Guitar fingering on beamed notes

• May 3, 2024 - 17:31

Musescore 4 wants to put LH fingerings above beams. This is highly annoying, as the area is already crowded. Also, it makes sight reading a piece much harder since the fingering is not where the note is. I know how to adjust individual fingerings, but it would make me less likely to suck it up and buy Sibelius if I could just set it to put fingerings next to the note where they belong for the entire score, not one-by-one. Is this possible?


One set of the numbers goes above the note. The other, beside it.

20240503 123812-guitar fingering.png

If you don't see the other set of numbers, look in the More dialog.

In reply to by TheHutch

"Musescore 4 wants to put LH fingerings above beams. This is highly annoying"

Simply because you're not using the right series of fingerings.
In the Fingerings palette, the first series, 0, 1, 2 etc., is intended for keyboards (piano etc.) and indeed these fingerings are actually placed above the notes.
The second series of numbers is intended for guitar, and these are placed at the left to the notehead, by default.
Hover the mouse over these numbers and you'll see LH guitar Fingering tooltips - image below.
NB: in the Guitar palette, of course, only these fingerings (LH and RH guitar fingerings) are displayed.


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