Deleting measure + mmrest deletes all content to end of score

• Aug 27, 2014 - 17:14
S2 - Critical

Score created with 1.3 from musescore ,
* opened in Beta 1 1efc609 with Windows XP SP3 Pro 2002

1/ open score :
2/ go to Piccolo part
3/ select mesure 9 and the 2 multimesure rest that follow (in fact there is a rit in the middle of mesure 9 that desapear)
4 / Supp

Expected result : one only 3 multimesure rest
Actual result : one only multimesure rest to the end of the score , no note further anymore

(Batterie / Percussion part ; mesure 36 to 46 : the same)

5 / go to style - general - Score
6/ Toggle OFF the create multimesure rest

Expected result : whole rest instead of multimesure
Actual result ok for piccolo (and rit again appear on mesure 9) not for Batterie (mes 36 to 40 are empty with no rest ...? and impossible to select these mesure)

Further test : mesure nine text "rit" isn't anchord to a note in all instrument ...?
Further question : could it be possible to set a Maximal value (in space) for multi mesure rest ? (as sometime in orchestra we have to wait a "long" time, the sheet music isn't obliged (but can) to show it...

Thank you ;)


I can produce a very simple test to demonstrate the first bug listed:

1) use default score
2) enter notes into measures 1, 2, 6, and 7
3) press "M" to enable mmrests
4) select measure 2 plus the 3-measure mm rest that follows (this in itself is easier said than done, perhaps that's part of the problem
5) delete

Result: contents of measures & 7 are deleted as well - in fact, everything to end score would be deleted had there been anything else there. You end up with an mmmrest extending all the way to the end of the score. And if you press "M" again to disable mmrests, you see that indeed, the content is actually done.