
Updated 1년 ago

This chapter discusses articulation symbols available in the Articulations palette (accents, staccato, vibrato markings etc).

To add verbal articulation objects available in the Text palette (legato, pizz. , arco, tremolo etc) to a score, see Entering and editing text chapter. Guitar articulation is covered in chapters under Idiomatic notation: Guitar. Brass or woodwind articulation (Fall, Doit, Plop, Scoop) is covered in Arpeggios and glissandi.

Adding articulations to a score

Keyboard shortcuts

To add an articulation with a keyboard shortcut:

  1. Select one or more notes;
  2. Apply the relevant shortcut from the list below:
    • Marcato: Shift+O
    • Accent: Shift+V
    • Tenuto: Shift+N
    • Staccato: Shift+S


Articulations toolbar
Certain articulations (accent, marcato, staccato, and tenuto) can be added from the note input toolbar (above the document pane).

  1. Select one or more notes;
  2. Click on the desired icon in the articulations toolbar area.

Articulations palette

Articulations palette
To add an item to a score:

  1. Select one or more notes;
  2. Click on the desired articulation in the Articulations palette;

Alternatively, drag and drop an articulation symbol from the palette to a notehead.

Articulations playback

Certain articulations affect note playback—such as staccato, staccatissimo, louré (tenuto + staccato), and accents. This is handled automatically by the program.

Articulation properties

Editable properties of selected articulation(s) on the score are shown in the Properties Panel.

Articulation placement

  • Placement: This alters the position of the symbol above or below the note.

Articulation style

See the main chapter Templates and styles

  • Values of the "Style for Articulations & Ornaments" can be edited in Format → Style → Articulations & Ornaments.

Align with stem

Shown below are the result of some options on the score.

Alignment options

  • Align with stem
    Align with stem

  • Align with notehead
    Align with notehead

  • Center between stem and notehead
    Center between stem and notehead

Combined articulation options

  • Always keep together
    Always keep together

  • Prefer closeness to notehead (combined articulations may become separated)
    Prefer closeness to notehead