• May 11, 2024 - 06:57

I successfully joined the beams in the second bar (marked green).
But can’t do it in the first bar (red beams).

I carefully select the relevant notes/beams. (Have tried multiple ways of selecting).

MuseScore joins the wrong beams. (The grouping should be like the second bar).

The bars are similar.
The first bar has a Voice 2. Deleting Voice 2 makes no difference.

I’m new to MuseScore (AMAZING software BTW). Hope this is enough info.

OS: macOS 13.6, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.0-241231433, revision: 5f36e74

Can anyone help please?

Attachment Size
JOIN BEAMS.png 393.23 KB


Seems there is some logic in play that prevent you to join the beam.
Also seems that, from the screenshot, it seems you are not making the correct selection.

For changing the beaming you would normally select the note at the positiion the beaming needs to change and not all notes part of the beam group.

I did find a method how you can still join the beam in bar 1. Remove the dot from the D on the 4th beat (select the note and press the .). With the note still selected, change the beam type for this note to "Join beams". Now press the . again to get the original note length.

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