How to run MuseScore on ChromeOS

We are happy to see ChromeOS moving towards supporting Linux apps. Crostini finally allows running MuseScore on ChromeBook devices. Starting from ChromeOS 74 there is a support for audio as well, which provides an experience using MuseScore similar to other platforms.

We use AppImage as a way to deliver Linux packages. Using AppImage is almost as easy as installing desktop software on any platform. Right now, one can install MuseScore in just four steps:

  1. Install Linux (Beta)
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.59.10 AM.png
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.59.17 AM.png

  2. Download AppImage from the MuseScore website
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.56.26 AM.png

  3. Put the package to the Linux files
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.57.17 AM.png
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.57.27 AM.png

  4. Run Linux terminal and set executing permission for the file (chmod +x)
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.57.57 AM.png
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.58.21 AM.png

  5. Run AppImage from Linux command line. That’s it!

  6. One can run AppImage with the “install” parameter to add an icon to the desktop, which allows MuseScore to look and feel like a native app. Once the icon is there, there is no need to run terminal each time one wants to use MuseScore, - running MuseScore loads Crostini in background.
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 9.58.42 AM.png
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 10.07.01 AM.png
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 10.07.37 AM.png
    Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 10.08.31 AM.png
    We are currently discussing the possibility to install AppImages by double clicking, instead of running Linux command line commands, with the ChromeOS team.

See also this interactive video, the Handbook page Install on Chromebook and this article

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