Lost most of a file, backup is empty

• Dec 4, 2016 - 19:23

I was working on a transcription and saving about every 5 minutes, then restarted my computer because I was having problems with the internet. When I reopened the file, I was left with about 10% of the work that I had done. I checked the hidden files but the one saved around the same time I restarted my computer was a blank single part score with no resemblance to what I had been working on.


Could you state which MuseScore version you are using and on which operating system? Could you share the file in a comment on this thread you still have access to?

In reply to by jbogen7

Could you be more specific? MuseScore 2.0.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3. If you are not using MuseScore 2.0.3, please upgrade to 2.0.3 first since the very problem you encounter might have been fixed already in the latest upgrade.

Since you say you saved your work but then you don't see that work in the file you opened, the logical conclusion is that you opened the wrong copy of the file. it's possible it was being saved to a different folder than the one you looked in. This would happen if, for example, you changed the location you saved to, but also it can happen unbeknownst to you if there is a crash while working and you restart MuseScore and choose the option to recover the file you were working on. When you go to save that file, it will likely end up somewhere else by default if you don't explicitly choose a new location for it.

In reply to by jbogen7

Since you said you saved the file, don't look for an autosave MSCX file - look for the actual MSCZ file. If you saved it, and the one you found opens but doesn't have your changes, then it seems apparent you opened the wrong copy, and you actually saved it to a different folder. Do a search for every MSCZ file on your computer and presumably you will find one with the right time/date.

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