Bars Skipping an 8th Note

• Dec 12, 2024 - 17:24

I attached a picture. The eighth note in the next bar is supposed to be at the end of the previous measure but I can't move it there. Even when I copy-pasted the measure before where the eighth note is in the right bar, it automatically moves itself over. The top right-hand bar is doing that too. Any ideas? Thank you!

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There is a grey - sign above the end of the measure That indicates that it is shorter than would be expected from the time signature. Indeed there are 3 1/2 quarter note beats there. Right click in an empty part of that measure and in measure properties adjust the actual duration to match the nominal duration.

You possibly got into that state, either by importing a pdf which was mis-read by the pdf importer (it often does mis-read things) or you used CTRL+Del to remove a note. That also removes the duration of the note from the measure. Plain Del leaves a rest of equivalent duration.

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