removing staff line from part of a score

• Aug 18, 2015 - 15:28

I'm creating a jazz leadsheet. For one page of the score, I need both treble and bass. That is easy to do. But when I move to the solo section (which has a different formal structure) I don't need the bass staff. Removing it would allow me to make a 2-page leadsheet, which is of course much more convenient than 4 pages.

I have looked through various tutorials, menus, etc. and can't find anything. There is a toggle between "hide empty staves" and "unhide empty staves" but that doesn't work, since to create the score I start with a bass staff and and treble staff, and both are already populated by rests or something--they are not empty.

Any advice short of cutting and pasting by hand?

I'm using the newest 2.0.whatever of MuseScore.


Hide empty staves should work, that's definitely how this is done. Rest are ignored when determining if a staff is empty. Do note that by default empty staves are not hidden in the *first* system, unless you turn off that option.

If you are still having trouble, please post the score you are having trouble with (see "File attachments" link below where you type your reply).

In reply to by VinceH

Indeed, those measures are not empty - you have filled them with slashes, and even placed chord symbols in them. But select those measures (eg, click first, shift+click last), press Delete, and then they'll be empty - containing only rests - and thus "Hide empty staves" will work.

In reply to by VinceH

Your score works just fine for me - go to Style / General / Hide empty staves, and the empty staves all disappear.

The staves, btw, are not "linked" in the sense that MuseScore uses that term. Linking means, they contain exactly the same notes, and adding a note to one automatically adds it to the other. This concept in used in MuseScore to allow you to have guitar parts displayed simultaneously in tablature and standard notation, and also to allow you to synchronize a score for several instruments with the individual parts for each instrument.

Yur score actually has two separate "Piano" instruments, each with a single staff. It would have worked just as well (in 2.0 or later, anyhow) to have a single piano instrument that contained two staves. Either way, you might want to play with the bracket, and perhaps extend the barlines through both staves.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc! That did indeed solve the problem. I was getting to a hide staves function by highlighting and right clicking, and it was evidently bringing me to the wrong place (though there was a hide staves function when I right clicked, it was evidently not a "general" change).

Thanks also for the other suggestions. I do confess that at times I don't understand the particular term choices of MuseScore (e.g., "link"), but the same problem occurs with all software. I'll try to remember that usage in this context.

In reply to by VinceH

Perhaps you are referring to Staff Properties, and the "Never hide" option? This is an option to prevent a staff from being hidden even when the hide empty staves option is on.

The term "link" is used in the same way by pretty much all the major notation programs, but indeed, it's a quirky technical term that doesn't specifically have anything to do with ordinary music notation terminology.

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