BUG: crash with pickup bars on 6/4 time signature (trunk)

• Dec 1, 2010 - 14:19

maybe this was reported elsewhere, but I couldn't find:

In a piece with 6/4 time signature and 1/4 pickup bar the last measure in the piece results correctly in 5/4 lenght, if you enter notes in the second voice, the programm crashes.

to reproduce:

- create a new score with two piano staves
- in the dialog: select time signature 6/4, pickup measure 1/4 and number of measures 2
- in the score: select the second bar, hit N for note input and select the 2nd voice
- press C (=anykey)

the program crashes.

the output on my machine is:

expand voice 5/4
Duration(5/4): not implemented

I'm using debian squeeze with the trunk checked out on Dez 1 2010, 11:36

And just a personal opinion:
Pickup bars usually are not counted, because they contain only beats "stolen" from the last measure, and so bar one of any piece is the bar following the pickup bar, if one is present.
In the new score dialog, the number of measures box takes the input as *number of measures _including_ (and counting) the pickup bar*, so given the number 2, it results in 1 bar plus 1 pickup bar.
I think it should it should generate 2 bars plus pickup bar.

I hope it's not too confusing, my musical english sucks a lot :-)




could someone look over the attached fix at http://musescore.org/en/node/8149 please?

when expandVoice() finds an empty measure (that's no notes or rests at all), it tries to create a rest with the length of the measure. This should better be a whole-measure-rest that gets splitted in single rests later, otherwise on odd durations, musescore exits in DurationType.cpp:440 with "Duration(%d/%d): not implemented". (5/4 in this case).

So if anyone could check, if this is right and upload? thanks.


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