Measure and horizontal spacing

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This page shows old instructions for MuseScore 3.
For MuseScore 4 users, see Measure and horizontal spacing.


This chapter explains the FormatStyle...Measure window used for adjustment of global settings such as the horizontal distance between various items within measures, see Layout and formatting. Other measure related global settings such as measure visibility are under the FormatStyle...Score, Page, Sizes, Measure number.

Change properties for individual measure(s) on score with "Measure Properties" window, see Measure operations chapter. To change all measures of a staff on the whole score, change the staff instead, see Staff / Part properties. See Page settings for how to override theses settings with individual systems pages specific options and on an individual object on a score.

See also Measure rests.

MuseScore automatically adjusts the score to maintain the correct spacing between notes and rests according to best music engraving practice. It will also correctly reposition any elements attached to notes or rests, such as fingerings, dynamics, lines etc.

The main setting is Spacing (1=tight)

All settings related to measure width and note spacing are minimum values. Measures are automatically stretched, if necessary, to maintain existing page margins.


  • Minimum measure width: Sets the minimum horizontal length of measures. In measures containing very little content (e.g., a single whole note or whole measure rest), the measure will only shrink as far as this minimum.

  • Spacing (1=tight): set the ratio of space allocated for one note value compared to the next shorter value. The default spacing ratio value of 1.2 means that each note value takes 1.2 times as much space as the next shorter value. So, a half note takes 1.2 times as much space as a quarter note, etc. This setting thus affects not only space between notes but also between the last note and the ending barline. If you need to change this value, you should consider upgrading to Musescore 4. See and . For the space between the beginning of the measure and the first note or rest, see Note left margin (below)

  • Note left margin: Sets the distance from the start barline to the first note.

  • Barline to grace note distance: Sets the distance between a barline and a grace note that occurs before the first actual note in a measure (independently of the "Note left margin" setting).

  • Barline to accidental distance: Sets the distance between a barline and an accidental placed before the first note in a measure (independently of the "Note left margin" setting).

  • Note to barline distance: Sets the distance from the last note to the following barline.

  • Minimum note distance: Specifies the smallest amount of space MuseScore will allow after each note (depending on other factors, more space may be allowed).

  • Clef left margin: Sets the distance between the very beginning of each line and the clef. (This option is rarely needed.)

  • Key signature left margin: Sets the distance between the beginning of the measure and a key signature.

  • Time signature left margin: Sets the distance between the beginning of the measure and a time signature (if there is no key signature in between).

  • Time signature to barline distance: To be added

  • Clef/key right margin: Sets the distance between a mid-staff clef or key signature and the following note or rest.

  • Clef to barline distance: Sets the distance between a barline and a clef change preceding it.

  • Clef to key distance: Sets the distance from the clef to a key signature following it.

  • Clef to time signature distance: Sets the distance from the clef to the time signature following it (if there is no key signature in between).

  • Key to time signature distance: Sets the distance from a key signature to the following time signature.

  • Key to barline distance: To be added..

  • System header distance: Sets the distance from a clef or key signature at the beginning of a system to the first note or rest.

  • System header with time signature distance: Sets the distance from a time signature at the beginning of a system to the first note or rest.

  • Multimeasure rest margin: Sets the distance between a multimeasure rest and the barlines on either side.

  • Staff line thickness: Sets the thickness of the lines of the staff, which allows you to make the staff thicker and darker, if you need greater visibility on your printouts. See detailed calculation in Layout and formatting : Final absolute staff height chapter.

    Note: Changes to an individual measure's Stretch (using FormatStretchIncrease/Decrease Layout Stretch) are calculated after, and proportional to, the global Spacing setting.

See also

  • This chapter explains Format→Style...→Measure window. The Layout and formatting chapter explains all other categories under Format→Style....
  • Measure operations explains Measure Properties dialog used to set properties of individual measure(s).
  • Barlines

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