About "toggle note input mode" using the mouse in Musescore 4

• 2023년 8월 6일 - 23:57

In the new musescore4, a function has been added to switch to 'note input mode' by simply double-clicking the staff. This saved me the hassle of pressing the 'N' key for 'toggle note input mode'. But this convenience ended there. This double-click doesn't seem to support a toggle to get back to 'note editing mode'. In other words, you have to press the 'N' key or 'ESC' again to get into 'note editing mode'. This is very inconvenient for me.

Please create a function to switch between 'note input mode' and 'note editing mode' using the mouse.

For example, add a toggle function to the right-click menu, click in the blank of the sheet music, or add or modify functions to the mouse buttons in the settings page.

I am a beginner MuseScore user. This may not be a problem for pro users who type notes on a MIDI instrument. However, for me, who has only been using Musesco for about 3 years, it does not come as a convenience yet.

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