Keyboard shortcuts

Updated 1 year ago


MuseScore commands can be accessed via the main menus, toolbars, Properties panel or context menus, or by using keyboard shortcuts.

Pre-existing keyboard shortcut are shown alongside the commands in the main menus or context (right-click) menus, or by hovering the mouse pointer over an icon in a toolbar.

Alternatively, you can view a list of commands and their shortcuts in Edit→Preferences→Shortcuts. This is also the place where you can create a shortcut or change an existing one. To locate a command in the list either scroll down the alphabetical order, or enter an appropriate keyword in the “Search shortcut” box.

Defining a shortcut

To define a new shortcut, or change an existing one:

  1. From the menu bar, select Edit→Preferences→Shortcuts
  2. Find the relevant command in the alphabetical list; use the Search box if needed.
  3. Either double-click the relevant entry, or select the entry and click Define…
  4. With the Enter shortcut sequence dialog open, press and hold the sequence of keys on your keyboard to use as the new shortcut.
  5. Press Save (or Cancel to exit the dialog without changing anything).

Resetting and clearing shortcuts

To reset a shortcut to its default:

  1. From the menu bar, select Edit→Preferences→Shortcuts
  2. Find the relevant command in the alphabetical list; use the Search box if needed.
  3. Select the entry and press Reset to default.

To clear (i.e. delete) a shortcut:

  1. From the menu bar, select Edit→Preferences→Shortcuts
  2. Find the relevant command in the alphabetical list; use the Search box if needed.
  3. Select the entry and press Clear.

Note: You can select more than one shortcut if needed. Press the Shift key to establish a continuous range, or the Ctrl key for a list.

Importing and exporting shortcuts

To save the existing shortcuts or import a list of your own:

  1. From the menu bar, select Edit→Preferences→Shortcuts
  2. Press Export to save the list; or Import to load a new shortcut list.