mscz","out":"../xmlScores/Beckerman_No.6.mscx"},
{ "in":"Beckerman_No._1.mscz","out":"../xmlScores/Beckerman_No._1.mscx"}

Note that the last entry does not have a comma. The output file extension determines what type of conversion musescore will produce. You can create many different formats using this technique.

I used Excel to create the json file from a list of .mscz files using the following excel formula:

=CONCATENATE("{ ""in"":","","""",A1,""",","""out""",":","""../xmlScores/",LEFT(A1,LOOKUP(2^15,FIND(".",A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)))))-1),"",".mscx""},")


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