MuseScore 2 on Ubuntu Studio 14.04 option to print to printer AWOL.

• Jul 19, 2015 - 11:48

I am experiencing a problem with the option to print to print to printer being missing. The only option is to "print" to a .pdf file. I am using MuseScore 2.0.1 and Ubuntu Studio 14.04. Printers connected to my system are available in all other programs.


Do you mean your "File" menu literally does not have "Print"? Should be second-to-last item on menu, after "Info" and before "Quit". Standard Ctrl+P shortcut should work as well.

In reply to by globetrotterdk

Well, it's the same dialog I see at least, so are systems are similar in that way. But on mine, the dropdown menu shows me all the choices I expect. I take it for you it is "Print to File (PDF)" only? Anything unusual about your print setup? Mine actually *is* unusual, since I am running Ubuntu within a chroot under Chrome OS.

I'm grasping at straws here, but if you run from the command line - and might as well use a "-F" to revert to factory settings while you're at it - do you see anything that looks possible relevant on the console log?

Let me try a different tack here:

How did you install this? As far as I know there is no official 2.0.1 package yet. Did you try downloading a nightly build? Or did you build from sources? Did you install using "make install" using the default installation folder? I'm trying to see if somehow an installation problem is the issue here. Also, what does Help / About give as the revision, and Help / About Qt?

In reply to by globetrotterdk

As far as I can tell, it's still 2.0 in the "official" repo, at least the one I know about. Are you sure you have 2.0/1? What does Help / About say? Which PPA did you add?

Not that 2.0 shouldn't work, but I'm still trying to understand what is different / unique about your system that makes things not work for you that do appear to work for others.

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