
Päivitetty 7 vuotta sitten
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Tiedostomuodot.

    MuseScore tukee monia tiedostomuotoja, joiden avulla voit jakaa ja julkaista partituureja muodossa, joka parhaiten vastaa tarpeitasi.


    Tuo tiedosto

    1. Chose any of the following options:
      • Press Ctrl+O.
      • Click on the "Load score" icon on the left side of the toolbar area.
      • From the menu bar, select FileOpen....
    2. Select a file and click Open; or simply double-click a file.

    Vie tiedosto

    1. From the menu bar, select FileExport....
    2. Edit "File name" as appropriate, and select the desired file format in "Save as type."
    3. Click Save.

    For more details, see Save/Export/Print.

    Share scores online

    To save and share your scores on the web at MuseScore.com:

    • From the menu bar, select FileSave Online....

    For more details, see Share scores online.

    MuseScore native format

    MuseScore saves files in the following native formats:

    • *.MSCZ: The default MuseScore file format. Being compressed it takes up relatively little disk space.
    • *.MSCX: An uncompressed MuseScore file format.
    • .*.MSCZ, / .*.MSCX,: These are backup files. Notice the point (full stop) added before the file name, and the comma added to the file extension.

    A note about fonts: MuseScore does not embed text fonts in saved or exported native format files. If you want your MuseScore file to be viewed by other MuseScore users, make sure you are using the built-in FreeSerif or FreeSans font families for your text, or a font that the other parties have installed too. If a system does not have the fonts specified in your original file, MuseScore will use a fallback option, which may cause your score to appear differently.

    MuseScore format (*.mscz)

    MSCZ is the standard MuseScore file format and recommended for most uses. A score saved in this format takes up very little disk space, but preserves all the necessary information. The format is a ZIP-compressed version of .mscx files and includes any images.

    Uncompressed MuseScore format (*.mscx)

    MSCX is the uncompressed version of the MuseScore file format. A score saved in this format will retain all information, except images. It is recommended for when manually editing the file format (using a text editor).

    MuseScore backup file (.*.mscz,) or (.*.mscx,)

    Backup files are created automatically and saved in the same folder as your normal MuseScore file. The backup copy contains the previously saved version of the MuseScore file and can be important if your normal copy becomes corrupted, or for looking at an older version of the score.

    The backup file adds a period to the beginning of the file name (.) and a comma (,) to the end (e.g. if your normal file is called "untitled.mscz", the backup copy will be ".untitled.mscz,"), and the period and comma need to be removed from the name in order to open the backup file in MuseScore. As it is stored in the same folder as your normal MuseScore file, you may also need to give it a unique name (e.g. changing ".untitled.mscz," to "untitled-backup1.mscz").

    Note: In order to see the MuseScore backup files, you may need to change your system settings to "Show hidden files". See also How to recover a backup copy of a score (MuseScore 2.x).

    Graphic files (export only)

    MuseScore can export a score as a graphic file in either PDF, PNG or SVG format.

    PDF (*.pdf)

    PDF (Portable Document Format) files are ideal for sharing your sheet music with others who do not need to edit the content. This is a very widely-used format and most users will have a PDF viewer of some kind on their computer.

    To set the resolutuion of exported PDFs:

    1. From the menu bar, chose EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...), and select the "Export" tab;
    2. Set the resolution in the "PDF" section.

    PNG (*.png)

    PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files are based on a bitmap image format, widely supported by software on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux, and very popular on the web. MuseScore creates PNG images as they would appear if printed, one image per page.

    To set the resolution of exported PNG images:

    1. From the menu bar, chose EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...), and select the "Export" tab;
    2. Set the resolution and transparency in the PNG/SVG section.

    Note: If you want to create images that show only parts of the score (with or without screen-only items such as frame boxes, invisible notes, and out-of-range note colors), use Image capture instead.

    SVG (*.svg)

    SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files can be opened by most web browsers (except Internet Explorer before version 9) and most vector graphics software. However, most SVG software does not support embedded fonts, so the appropriate MuseScore fonts must be installed to view these files correctly.

    To set resolution and transparency of exported SVG files, see the instructions under PNG (above).

    Audio files (export only)

    MuseScore can export normalized synthesized audio of the score (via the FileExport... command) to the following formats:

    WAV audio (*.wav)

    WAV (Waveform Audio Format) is an uncompressed sound format. This was developed by Microsoft and IBM, and is widely supported by software for Windows, OS X, and Linux. It is an ideal format for use when creating CDs, as full sound quality is preserved. However, the large file sizes make it difficult to share via email or the web.

    FLAC audio (*.flac)

    Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is compressed audio format. FLAC files are approximately half the size of uncompressed audio and just as good quality. Windows and OS X do not have built-in support for FLAC, but software such as the free and open source VLC media player can play FLAC files on any operating system.

    Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg)

    Ogg Vorbis is intended as a patent-free replacement for the popular MP3 audio format (which MuseScore also supports—see below). Like MP3, Ogg Vorbis files are relatively small (often a tenth of uncompressed audio), but some sound quality is lost. Windows and OS X do not have built-in support for Ogg Vorbis. However, software such as VLC media player and Firefox can play Ogg files on any operating system.

    MP3 (*.mp3)

    MP3 files are relatively small (often a tenth of uncompressed audio), but some sound quality is lost. To be able to create MP3 files, an additional library, lame_enc.dll (Windows) or libmp3lame.dylib (Mac), needs to be installed. MuseScore will prompt you for its location. You can get it at http://lame.buanzo.org/.

    Some Mac users may find MuseScore encounters an error loading the MP3 library, possibly due to that library being a 32-bit library. A 64-bit build that will work with MuseScore is available from http://thalictrum.com/en/products/lame (note that it is necessary to rename the file to libmp3lame.dylib for MuseScore to recognize it). Homebrew users just need to run brew install lame.

    As of version 2.1 you can set the MP3 bitrate:

    1. From the menu bar, chose EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...), and select the "Export" tab;
    2. Set the MP3 bitrate in the Audio section.

    For all audio formats you can set the sample rate:

    1. From the menu bar, chose EditPreferences... (Mac: MuseScorePreferences...), and select the "Export" tab;
    2. Set the Sample rate in the Audio section.

    Share with other music software

    The following are musical score formats (like MuseScore's native format, MSCZ), which allow you to import files made with other music notation programs or export files that you can open with other music notation programs.

    MusicXML (*.xml)

    MusicXML is the universal standard for sheet music. It is the recommended format for sharing sheet music between different scorewriters, including MuseScore, Sibelius, Finale, and more than 100 others.

    Compressed MusicXML (*.mxl)

    Compressed MusicXML creates smaller files than regular MusicXML. This is a newer standard and isn't as widely supported by older scorewriters, but MuseScore has full import and export support.

    MIDI (*.mid, *.midi, *.kar)

    Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) (external link) is a format widely supported by sequencers and music notation software.

    MIDI files are designed for playback purposes and do not contain score layout information about formatting, pitch spelling, voicing, ornaments, articulations, repeats, or key signatures, among other things. To share files between different music notation software, MusicXML is recommended instead. If you are only interested in playback, use MIDI.

    MuseData (*.md) (import only)

    MuseData is a format developed by Walter B. Hewlett beginning in 1983 as an early means of sharing music notation between software. It has since been eclipsed by MusicXML, but several thousand scores in this format are still available online.

    Capella (*.cap, *.capx) (import only)

    CAP and CAPX files are created by the score writer, Capella. MuseScore imports version 2000 (3.0) or later fairly accurately (2.x doesn't work, while the *.all format from 1.x versions is not supported at all).

    Bagpipe Music Writer (*.bww) (import only)

    BWW files are created by the niche score writer, Bagpipe Music Writer.

    BB (*.mgu, *.sgu) (import only)

    BB files are created by the music arranging software, Band-in-a-Box. MuseScore's support is currently experimental.

    Overture (*.ove) (import only)

    OVE files are created by the score writer Overture. This format is mainly popular in Chinese-language environments, such as Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. MuseScore's support is currently experimental.

    Guitar Pro (*.gtp, *.gp3, *.gp4, *.gp5, *.gpx) (import only)

    GP files are created by Guitar Pro.

    See also

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