#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force ; Replaces script (Reloads). #Persistent ; to make it run indefinitely #IfWinActive ahk_exe S:\MuseScore 3.6 portable\MuseScorePortable\App\MuseScore\bin\MuseScore3.exe ; Enables Hotkeys when MuseScore3 Window is Active #Include Coordinates.ahk ; All coordinates are managed in this external file ; The Include directive causes the script to behave as though ; the specified file's contents are present at this exact position ; Replace the path S:\etc. with your location of MuseScore3.exe ; to use a bit less memory you could outcomment the #Include directive and enter the value of ; ToolT_F10_X here: ; ToolT_F10_X := xxxx ; ~CapsLock & t:: Change Score Status to Concert Pitch ; ~CapsLock & c:: Change Score Status to Transposed Pitch ; Define unassigned MSc shortcut for 'Display Concert Pitch' (toggle): used here: Alt+Shift+C ; A tooltip makes the toolbar "Concert Pitch" superfluous. This can save Canvas Real Estate. ; The macro is rather simplistic: a tooltip reminds you of the score status. ; After startup you'll have to verify the score status once yourself. ~[ & F10:: CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen Tooltip, F10 Score Status active!, ToolT_F10_X, 0, 1 SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, -2000 Return RemoveToolTip: ToolTip, , , , 1 MsgBox, 4132 , F10: Score Status, ( INFO [ + 0 Is the score now displayed in Transposed Pitch? ) IfMsgBox, No { Tooltip, F10 Concert Pitch, ToolT_F10_X, 0, 2 Return } IfMsgBox, Yes { Tooltip, F10 Transposed ₮r, ToolT_F10_X, 0, 2 Return } Return ~] & F10:: MsgBox, 4132, Score Status, Are you sure you want to exit? IfMsgBox, Yes ExitApp Return ~[ & 0:: MsgBox, 4096 , Score Status [ + 0, ( Change to Concert Pitch \ + C Change to Transposed Pitch \ + T ) Return ~\ & c:: CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen MsgBox, 4132, F10: Change Score Status to Concert Pitch, ( Is the score now displayed in Transposed Pitch? ) IfMsgBox, No Return Send !+c Tooltip, F10 Concert Pitch, ToolT_F10_X, 0, 2 Return ~\ & t:: CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen MsgBox, 4132, F10: Change Score Status to Transposed Pitch, ( Is the score now displayed in Concert Pitch? ) IfMsgBox, No Return Else Send !+c Tooltip, F10 Transposed ₮r, ToolT_F10_X, 0, 2 Return