mscore_it.ts update

• Mar 8, 2009 - 08:55

I update the file mscore_it.ts: some items were not translated or wrongly translated.
Now I have some problem in order to test this translation.
These were the steps:
1) install dependencies "sudo apt-get build-dep mscore"
2) download mscore_it.ts (rev. 1610)
3) update this file with QT3 Linguist
4) download MuseScore source from the subversion repository (trunk.tar.gz)
5) extract files (automatic, in a directory named "trunk") and copy the update file "mscore_it.ts" in the directory "trunk/mscore/share/locale"
6) in the "trunk" directory command "make release" (as decribed in README file)
7) in the "build" directory command "make lrelease" (as described at

Message error:
/bin/sh: /home/trunk/mscore/gen-qt-projectfile: Permission denied
make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/lrelease] Error 126
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/lrelease.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/lrelease.dir/rule] Error 2
make: *** [lrelease] Error 2

Someone can help me?
There is a easier way to generate the file "mscore_it.qm"?

I use Ubuntu 8.10, cmake 2.6.0
Attached file: mscore_it.ts (rev. 1610)

Attachment Size
mscore_it(rev1610).ts 217.97 KB


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