This DATA file - derived from the F8-.ahk file - contains the DIY items. It is a supporting file meant to keep track. Some hotkeys don't need extra data. So in this document they get just one line. For the hotkeys in need of extra data: for each hotkey alle DIY items are listed. This concerns images + their search surface, hotspots, colornumbers, offsets and dimensions. The actual valus have to be entered in Coordinates.ahk See also the Reference - F8 section of the pdf. Lines marked with (*change*?) often concern the position of tooltip and InputBoxes relative to the mouse position. ♣================================================================================================== Images used in F8-macro group: Statusbar_Note_Pitch.png IM_01_Inspector_Inspector.png Shortcuts Alt + . ; augmentationdot 2 Ctrl + Alt + P ; MSc user defined shortcut 'Apply current palette element' Ctrl + F9 ; MSc shortcut, Palette Search ; ♣================================================================================================ Legenda Modifier keys ^ Control ! Alt + Shift # Win Hotspots IN_002_X/Y means IN_002_X and IN_002_Y Surfaces CSA_X/Y1 CSA_X1 CSA_Y1 TLC TopLeftCorner CSA_X/Y2 CSA_X2 CSA_Y2 BRC BottomRightCorner ♣================================================================================================== For all StatusBar images is the Search Area SB_X/Y1 SB_X/Y2 Frequently used commands: InspectorCheck Image IM_01_Inspector_Inspector.png IM_01_X/Y1 IM_01_X/Y2 PixelSearch - CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 in some cases also: ColorV2 ColorV3 ColorV4 ♣================================================================================================== ~[ & F8:: ; tooltip (1) Note Input ToolT_F8_X, 0, 1 ~] & F8:: ; ExitApp ~[ & 8:: ; Note Input ♭♭×♮♭♯ ; ♣================================= NOTE PATTERNS ====================================== ; to use when you prefer a workflow of inputting the rhythm first and repitching afterwards ; supported durations are from 64th to whole note (dotted 64th can be created but not a 128th) ; durations with more than one dot are not supported ; option L4: the maximum allowed length of the input is 4 characters ; pressing Z or Escape breaks the loop ; notepitch is b4 - middle line in staff with Treble clef - at start the actual octave depends on preceding note ; 11 produces 64th, 22 32th, 33 16th, 44 eight, 55 quarter, 66 half, 77 whole note ; 1. produces dotted 64th 2. dotted 32th, 3. dotted 16th, idem 4. 5. 6. and 7. ; 1t produces two tied 64ths, 2t tied 32ths, idem 3t 4t 5t 6t and 7t for eight, quarter, half and whole note ; in combinations containing a hyphen between two numbers the first note will be tied to the second ; noteduration here is: 1 produces 64th, 2 32th, 3 16th, 4 eight, 5 quarter, 6 half, 7 whole note ; NB: 1t has the same effect as 1-1, 2t as 2-2, 3t as 3-3 etc. ; in combinations containing a semicolon the first note is dotted and will be tied to the second ; there are no hotkeys for combinations where the SECOND tied note is dotted ; in those cases: for the second note enter first the noteduration ( 7.) and then + to tie ; to delete a note press delete ; to create a rest: input first the duration to create a note and then press End to create the rest ; press Left to move the cursor backward, press Right to move the cursor forward ; press R to repeat the previous command ; TUPLETS - In F3 Navigation: Win + U to set number type and bracket type. ; There you can press Z to select the number for positioning or deleting the tuplet ; The smallest notelength of total tuplet length is an eight note (n : 44), biggest a whole (n : 77) ; eight note (n : 44) 3:44 5:44 6:44 7:44 ; dotted eight note (n : 4.) 2:4. 4:4. 5:4. ; quarter note (n : 55) 3:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 9:55 ; dotted quarter note (n : 5.) 2:5. 4:5. 5:5. 7:5. 8:5. ; half note (n : 66) 3:66 5:66 7:66 9:66 ; dotted half note (n : 6.) 4:6. 5:6. 7:6. 8:6. ; whole (n : 77) 3:77 5:77 7:77 9:77. ; workaround for tuplets crossing barline: join measure with the next, add barline, add 1 to next measurenumber ~z & n:: ; input note patterns Tooltip, Rhythmic Patterns.`nHelp = ?`nPress Z when ready., ToolT_F8_X, 40, 2 ; position (*change*?) PixelSearch - CanvasSearchArea - ColorV1 ; ♣=================================== ADD ACCIDENTALS =================================== ; ; Elaine Gould, Behind Bars, pp 94-98 ; checks first for notes, then for accidentals to make () or [] possible ~z & x:: ; add accidentals Image Statusbar_Note_Pitch.png Send ^!p ; MSc user defined shortcut 'Apply current palette element' (Ctrl + Alt + P) Send ^{F9} ; MSc shortcut, Palette Search (Ctrl + F9) ; ♣========================== CREATE REST/RHYTHMIC PATTERNS ============================== z & r:: ; create rest/rhythmic patterns, colored rests grouped InspectorCheck PixelSearch - CanvasSearchArea - ColorV1 (*change*?) InputBox, R_Pattern, Create Rest Templates, , , W_IB, H_IB, IB_X, IB_Y, , , Enter Time Signature ? for Help ; (*change*?) InputBox positioned in Inspector area (*change*?) InputBox, R_Pattern, Create Rest Templates, , , W_IB, H_IB, ElementX+100, ElementY-120, , , Enter Time Signature ? for Help ; (*change*?) InputBox positioned near the mouse IN_012_X/Y ; I(012) color picker rectangular (black) - OVERLAP all elements RGB_X/Y ; Window Select Color HTML: #RGB rectangular ; ♣====================== NOTE INPUT === NOTE BEFORE DURATION ============================ ; After pressing the Shift Key 5 times a window can appear: Turn on Sticky Keys? ; In Settings -> Ease of Access -> Use Sticky Keys: uncheck 'Allow the shortcut key to start Sticky Keys. ; Or change {RShift} in some other key - but *not* in {RAlt} on keyboards with AltGr. ~z & p:: ; pitch before duration input PixelSearch - CanvasSearchArea - ColorV1/2/3/4 ToolTip, Ties. Enter duration.`nPress CapsLock., ElementX, ElementY - 100, 8 ; (*change*?) Tooltip, Note before duration.....Suspended.......Press CapsLock to activate., ToolT_F6_X, 22, 5 ; (*change*?) Y = 22 ToolTip, ChordMode..............To activate Normal Mode press Right Control., ToolT_F6_X, 44, 6 ; (*change*?) ToolTip, Normal Mode................To activate Chord Mode press Left Control., ToolT_F6_X, 44, 7 ; (*change*?) ; ♣=======================================================================================