SetKeyDelay, 100 :*:1:: send, s send, +{right} send, +{right} send, {esc} send, {right} send, {right} send, {right} send, {right} send, +s send, {right} send, +s return ; How it works: On selecting a note then pressing number "1", the script presses a ; quick succession of standard keyboard shortcuts in Musescore which perform ; the following actions in the following order: ; Add slur to the first two notes, ; Extend slur one note, ; Extend slur one note, ; Press "esc" to deselect the slur, ; Right arrow to advance one note, ; Right arrow to advance one note, ; Right arrow to advance one note, ; Right arrow to advance one note, ; Add staccato note, ; Right arrow to advance one note, ; Add staccato note, ; Stop the process.