Inserting measures
MuseScore allows you to insert or delete measures in the score using a variety of methods. Measures can be inserted:
- After a selection
- Before a selection
- At the start of the score
- At the end of the score
To insert one or more measures:
- Right-click on a blank area of a measure
- From the context menu, choose Insert measures
- From the options presented, choose the location where you want the measure(s) inserted
- Complete the dialog box and press OK.
The Properties panel
To insert one or more measures:
- Click on a measure
- Go to the Properties panel
- Click Insert measures in the Measure section
- Type the number of measures you wish to insert (or leave it as “1” to insert a single measure)
- Select where you want the measure(s) to be inserted from the dropdown menu (or leave it as is to insert the new measure(s) after the selection point)
- Click the + button
This popup remains open until you click another part of the user interface. As such, you can continue pressing the + button as many times as you need to insert further measures.

In addition, you can insert measures from one of two menus:
- Select something in your score (can be anything except line objects)
- Click the + button in the Note input toolbar
- Navigate to Measures
- Choose where you want the new measure(s) to be inserted
- Select something in your score (can be anything except line objects)
- Click the Add in the Menu bar
- Navigate to Measures
- Choose where you want the new measure(s) to be inserted
Inserting measures with keyboard shortcuts
To quickly insert one measure before the selection point:
- Select something in your score (can be anything except line objects)
- Press Ins
Insert more measures before the selection point by repeatedly pressing Ins.
To quickly insert multiple measures before the selection point:
- Select something in your score (can be anything except line objects)
- Press Ctrl+Ins (Mac: ⌘+Ins)
- Type the number of required measures in the dialog that appears
- Click OK
To append to the end of your score, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B (Mac: ⌘+B) for a single measure, or Alt+Shift+B (Mac: Option+Shift+B) for multiple measures.
Add measures to a frame
It is also possible to add measures to a frame in the score:
- Click on the frame
- Use one of the methods shown under "Note input toolbar" or "Menu bar", or a keyboard shortcut (above).
Deleting measures
To delete one or more measures using keyboard shortcuts:
- Select a measure (or hold Shift and select multiple measures)
- Type Ctrl+Backspace or Ctrl+Del (Mac: ⌘+Backspace or ⌘+Del).
- Select a measure (or hold Shift and select multiple measures)
- Right-click on any measure within the selection
- Select Delete measures
You can also:
- Select a measure (or hold Shift and select multiple measures)
- Go to Tools
- Select Remove selected range
Remove empty trailing measures
To remove any empty measures at the end of your score:
- Go to Tools
- Select Remove empty trailing measures
See also
Other measure-related pages: