Stopping voices

• Feb 14, 2014 - 13:10

I am transcribing a part of a Brahms piece for piano. Occasionally I have to use Voices in order show, for example, two quavers at the top of a chord where all the other notes are crotchets (eighth notes over quarter notes). It's just fine for say one beat in a bar/measure but then for the next few bars where everything is crotchets (and I don't need two voices) I have to fight the system to remove the innumerable rests that appear because Musescore expects the first (top) voice to continue. (Eg for reference bar 57 Brahms opus 118/2).
Question: is there any way of saying to Musescore, forget voices now, everything from here on is all the same voice, and please stop inserting rests!?
Help much appreciated.


I'm not quite sure what you mean - attaching your score and pointing to the specific spot in question with steps to reproduce would help.

In general, when entering notes in a voice other 1, MuseScore only fills the rest of that measure with rests, which is standard notational parctice. It does not add rests to any subsequent measures *unless* you actually visit a measure.

For example, in an empty score, click the first measure, press N to enable note entry mode, then enter the following example:

"6 . C" - this enters a dotted half note C in voice one, rest of measure is filled via a quarter rest
"Ctrl+Alt+2 5 G" = this enters a quarter note G in voice 2, rest of measure measure is filled via a quarter rest and half rest

Notice at no time is measure 2 ever affected. Voice 2 rests are inserted there only if you start actually entering things into that measure.

I'm guessing maybe you are continuing to enter notes into subsequent measures using voice 2. Don't - always use voice 1 if a measure contains only a single voice.

As Marc said, make sure you are entering notes in the correct voice. I believe you are not switching back to voice 1 after entering notes in voice 2. If you enter notes in voice two in one measure, then continue entering notes in another without telling Musescore to go back to voice one, it will continue entering notes in voice 2.

Voice 1 is always represented in every measure, as notes or rests, whereas the other voices will only appear if you tell Musescore you want them. Entering notes in voice 2 without any notes in voice 1 will cause a whole rest (from voice 1) to appear in the measure. You can tell which notes and rests belong to which voice by color they appear as when highlighted (voice 1 is blue and voice 2 is green).

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