Їхав козак за Дунай (Ukrainian native song, for guitar)

• 6. Mär 2011 - 09:31

It is a song about a cossack who prepares to go to the war. He speaks with his beloved girl, who cries and doesn't want to let him go, but he goes there anyway.

P. S. I don't understand why MUSESCORE doesn't play the second part of the melody once more? Is there a mistake putting the voltas?

Їхав козак за Дунай,
Сказав: "Дівчино, прощай!"
Ти, конику вороненький,
Неси та гуляй.

– Постій, постій, козаче!
Твоя дівчина плаче.
Як ти мене покидаєш –
Тільки подумай!

– Білих ручок не ламай,
Карих очей не стирай,
Мене з війни зо славою
К собі ожидай!

– Не хочу я нічого,
Тілько тебе їдного.
Ти будь здоров, мій миленький,
А все пропадай!

– Царська служба – довг воїнський,
Їхати пора до війська,
Щоб границю захищати
Від лютих ворогів.

– І без тебе, мій любезний,
Враг ізгине лютий, дерзкий.
Ти на війну не ходи,
Мене не остав!

– Що ж тогди козаки скажуть,
Коли ж побіди докажуть,
Що довг царський я забув
І себе й людей.

– Ой мій милий, мій сердечний.
Коли ж рок судив так вічний,
Ти на войну поїжджай.
Мене не остав!

– Ой я тебе не забуду,
Поки жить на світі буду!
Зоставайсь, здоровенька,
Прощай, миленька.

Свиснув козак на коня, –
Зоставайся, молода.
Я приїду, як не згину
Через три года!


To me it looks as if MuseScore plays it right, it repeats that 2nd part once, with exception of the last measure, so exactly as it is written, at least to my understanding

You can place the text in a 'vertical frame', see attached

Anhang Größe
за Дунай_1.mscz 4.84 KB

Antwort auf von Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo-Schmitz, thank you for the advice about the text. It is really good idea! :-)

About the 2nd part repeating I didn't understand your mind. Please could you write the same in the some other way? MuseScore should play the melody as you said (if I understood you correctly):
1. Measures 1-8.
2. Measures 9-15 and the 16 measure with volta 1.
3. Measures 9-15 and the 16 measure with volta 2.

But MuseScore now plays it in this way (not correct):
1. Measures 1-8.
2. Measures 9-15 and the 16 measure with volta 1.
3. 16 measure with volta 2.

Antwort auf von DiAnna_


the attached score seems to play ok.
I played around with bar properties, may be something was out of order?

Make sure to have the repeat button pressed (you will have pressed it probably anyway).

I have heard about this song as a popular wedding song (?).

This is from the online handbook:
To hear repeats during playback make sure the "Play Repeats" button on the toolbar is selected. Likewise you can turn off repeats during playback by deselecting the button.

In the last measure of a repeat you can set the property "Repeat Count" to define the number of played repeats.

Anhang Größe
this sounds ok.mscz 3.66 KB

Antwort auf von DiAnna_

this is the text I have heard:

Ty /ja/ kazala v ponedilok, pijdem ́razom na barvinok, ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.
Ty ž ́ /ja ž ́/ mene /tebe/ pidmanula, Ty ž ́ /ja ž ́/ mene /tebe/ pidvela, Ty ž ́ /ja ž ́/ mene /tebe/ molodoho z uma razum izvela!
Ty /ja/ kazala u vivtorok, pociluješ raziv sorok, ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.
Ty /ja/ kazala u seredu, pijdem ́ razom po čeredu, ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.
Ty /ja/ kazala u četverh, pijdem ́ razom na bander, ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.
Ty /ja/ kazala u pjatnycju pijdem ́ razom po pšenicju ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.
Ty /ja/ kazala u sybotu, pijdem ́razom na robotu, ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.
Ty /ja/ kazala u nedilju, pijdem ́razom na vesilju, ja /ty/ pryšov tebe /mene/ nema, pidmanula - pidvela.

attached the original text.

Anhang Größe
original.png 310.06 KB

Antwort auf von kbundies

"I have heard about this song as a popular wedding song (?)."

No, "Їхав козак за Дунай" not this. You talk about the funny song with the similar melody, named "Ти ж мене підманула". That song really is a popular wedding song in Russia and Ukraine and tells about young girl who every day from monday till sunday appoints dates to a young fellow, but she doesn't come to these dates. The girl promises that young man that she will go with him to pick flowers, then - strawberries, another time - to go together to the concert, then promises to kiss him 40 times and so on... The last promised date is wedding - and she doesn't come again ))))

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