Drum Maps Coversion (Musescore to DAW)

• Nov 20, 2023 - 01:53

Disclaimer: please forgive any mistaked in terms, I'm still trying to get my head around the technicality of this.

Recently I've been transferring my compositions from MS to Cubase (via XML/MIDI) and using pro libraries to achieve more realistic playback for my demos, and of course that involves tweaking settings and writing automation for each instrument, but in terms of notes they're all the right ones at the right time.

With the drums, however, when I transfer them as MIDI to the drum track in my daw, they don't match at all. I'm working with NI's Abbey Road 60s Drummer at the moment, and I've tried every MIDI mapping that they offer, but none correlate to the mapping coming out of the Musescore standard drum kit.

Is there any way to make these two correlate that I'm missing? If I change the mapping in Musescore to match the 60s Drummer mapping I of course lose sound in MS, but maybe there's a soundfont that matches the MIDI mapping?

Otherwise, the only option I'm seeing is to manually remap the midi notes to their corresponding drum-hit in cubase. I've attached a photo to show the available mappings in 60s Drummer.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Attachment Size
Drum Maps.jpg 92.15 KB


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