wait 100 win activate ititle "MuseScore 2" wait 100 win max ititle "MuseScore 2" wait 100 sendkey 0x1B //escape to stop previous playing wait 100 //sendkey 0x24 //home to begining line wait 100 setsysvolume 15535 wait 100 speak text "ready" //wait 100 //win activate ititle "Tuner" wait 100 sendkeypress 0x10+0x52 //shift+r to set to playing to begining wait 100 sendkey 0xC0 //` to toggle count in wait 3000 speak text "set" wait 500 speak text "go" wait 100 setsysvolume 65535 //wait 100 //win settopmost ititle "MuseScore 2" 1 wait 1000 sendkey 0x20 press //space to start play wait 100 sendkey 0xC0 //` to toggle count in `