changing the size of notes

• May 21, 2024 - 04:26

A friend that uses Sibelius told me that it uses a setting of 0.28" for parts. He doesn't know what the quote mark really represents, but it looks like inches. In any case, I would like to see if I can replicate that in MS4.

I see that under Format>Page settings... there is a control called Scaling which apparently defaults to 0.069in

Does that setting correspond to what Sibelius is using? Does that value change depending on whether I am viewing a full score vs. a part?

I expect there is a section in the manual that discusses this, but I was unable to locate it, not knowing what the technical term is I need to search for.

My actual goal is to be able to print parts that easily readable.


You wrote:
I see that under Format>Page settings... there is a control called Scaling which apparently defaults to 0.069in

That 0.069in can be interpreted as the vertical distance between 2 lines of a music staff. It's basically the unit of measurement used in score layout.

Increasing the sp (scaling) value will add more space between staff lines, resulting in larger notes (to fill the larger staff), clefs, key signatures, etc. - all score elements that are based on that sp unit will adjust accordingly.

The " does mean means inches, but Sibelius is using staff size, which is the distance from the top line to the bottom line, whereas MuseScore uses staff spacing, which is the distance between two adjacent lines. A staff size of 0.28 inches (for a five-line staff) is the same as a staff spacing of 0.07 inches.

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