Save as PDF Not Working

• Feb 8, 2011 - 01:11

Under the printing dialogue, I'm unable to save as PDF.

For me, this renders your software completely useless.

Any plans to revise?

IMPORTANT: I'm on OS X 10.4.11 ... so keep that in mind.


Can you tell us what MuseScore version you are using?

Edit: please define 'unable' as well. What is exactly happening.

I just downloaded version 1.0 and it's working as intended.

No PDF printing problems!

However ... This arrangement of James Brown's "Good Foot" is problematic. All notes become "pedal down" at the start of the first repeat.

Listen for yourself (attached)

Attachment Size
Good Foot.mscz 3.58 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm on OSX 10.4.11, PowerBook G4.

I'm planning to start a new thread which lists multiple issues that I'm having collectively, if that's okay.

Jo-Jo has it right. It SOUNDS bad. After the first repeat, all notes sound as if a piano pedal is being held down.

In reply to by RobinDean

At first when I played the file I didn't understand what you meant, and the file played exactly right, but then I realized I didn't have the repeats turned on. After turning on the repeats and playing it, I understood what you meant by "pedal down" - all the notes continue to sustain on the repeat.

I was able to fix the problem by clicking on a note in the first measure, then doing a "Select All" (which selected all the notes), then right clicking on the original note I selected which was still blue, and selecting the "Note Properties" option. On the lower right side, the "offtime offset type" was set to user, and the "offtime" was set to -2. When I changed the "offtime offset type" back to Auto and clicked Ok, everything played as it should.

Strangely, I was just monkeying around with the "offtime offset type" and the "ontime offset type" a couple of days ago trying to figure out what they do, but I couldn't. I still don't know why that setting had the effect it did on your file, but it seems to be fixed. I have attached it.

Attachment Size
Good Foot.mscz 3.52 KB

In reply to by newsome

That did it :)


I feel that correct playback should be the default. This setting aims to humanize note placement and attack, which is something I would only consider applying after the fact.

Let the math be math so that we can compose :)

Wonderful software, though! So glad someone is "stickin' it" to the commercial brands!

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