Nightly builds in Linux

• 12 Sept. 2014 - 20:10

I know there are at least four other users [1], [2], [3], [4] with this problem:

I followed the instructions on meaning that I downloaded the 2.0 musescore 64bit nightly build [3] for my newly installed 64bit Linux mint 17. Than I extracted the *.tar and logically got an "mscore" file (I set the rights to: -rwxrwxrwx). In the terminal I typed "mscore" -> result: nothing happens. If I type "./mscore" I get: "./mscore: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

So what is it that I am missing?

Thanks a lot for help.

[1] - "Installing nightly build on Linux"
[2] - "How to install MuseScore 2"
[3] - "Installer nightly sous linux"
[4] - "Nightly build startet nicht"

[5] I tried both: "mscore.64bits-2014-09-12-16-34-e2a6fbd.tar.bz2 4 hours ago" and "mscore.64bits-2014-07-23-10-09-ade25ad.tar.bz2 on December 31, 1969"


Your are missing that the 64bit Linux builds are broken, plain and simple.
As far as I understand Robert Leleu just recently managed to get the 32bit version to work again.

En réponse à par underquark

Thanks underquark and everybody else. So far I didn't manage to geht the 64bit nightly of Muse score 2.0 up and running. Even this didn't help:

For ubuntu there is this helpful page:….

I still get:
/mscore -F
./mscore: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So maybe I just will wait till Robert Leleu has repaired the 64bit nightlies.

En réponse à par Torsten Torsten

IMO the best thing to do if you're on Linux is to do a self compile.

Once you have the necessary dependencies installed it is a doddle.

I can probably guide anyone through self-compiling on Ubuntu Studio 14.04 having done it myself, and thus on Ubuntu/Debian derived systems. Not sure about Fedora though.

Most of the Qt dependencies are already there, but there are one or two missing.

En réponse à par ChurchOrganist

From what I read on static versus dynamic compilation I thought that static compilation could be a solution to deliver binaries running on most (if not any) linuxes.
However I notice that my compilations (uploaded to, seem, reading the inscriptions in terminal, to be chiefly static, but they do not even run on any brother-linuxes (Mint and Ubuntus).
So it seems that anyone who wants to follow trunk evolution has indeed to make one's compilation, as pointed by Churchorganist.
But, since my compilations are made by automated scripts, I am not in a hurry to discontinue them, and am interested to read further considerations on this topic.

En réponse à par Torsten Torsten

The Linux build are not exactly static build, since Qt for Linux from qt-project was not built as static. Therefore, you need the Qt5 libraries to run MuseScore. It seems that you already have Qt5 libaries in your system, but probably of a different version than the one required (and linked to during compilation). You can download a Qt5 build from (in section Qt 5.3.2 Open Source), then use the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the lib folder inside this Qt installation before launching mscore, e.g:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path_to_qt-project-installatio/gcc_64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

En réponse à par ABL

Grazie to ABL I have now an automated (@ Mint start) script who build a satisfactory mscore binary.
This mscore is launched by a script located in /home/leleu/musescore/ , which reads

export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/leleu/Qt5/5.3/gcc_64/plugins/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/leleu/Qt5/5.3/gcc_64/lib/

cd /home/leleu/musescore/MuseScore/build.release/mscore/

and this script is the command line in the menu line for 2.00

So when I open the computer I'm advised if there is a new version or no. If there is one I wait for the end of the compiling script, and then the last trunk version can be used.

En réponse à par robert leleu

So, if I get it right, in order to get the nightly builds to work, one needs Qt 5.3 and if the linux distribution does not provide it, one has to follow these steps:
1. Install Qt 5.3.2 from //
2. export PATH=/path_to_qt-project-installatio/5.3/gcc[_64]/bin/:$PATH
3. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path_to_qt-project-installatio/5.3/gcc[_64]/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Wouldn't it be nice to include this information on // ?

En réponse à par Thomas

the present instructions
1/ Download one of the "mscore" files from below (nearest to the top is the latest).
2/ After the download finishes, extract the bz2 archive.
3/On KDE, this can be done by right-clicking the file, "Properties", and checking "Is Executable". It can also be done on the command line with "chmod a+x", followed by the name of the extracted file.

could become (thanks to RainerZufall for checking)

1/ check if Qt 5.3 is installed
2/ if not install it from
3/ Download one of the "mscore" files from below (nearest to the top is the latest)and extract the bz2 archive (any place)
4/ If your Qt has been installed by your distribution mscore should be launchable.
5/ If your Qt has been installed from mscore shall know where. This can be done by placing in the repertory of mscore the following script named «lancemscore»

export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/«your repertory to»/Qt5/5.3/gcc_64/plugins/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/«your repertory to»/Qt5/5.3/gcc_64/lib/

of course this script, which is a text file, shall be made executable by the adequate command available in the "properties" of the file..... and now launching lancemscore should activate mscore.

After following instructions for installing QT53 I got the following messages (running the script from terminal:
./mscore: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by ./mscore)
./mscore: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by ./mscore)

Solved it by updating GCC4.8 to version 4.9 by adding the ppa from here:

After that mscore runs without errors

KXStudio 14.04 (based on Kubuntu 14.04)

I managed to install musescore 2.0 RC on Ubuntu 14.10 64bit

After "sudo apt-get install -f" I had to also
sudo apt-get install libqt5quickwidgets5 libqt5help5

hope it helps

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