How to split a measure

How to split a measure, so you can have a line break or a (working) repeats barline in the middle of a regular measure

In MuseScore 1.3:

  1. Select the measure
  2. Press Ins to add a new one
  3. Right-click into the new measure → measure properties → change actual duration
  4. Select the old measure again, cut (Ctrl+X)
  5. Select the new, paste (Ctrl+V)
  6. Right-click into the old measure → measure properties → change actual duration and tick 'do not count'
  7. Optionally change the barline to a dotted one (drag from the barlines palette), or make it invisible (right-click → make invisible)

In MuseScore 2 it is more simple and a specific handbook page can be found here: Measure operations: Split and join
In MuseScore 3 it is even easier (resp. an additional method is available), see Measure operations: Split and join

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