Searching for documentation on Effects plugins (in particular the Audio FX Delay plugin)

• Dec 30, 2023 - 02:36

I've looked for Audio FX documentation here.

The Audio FX area of the MS4 handbook touches on loading and routing Audio FX plugins, but unfortunately it sheds no light on the parameters of the various MuseFX plugins.

Regarding the Delay plugin I see three controls (shown in the attached image):

  • a list of presets near the top of the panel (with Acoustic Air selected in the attached image)
  • an enormously large Rotary dial (presumably for setting the delay length ... or the wet/dry ratio.
  • a teeny link toggle button between a couple of uneditable note values (that AFAIK apparently reflect values from the preset.)

At the bottom of the panel there's a MuseFX Delay logo that links to where I was unable to find any documentation.

     MS4 Audio FX - Delay Plugin.png

The main issue for me is that the Delay plugin's purpose is ambiguous. I'm looking for a track/part delay, to impart the Haas Effect for greater clarity between parts.

But based on what I hear I'm guessing that MuseScore 4's Delay plugin is actually a stereo delay; therefore it has a number of extraneous and inaccessible parameters geared for setting up right/left echo effects that produce a right/left bounce (or multi-tap) ... like the stereo delay that comes with Logic Pro X (attached).

     Stereo Delay in Logic Pro X.png

I'm looking for something that simply delays the onset of all notes on a track ... usually just by 1 to 50 milliseconds. This would allow users to push/pull various tracks to enhance the clarity of their mixes. An example is Logic's track delay which the user can set to +/- values in milliseconds or ticks. Positive values invoke a delay; negative values are very handy as they "prelay" a track so that it sounds slightly sooner than unaffected tracks.

Anybody know where I can find documentation for MuseScore 4's various plugins?

T'would be brilliant each FX plugin housed a link that opened documentation for that plugin. All the relevant information ... just a click away.



In reply to by scorster

It took me 10 minutes to determine that Muse delay not the effect you are looking for. There is no straight, adjustable delay. Experiment with the notes below the dial which change what ever effect you are working with. Link them together so they are the same, or not so the after effect is different. Nothing changes the timing of the initial attack. Maybe there needs to be documentation. Maybe you'll be waiting a very long time. Or you could experiment and then move on. Finally.

I'm quite familiar with graphic and parametric EQ but I find myself unable to produce the results I want with MuseFX ProEQ in MuseScore 4.3.

ProEQ's controls

Given that MuseFx has ZERO documentation I've been assuming that ProEQ is a four band parametric equalizer, such that the large knobs (labeled Low, Low mids, Mids, High) would control the amplitude over the four "fuzzy" EQ ranges to which the labels allude.

I've hazarded also that the Focus knob does one of two things:

    a) it shifts a fixed parametric "width" of EQ "left or right" over a likely 20 Hz to 20K Hz total frequency spectrum

    b) it widens or narrows the Q—i.e. it alters the width of a parametric range, relative to its center

ProEQ's controls are punishingly and needlessly opaque—as they convey no specific frequency information. That means my only guide is blind experimentation ... which only produces peculiar sounding results that are difficult to manage. In all my testing, only the Mid knobs make much sense to my ear.

Test score

I've attached a MS Studio 4.3 test file. It contains a string orchestra C major chord that lasts for a couple of minutes. The Pro EQ operates on the Master channel. I'm hoping others will spin the dials to try to piece together a coherent picture, or a consensus that ProEQ is largely unmanageable.


Any opinions? Does anyone think that the ProEQ is simple enough and sufficiently self evident that it requires no documentation? Is ProEQ easier or more difficult to use than other EQ plug-ins, such as those you may have encountered in a DAW.


MuseFx Pro EQ zeroed out Small.png

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