Internal repeats fail on playback

• Mar 12, 2013 - 19:10

I consistently have troubles getting internal repeats to work on Musescore.
I have
-made sure the "repeat" symbol for playback is on
-clicked measure properties at the repeat and said the number of repeats to make
-tried removing, replacing, closing the software and reopening, etc. NOTHING FIXES IT.

Here is the structure of the current score I'm having trouble with (in case that helps)
1. First 4 msrs repeats once. THIS WORKS
2. Next 16 msrs has a DS. THIS WORKS
3. Next 20 or so--no repeats
4. Then a four measure section. I have put repeats on either side of it. THIS DOES NOT REPEAT ON PLAYBACK
5. Then a section with 4 endings. I have marked this correctly, changed the volta properties, told it the number of times to repeat. THIS DOES NOT REPEAT ON PLAYBACK

I have had this kind of problem on multiple scores. First internal repeats that are of different type (barline, vs "jump" type) DO work; subsequent repeats do not.

I am using 1.2.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.


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