Erilliset stemmat

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This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Erilliset stemmat.

MuseScore not only allows you to create and print the full score but also the individual instrument parts.

Note: In the current version of MuseScore, it is not possible to split a single staff (that contains two or more voices) into separate parts. So, any instrument that you want to print out a separate part for also needs to have its own staff in the full score.

Set up all parts at once

If you have an orchestral score in which each instrument gets its own part, this is the easiest method:

  1. From the menu, select FileParts...;
  2. Click the New All button (parts are named with the instrument name, and a number added to differentiate parts that have the same label in the main score);
    Part creation - all in one go
  3. Click OK.

The parts can now be accessed by clicking on tabs above the document window.

Define specific parts

You can define the parts at any point after creating a new score. You only need to define the parts once for each score, but you can make changes if needed. The following instructions use a string quartet as an example, but the same principles apply for any other ensemble.

  1. From the menu, select FileParts...;
    Part creation - step 1
  2. In the Parts window click New to create a "part definition;"
    Part creation - step 2
  3. In the right pane, type the words you want to use for the "Part title" (this also serves for the corresponding part of the filename when exporting);
  4. Pick the instrument that you want to appear in your part by marking the relevant box in the right-hand pane. Usually, you only want one instrument per part, but sometimes you might need a part that includes more than one instrument (such as multiple percussion staves). MuseScore allows you to mark as many instruments per part as you need;
    Part creation step 4
  5. Repeat steps two through four (above) for each part as needed;
    Part creation step 5
  6. Once you're done, click OK to dismiss the Parts window.

You have now finished setting up the parts. You do not need to do this again, unless you add or remove an instrument from your full score.

Export the parts

  1. From the menu, select FileExport Parts...;
  2. Navigate to the place you want them to be exported to and select the file format (PDF is the default);
  3. For filename just enter whatever prefix is useful for all parts, or leave the default (the filename of your score);
  4. Click OK.

This will generate files with the names "<title>" + "-" + "<part name>.<extension>". In addition, when exporting as PDF, this will also generate "<title>" + "-Score_And_Parts.pdf".

Save the parts

Parts and score are "linked", which means that any change to the content in one will affect the other, but changes to the layout will not. When you have the parts created, they are saved along with the score (if you open the score you have tabs for the score and every part you created).

However, if you wish to save a part individually:

  1. Make sure the part is "active." Select its tab if not;
  2. From the menu, select FileSave As....

Print a part

  1. Make sure the part is "active." Select its tab if not;
  2. From the menu, select FilePrint to open the print dialog.

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