
• Nov 18, 2019 - 22:53

I just tried to choose the correct plan, but didn’t understand witch is correct plan for me?!
I am looking only for reed and download a notation without functions of upload.
So, witch is the difference of kinds of Pro plan? And witch is a different of the prices?
(I have seen on my profile page on the phone a list of different prices for a prepayment for a Pro plan - from 29,99 usd to 49,99 usd for a year)

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi @Jojo-Schmitz,

I found this pricing, which appears a bit confusing.
There are a lot of features that have nothing to do with viewing and uploading scores. I am looking to upload drum scores, that I prepared for playing/practicing myself. And I'm fine when other people benefit from them. I assumed that the publish option in MuseScore is so easily clicked, it is included in the free account.

But perhaps I interpreted the copyright options incorrectly, because I could upload one score, and a second one (a day later) is still "Your score is being processed. It will automatically be displayed when finished" (for more than 3 hours now), while I can find it if I search for it, with thumbnail and all.
So my question is this: Is it OK to upload my own transcriptions of songs I play, if these are covers (thus subject to copyright when performed)? If so, do I need a PRO membership to access them, or should I just set them to private?

A free plan will let you read and download, (plus 5 uploads).

Since you don't want uploads you don't need a Pro plan at all.

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