
עודכן לפני 5 שנים
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 2.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Text.

    There are many different kinds of text objects in MuseScore (see tables below); text may also be found incorporated into lines. This chapter shows you how to create, format and edit text objects, and also includes information about the following types of text:

    Text type Uses
    Staff text General purpose text attached to a single staff: appearing only in that instrument part.
    System text General purpose text attached to a single staff: appearing in all instrument parts.
    Chord symbols Display the chords associated with a melody: usually above the staff.
    Fingering Numbers or letters attached to notes showing which fingers to use.
    Lyrics Create lyrics attached to a melody.
    Rehearsal marks Facilitate rehearsals, divide score into sections, bookmark passages etc.

    For other types of text available in MuseScore, follow the links below:

    Text type Uses
    Tempo marks Apply metronome and/or expression marks.
    Dynamics Indicate the loudness of a note or phrase.
    Swing text Change from straight to swing time, and vice versa.
    Instrument text Apply mid-staff instrument changes.
    Repeats and jumps Da Capo, Dal segno, Fine etc.
    Figured bass Period notation for keyboardists.
    Frame text Title/composer/lyricist details at the start of a score; songsheet lyrics etc.
    Headers/Footers Page numbers, copyright info etc. at the top/bottom of a page.
    Text-lines Voltas, ottavas, pedal lines, guitar barre lines etc.

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