Chord name

Updated 5년 ago
This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 1.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Chord name.

Chord names can be entered by first selecting a note and then pressing Ctrl+K (Mac: +K). This creates a chord name text object for the selected chord.

  • Type Space to move to the next beat.
  • Shift⇑+Space moves to the previous beat.
  • Ctrl+Space (Mac: +Space) Adds a space to the chord name.
  • Type Tab to move to the next measure.
  • Shift⇑+Tab moves to the previous measure.

Chord names can be text editing as normal text. To add a sharp, type #. To add a flat, type b. These characters will automatically turn into proper sharp or flat signs when you move to the next chord.

MuseJazz font

If you prefer a more handwritten appearance to the chord names in your score, there is a font option called "MuseJazz".

Chord names have a handwritten appearance

Comprehensive style

If you want to use "MuseJazz" for chord names and most other text, use the following procedure:

  1. From the main menu, choose StyleLoad Style...
  2. Navigate to the styles folder if necessary
  3. Select MuseJazz.mss

Chord names only

If you want to use "MuseJazz" for chord names only:

  1. From the main menu, choose StyleEdit General Style...
  2. From the left pane, select Chordnames
  3. In the right pane, replace the text stdchords.xml with jazzchords.xml or one of the alternate chord styles listed below.

Alternate chord styles

MuseScore provides several chord styles in addition to jazzchords.xml. To use an alternate chord style in your score follow the instructions for "Chord names only" above, but replace jazzchords.xml, with one of the styles listed below.

  • cchords_muse.xml (the default when using MuseJazz.mss):
    cchords_muse.xml sample
  • cchords_nrb.xml:
    cchords_nrb.xml sample
  • cchords_rb.xml:
    cchords_rb.xml sample
  • cchords_sym.xml:
    cchords_sym.xml sample