Can't edit tuplet properties

• May 14, 2024 - 02:50

It has been noted that when a tuplet does not display either a bracket or a number the inspector has no link to the tuplet. In pre 4.x, when you clicked on notes it at least had a way to pick the tuplet in addition to stem and other features. In looking for help it was suggested to highlight a range that contained a hidden tuplet along with a tuplet with a property allowing it to be visbile It was suggested that clicking on the visible item and using the find similar items would hi-light the "invisible" one as well. Well i tried that at it did not work. The visible one had a number visible but no bracket and I guess if the tuplet is configured differently than the one used a a guide, it is not considered similar. At least it did not work for me. I would really like to see the pre 4.x functionality returned. Marc had suggested that rather than configure without the properties to just hide the features you do not want but that is an issue for printing and the screen looks messy when items are not visible because they are only greyed out on the screen.


Which is worse? To have a screen that looks a little messy, or to have elements that you cannot access? Seems pretty clear to me that having the screen look a little messy is by far the lesser of two evils. And, for those (usually short!) periods when you actually want the "cleaned-up" screen, click View / Show / Show invisible.

Nevertheless, what whoever suggested definitely does work. Try this:

Open a new score. Add a few measures. Include 2-4 triplets and perhaps throw in 2-4 pentuplets and 2-4 heptuplets as well. Turn off the number and the bracket on one of each type. This is your starting point; you'll come back to this point repeatedly.

Now, Ctrl+A to select all. Right-click on a tuplet somewhere in the highlighted area. (Not on the notes but on the number or bracket of the tuplet). From the context menu, click to Select / Similar in this range. You may see (apparently!) nothing selected; you may see only the visible tuplets selected. You will definitely not see anything selected at the tuplets whose number and bracket you hid. Go ahead and change the properties anyway. For example, add brackets. Suddenly all the tuplets will have brackets, even if they don't have numbers. Without changing the current selection, try making other changes: they will happen, even if nothing was obviously selected on some of the tuplets (the hidden ones).

Go back to the starting point. Ctrl+A, right-click on a tuplet, Select / Similar in this range. Try other changes of their Properties. Do it several times until you figure out how it works. Then go to the score that you're having problems with and try it there.

In reply to by TheHutch

Looking back at the score, yes the hidden tuplet is actually selected as you describe. It was operator error on my part having never done that before, because there no actual indication of a selected tuplet. Usually when an item is selected that element in the score shows that it is selected, e.g. by the color change or a box around the notes etc. But when all of the tuplet elements are selected as not being present, I guess there is nothing to display in an alternative color and I was looking for this as a visual indictor of selection. May be too much to ask for these to be displayed in some "ghosting" format to show that it is actually selected. Then of couse if you only want that item edited, you still loose al the handles and need to modify all in the selection. Thanks for the input. Will just make them hidden on the page.

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