#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance force ; Replaces script (Reloads). #Persistent ; to make it run indefinitely #IfWinActive ahk_exe S:\MuseScore 3.6 portable\MuseScorePortable\App\MuseScore\bin\MuseScore3.exe ; Enables Hotkeys when MuseScore3 Window is Active #Include Coordinates.ahk ; All coordinates are managed in this external file ; The Include directive causes the script to behave as though ; the specified file's contents are present at this exact position ; Change the path S:\etc. to your location of MuseScore3.exe ~[ & F8:: CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen Tooltip, F8 ♫ Input ♭♭×♮♭♯, ToolT_F8_X, 0, 1 ; tooltip (1) Note Patterns Return ~] & F8:: MsgBox, 4132, Note Input ♭♭×♮♭♯, Are you sure you want to exit? IfMsgBox, Yes ExitApp Return ~[ & 8:: MsgBox, 4096, F8: Note Input ♭♭×♮♭♯ [ + 8, ( Pitch before Duration Z + P Accidentals Z + X Note Patterns Z + N Colored Rest Templates Z + R Help in macros ? PM: Wheel Input is macro group F11 ) Return ; ♣===================================== NOTE PATTERNS ============================================ ; to use when you prefer a workflow of inputting the rhythm first and repitching afterwards ; supported durations are from 64th to whole note (dotted 64th can be created but not a 128th) ; durations with more than one dot are not supported ; option L4: the maximum allowed length of the input is 4 characters ; pressing Z or Escape breaks the loop ; notepitch is b4 - middle line in staff with Treble clef - at start the actual octave depends on preceding note ; 11 produces 64th, 22 32th, 33 16th, 44 eight, 55 quarter, 66 half, 77 whole note ; 1. produces dotted 64th 2. dotted 32th, 3. dotted 16th, idem 4. 5. 6. and 7. ; 1t produces two tied 64ths, 2t tied 32ths, idem 3t 4t 5t 6t and 7t for eight, quarter, half and whole note ; in combinations containing a hyphen between two numbers the first note will be tied to the second ; noteduration here is: 1 produces 64th, 2 32th, 3 16th, 4 eight, 5 quarter, 6 half, 7 whole note ; NB: 1t has the same effect as 1-1, 2t as 2-2, 3t as 3-3 etc. ; in combinations containing a semicolon the first note is dotted and will be tied to the second ; there are no hotkeys for combinations where the SECOND tied note is dotted ; in those cases: for the second note enter first the noteduration ( 7.) and then + to tie ; to delete a note press delete ; to create a rest: input first the duration to create a note and then press End to create the rest ; press Left to move the cursor backward, press Right to move the cursor forward ; press R to repeat the previous command ; TUPLETS - In F3 Navigation: Win + U to set number type and bracket type. ; There you can press Z to select the number for positioning or deleting the tuplet ; The smallest notelength of total tuplet length is an eight note (n : 44), biggest a whole (n : 77) ; eight note (n : 44) 3:44 5:44 6:44 7:44 ; dotted eight note (n : 4.) 2:4. 4:4. 5:4. ; quarter note (n : 55) 3:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 9:55 ; dotted quarter note (n : 5.) 2:5. 4:5. 5:5. 7:5. 8:5. ; half note (n : 66) 3:66 5:66 7:66 9:66 ; dotted half note (n : 6.) 4:6. 5:6. 7:6. 8:6. ; whole (n : 77) 3:77 5:77 7:77 9:77. ; workaround for tuplets crossing barline: join measure with the next, add barline, add 1 to next measurenumber ~z & n:: ; input note patterns Send {Volume_Mute} ; Mute/unmute the master volume Tooltip, Rhythmic Patterns.`nHelp = ?`nPress Z when ready., ToolT_F8_X, 40, 2 ; position (*change*?) Send n Loop { Input, Duration, L4, {Tab}{Enter}{Escape}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{End}, z,+,n,r,? ,11,22,33,44,55,66,77,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7. ,1t,2t,3t,4t,5t,6t,7t ,1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7 ,2-1,2-2,2-3,2-4,2-5,2-6,2-7 ,3-1,3-2,3-3,3-4,3-5,3-6,3-7 ,4-1,4-2,4-3,4-4,4-5,4-6,4-7 ,5-1,5-2,5-3,5-4,5-5,5-6,5-7 ,6-1,6-2,6-3,6-4,6-5,6-6,6-7 ,7-1,7-2,7-3,7-4,7-5,7-6,7-7 ,1;1,1;2,1;3,1;4,1;5,1;6,1;7 ,2;1,2;2,2;3,2;4,2;5,2;6,2;7 ,3;1,3;2,3;3,3;4,3;5,3;6,3;7 ,4;1,4;2,4;3,4;4,4;5,4;6,4;7 ,5;1,5;2,5;3,5;4,5;5,5;6,5;7 ,6;1,6;2,6;3,6;4,6;5,6;6,6;7 ,7;1,7;2,7;3,7;4,7;5,7;6,7;7 ,3:44,5:44,6:44,7:44,9:44 ,2:4.,4:4.,5:4.,7:4.,9:4. ,3:55,5:55,6:55,7:55,9:55 ,2:5.,4:5.,5:5.,7:5.,8:5. ,3:66,5:66,7:66,9:66 ,4:6.,5:6.,7:6.,8:6. ,3:77,5:77,7:77,9:77 If (ErrorLevel = "Max") { MsgBox, 4144, Rhythmic Patterns, No valid input! Continue } If (A_Index = 1) DurationOld := "" If (Duration = "r") Duration := DurationOld If (Duration = "z") Break If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Escape") Break If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Left") Send {left} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Right") Send {right} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Up") Send {up} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Down") Send {down} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgUp") Send {PgUp} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgDn") Send {PgDn} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Tab") Send ^z If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Enter") { Send n ; to prevent adding notes by click Sleep, 50 PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV1, , Fast RGB ; voice 1 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV2, , Fast RGB ; voice 2 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV3, , Fast RGB ; voice 3 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV4, , Fast RGB ; voice 4 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4144, Add Accidentals, Mousemove to note.`n`nNo note found! Continue } Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% Send n } If (Duration = "+") { Send {left 2} ; if tied note crosses barline press left arrow first Send +{=} } If (Duration = "n") Send n If Duration contains : ; Tuplet creation Goto, TupletCreation If Duration in 1t,1.,11,1-1,1-2,1-3,1-4,1-5,1-6,1-7,1;1,1;2,1;3,1;4,1;5,1;6,1;7 Send 1 If Duration in 2t,2.,22,2-1,2-2,2-3,2-4,2-5,2-6,2-7,2;1,2;2,2;3,2;4,2;5,2;6,2;7 Send 2 If Duration in 3t,3.,33,3-1,3-2,3-3,3-4,3-5,3-6,3-7,3;1,3;2,3;3,3;4,3;5,3;6,3;7 Send 3 If Duration in 4t,4.,44,4-1,4-2,4-3,4-4,4-5,4-6,4-7,4;1,4;2,4;3,4;4,4;5,4;6,4;7 Send 4 If Duration in 5t,5.,55,5-1,5-2,5-3,5-4,5-5,5-6,5-7,5;1,5;2,5;3,5;4,5;5,5;6,5;7 Send 5 If Duration in 6t,6.,66,6-1,6-2,6-3,6-4,6-5,6-6,6-7,6;1,6;2,6;3,6;4,6;5,6;6,6;7 Send 6 If Duration in 7t,7.,77,7-1,7-2,7-3,7-4,7-5,7-6,7-7,7;1,7;2,7;3,7;4,7;5,7;6,7;7 Send 7 If (InStr(Duration, ".")) || (InStr(Duration, ";")) Send . If Duration contains 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,. Send b If Duration contains t Send +{=} If Duration contains -1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,;1,;2,;3,;4,;5,;6,;7 { If Duration contains -1,;1 Send 1 If Duration contains -2,;2 Send 2 If Duration contains -3,;3 Send 3 If Duration contains -4,;4 Send 4 If Duration contains -5,;5 Send 5 If Duration contains -6,;6 Send 6 If Duration contains -7,;7 Send 7 Send +{=} } TupletCreation: { If Duration contains :44,4. Send 4 If Duration contains :55,5. Send 5 If Duration contains :66,6. Send 6 If Duration contains :77 Send 7 Sleep, 100 If InStr(Duration, ".") Send . If Duration contains 2: { Send ^{2} Sleep, 50 Send {b 2} } If Duration contains 3: { Send ^{3} Sleep, 50 Send {b 3} } If Duration contains 4: { Send ^{4} Sleep, 50 Send {b 4} } If Duration contains 5: { Send ^{5} Sleep, 50 Send {b 5} } If Duration contains 6: { Send ^{6} Sleep, 50 Send {b 6} } If Duration contains 7: { Send ^{7} Sleep, 50 Send {b 7} } If Duration contains 8: { Send ^{8} Sleep, 50 Send {b 8} } If Duration contains 9: { Send ^{9} Sleep, 50 Send {b 9} } } If (Duration = "?") MsgBox, 4096, Note Patterns`, Rhythmic Patterns, ( In a treble clef staff the notes are created on the middle line. The pitch is then b4. The actual octave depends on the preceding note. One note Dotted Tied Or 64th 11 1. 1t 1-1 32nd 22 2. 2t 2-2 16th 33 3. 3t 3-3 Eight 44 4. 4t 4-4 Quarter 55 5. 5t 5-5 Half 66 6. 6t 6-6 Whole 77 7. 7t 7-7 TIED NOTES Tied to 64th 32nd 16th eight quarter half whole 64th 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 32nd 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 16th 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 Eight 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 Quarter 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 Half 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 Whole 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 If the first note must be dotted replace the hyphen by a semicolon. E.g. dotted eight tied to 16th is 4;3 - dotted quarter tied to 32th is 5;2 If the second note is dotted enter its duration and press + If the second note crosses a barline press left and then + TUPLETS 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 notes in the time of one Eight 3:44 5:44 6:44 7:44 9:44 Eight dotted 2:4. 4:4. 5:4. 7:4. 9:4. Quarter 3:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 9:55 Quarter dotted 2:5. 4:5. 5:5. 7:5. 8:5. Half 3:66 5:66 7:66 9:66 Half dotted 4:6. 5:6. 7:6. 8:6. Whole 3:77 5:77 7:77 9:77 Delete last note From current position Delete Create a rest Enter duration End Edit tuplet Macrogroup F3 WIN + U Beam properties Macrogroup F3 and F9 Z + B Repeat last command R Next note Right Previous note Left Pitch down Down Pitch up Up Next Page Page Down Previous Page Page Up Mouse to selected note Enter Undo Tab Exit macro Escape Z ) DurationOld := Duration If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Delete") { Send {left} Send {del} } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:End") { Send {left} Send {del} Send {right} } } Send n Sleep, 50 Tooltip, , , , 2 ; close tooltip (2) PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV1, , Fast RGB ; voice 1 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV2, , Fast RGB ; voice 2 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV3, , Fast RGB ; voice 3 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV4, , Fast RGB ; voice 4 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4144, Rhythmic Patterns, Last note not found. Return } Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% Send {Volume_Mute} Return ; ♣======================================= ADD ACCIDENTALS ======================================== ; https://w3c.github.io/smufl/gitbook/tables/gould-arrow-quartertone-accidentals-24-edo.html ; Elaine Gould, Behind Bars, pp 94-98 ; checks first for notes, then for accidentals to make () or [] possible ~z & x:: ; add accidentals ImageSearch, , , SB_X1, SB_Y1, SB_X2, SB_Y2, *40 Statusbar_Note_Pitch.png if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4112, Add Accidentals, No note selected! Return } Send {Volume_Mute} ; Mute/unmute the master volume Tooltip, Accidentals.`nHelp = ?`nPress Z when ready., ToolT_F8_X, 40, 3 ; position (*change*?) PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV1, , Fast RGB ; voice 1 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV2, , Fast RGB ; voice 2 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV3, , Fast RGB ; voice 3 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV4, , Fast RGB ; voice 4 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4144, Add Accidentals, No note found! Return } Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% Loop { Input, Accidental, L4, {Escape}{Enter}{Up}{Down}{Left}{Right}{PgUp}{PgDn},z,r,? ,!,@,#,ss,ff,nf,ns ,1ff,1fn,1sn,1ss,3ff,3fbb,3sx,3ss,5fbb,5sx ,uf,df,un,nd,su,ds,xu,dx,bbu,dbb If (ErrorLevel = "Max") { MsgBox, 4144, Accidentals, No valid input! Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Escape") Break If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Left") Send {left} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Right") Send {right} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Up") Send {up} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Down") Send {down} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgUp") Send {PgUp} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgDn") Send {PgDn} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Enter") { PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV1, , Fast RGB ; voice 1 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV2, , Fast RGB ; voice 2 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV3, , Fast RGB ; voice 3 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV4, , Fast RGB ; voice 4 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4144, Add Accidentals, Mousemove to note.`n`nNo note found! Continue } Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% } If (A_Index = 1) AccidentalOld := "" If (Accidental = "?") MsgBox, 4097, Accidentals - shortcuts, ( Gould arrow U/D quartertone accidentals (24-EDO) Quarter-tone flat UF ↑♭ 1FF Three-quarter-tones flat DF ↓♭ 3FF Quarter-tone sharp UN ↑♮ 1SN Quarter-tone flat ND ♮↓ 1FN Three-quarter-tones sharp SU ♯↑ 3SS Quarter-tone sharp DS ↓♯ 1SS Five-quarter-tones sharp XU ×↑ 5SX Three-quarter-tones sharp DX ↓× 3SX Three-quarter-tones flat BBU ♭↑♭ 3FBB Five-quarter-tones flat DBB ↓♭♭ 5FBB Flat ! Natural @ Sharp # Double sharp SS Double flat FF Natural Flat NF Natural Sharp NS Repeat last command R Next note Right Previous note Left Pitch down Down Pitch up Up Next Page Page Down Previous Page Page Up Mouse to selected note Enter Exit macro Escape Z Macrogoup F3 From note to accidental Win + X To toggle size accidental To add brackets or parentheses ) IfMsgBox, Cancel Break If (Accidental = "z") Break If (Accidental = "r") Accidental := AccidentalOld If Accidental in !,@,#,ss,ff,nf,ns ,1ff,1fn,1sn,1ss,3ff,3fbb,3sx,3ss,5fbb,5sx ,uf,df,un,nd,su,ds,xu,dx,bbu,dbb { Send ^{F9} ; MSc shortcut, Palette Search (Ctrl + F9) Sleep, 100 If (Accidental = "!") ; glyph 080, Flat Send x-1- If (Accidental = "@") ; glyph 081, Natural Send x-2- If (Accidental = "#") ; glyph 082, Sharp Send x-3- If (Accidental = "ss") ; glyph 083, Double sharp Send x-4- If (Accidental = "ff") ; glyph 084, Double flat Send x-5- If (Accidental = "nf") ; glyph 085, Natural Flat Send x-6- If (Accidental = "ns") ; glyph 086, Natural Sharp Send x-7- ; If (Accidental = "*[]") ; glyph 087, Add brackets to accidental ; Send x-8- ; If (Accidental = "*()") ; glyph 088, Add parentheses to element ; Send x-9- If Accidental in 1ff,uf ; ↑♭ - Gould Quarter-tone flat Send x-10- If Accidental in 3ff,df ; ↓♭ - Gould Three-quarter-tones flat Send x-11- If Accidental in 1sn,un ; ↑♮ - Gould Quarter-tone sharp Send x-12- If Accidental in 1fn,nd ; ♮↓ - Gould Quarter-tone flat Send x-13- If Accidental in 3ss,su ; ♯↑ - Gould Three-quarter-tones sharp Send x-14- If Accidental in 1ss,ds ; ↓♯ - Gould Quarter-tone sharp Send x-15- If Accidental in 5sx,xu ; ×↑ - Gould Five-quarter-tones sharp Send x-16- If Accidental in 3sx,dx ; ↓× - Gould Three-quarter-tones sharp Send x-17- If Accidental in 3fbb,bbu ; ♭↑♭ - Gould Three-quarter-tones flat Send x-18- If Accidental in 5fbb,dbb ; ↓♭♭ - Gould Five-quarter-tones flat Send x-19- Sleep, 100 Send ^!p ; MSc user defined shortcut 'Apply current palette element' Sleep, 200 Continue } AccidentalOld := Accidental } Tooltip, , , , 3 ; close tooltip (3) Send {Volume_Mute} Return ; ♣========================== CREATE REST/RHYTHMIC PATTERNS ============================== ; especially in time signatures with 8 as denominator the colored rests can facilitate the beaming pattern z & r:: ; create colored rest/rhythmic patterns CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY ImageSearch, , , IM_01_X1, IM_01_Y1, IM_01_X2, IM_01_Y2, *40 IM_01_Inspector_Inspector.png If ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4112, Inspector Check, The screen is not in the defined state.`nThe macro will exit. Return } PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV1, , Fast RGB ; voice 1 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV2, , Fast RGB ; voice 2 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV3, , Fast RGB ; voice 3 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV4, , Fast RGB ; voice 4 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4144, Rest Templates, Color not found.`nMaybe there is no element selected.`nOr you could try a higher zoom factor. Return } Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% Sleep, 50 InputBox, R_Pattern, Create Colored Rest Templates, , , W_IB, H_IB, IB_X, IB_Y, , , Enter Time Signature ? for Help ; (*change*?) InputBox positioned in Inspector area ; InputBox, R_Pattern, Create Colored Rest Templates, , , W_IB, H_IB, ElementX+100, ElementY-120, , , Enter Time Signature ? for Help ; (*change*?) InputBox positioned near the mouse if ErrorLevel ; when Cancel is pressed Return If (R_Pattern = "?") || (R_Pattern = "Enter Time Signature ? for Help") { MsgBox, 4096, Colored Rest Templates, ( The Time Signature must already exist. 32 Measures will be filled with colored rests to indicate the beaming pattern. Select a rest duration measure. Enter a TimeSignature in the Inputbox. Colored rests in on beat 2+3/8 1, 3 3+2/8 1, 4 6/8 1, 4 9/8 1, 4, 7 3+2+2+3/8 1, 4, 6, 8 12/8 1, 4, 7, 10 3/4 1, 2, 3 4/4 1, 2, 3, 4 5/4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 After note input reset the color of the remaining rests: Make a range selection and press Y + R. ) Return } If R_Pattern not in 2+3/8,3+2/8,6/8,9/8,3+2+2+3/8,12/8,3/4,4/4,5/4 { MsgBox, 4144, Rest Templates, No valid command.`nThe macro will exit. Return } Send n Sleep, 50 If R_Pattern in 2+3/8,3+2/8,3+2+2+3/8,6/8,9/8,12/8 Send 4 ; 8th note If R_Pattern in 3/4,4/4,5/4 Send 3 ; 16th note Sleep, 50 If R_Pattern in 2+3/8,3+2/8,3+2+2+3/8,6/8,9/8,12/8 Send {0 3} ; 5 8th rests created in 5-10/8 - 3 8th rests created in 6-9-12/8 If R_Pattern in 3/4,4/4,5/4 Send {0 4} ; 4 16th rests created Sleep, 50 Send n Sleep, 50 Send ^{left} Sleep, 50 Click, %IN_012_X%, %IN_012_Y% ; I(012) color picker rectangular (black) - OVERLAP all elements Sleep, 200 CoordMode, Mouse, Window Click, %RGB_X%, %RGB_Y% ; Window Select Color HTML: #RGB rectangular Sleep, 100 Send ^a Sleep, 50 Send {Raw}#ff00ff ; select left color (1) magenta Sleep, 50 Send {Enter} Sleep, 100 If R_Pattern in 3/4,4/4,5/4,6/8,9/8,12/8 Goto, FinishRestPatterns1 If R_Pattern in 2+3/8 Send {right 2} If R_Pattern in 3+2/8,3+2+2+3/8 Send {right 3} Sleep, 50 Loop { If (A_Index = 4) Break If (A_Index = 2) ; for 3+2+2+3/8 { Send {right} Sleep, 50 Send n Sleep, 50 Send 4 Sleep, 50 Send {0 5} Sleep, 100 Send n Sleep, 50 Send {left 3} Sleep, 50 } If (A_Index = 3) ; for 3+2+2+3/8 { Send {right 2} Sleep, 50 } Click, %IN_012_X%, %IN_012_Y% ; I(012) color picker rectangular (black) - OVERLAP all elements Sleep, 200 Click, %RGB_X%, %RGB_Y% ; Window Select Color HTML: #RGB rectangular Sleep, 100 Send ^a Sleep, 50 Send {Raw}#ff00ff ; select left color (1) magenta Sleep, 50 Send {Enter} Sleep, 100 If R_Pattern in 2+3/8,3+2/8 Break } Send ^{left} ; to first beat Sleep, 50 Send ^+{right} ; measure selected Goto, FinishRestPatterns2 FinishRestPatterns1: CoordMode, Mouse, Screen If R_Pattern in 6/8,9/8,12/8 Send +{right 2} ; three rests in 6-9-12/8 If R_Pattern in 3/4,4/4,5/4 Send +{right 3} ; four rests in 3-4-5/4 Sleep, 100 If (R_Pattern = "3/4") Send {r 95} ; 32 measures in 3/4 96x4 If (R_Pattern = "4/4") Send {r 127} ; 32 measures in 4/4 132x4 If (R_Pattern = "5/4") Send {r 159} ; 32 measures in 5/4 160x4 If (R_Pattern = "6/8") Send {r 63} ; 32 measures in 6/8 64x3 If (R_Pattern = "9/8") Send {r 95} ; 32 measures in 9/8 96x3 If (R_Pattern = "12/8") Send {r 127} ; 32 measures in 12/8 128x3 FinishRestPatterns2: If R_Pattern in 2+3/8,3+2/8,3+2+2+3/8 ; 32 measures in 5-10/8 Send {r 31} Sleep, 100 Send {Escape} Return ; ♣========================== NOTE INPUT === PITCH BEFORE DURATION ================================ ; After pressing the Shift Key 5 times a window can appear: Turn on Sticky Keys? ; In Settings -> Ease of Access -> Use Sticky Keys: uncheck 'Allow the shortcut key to start Sticky Keys. ; Or change {RShift} in some other key - but *not* in {RAlt} on keyboards with AltGr. ~z & p:: ; pitch before duration input CoordMode, Tooltip, Screen ChordMode := 0 SetNormalMode := 1 Loop, { If (A_Index = 1) Goto, StartChordModeScreen Tooltip, Pitch before duration..Active!...Press Q to suspend...Escape to exit., ToolT_F6_X, 22, 4 ; (*change*?) Input, Note, L1, {Tab}{Escape}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Delete}{Home}{End}{Enter}{LAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LControl}{RControl}{NumpadDot}{Numpad1}{Numpad2}{Numpad3}{Numpad4}{Numpad5}{Numpad6}{Numpad7}{Numpad8}{Numpad9}{NumpadEnter}{NumpadAdd}{NumpadSub}, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,n,q,r,t,y,? If (Note = "?") { MsgBox, 4097, Pitch before Duration, ( Normal Mode Left Control Chord Mode Right Control Diatonic pitch up Up Diatonic pitch down Down Pitch up Numpad Add Pitch down Numpad Subtract Pitch up octave PageUp Pitch down octave PageDown Create notes and tie T + duration Toggle tie between notes Y To next note/rest Right To previous note/rest Left To next measure End To previous measure Home To next element Right Shift To previous element Left Shift Delete Delete Escape Left Alt Undo TAB Mouse to selected note Enter Mouse back to this note Numpad Enter Suspend macro Q Activate macro CapsLock Exit macro Escape Enter pitches abcdefg A B C D E F G Add pitches Chord M A B C D E F G Add interval Chord M Numpad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter duration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter duration Normal M Numpad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enter rest R + duration Augmentation dot . period Double augmentation dot Numpad . period ) IfMsgBox, Cancel Goto, FinishPitchBefDur Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Escape") Break If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Tab") Send ^z ; undo If (ErrorLevel = "Max") { MsgBox, 4144, Pich before Duration, Invalid command!, 1 Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:LAlt") Send {Escape} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:RShift") ; mainly to delete unwanted ties Send !{right} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:LShift") ; mainly to delete unwanted ties Send !{left} If (Note = "y") { ; toggle tie Send +{=} Continue } If (Note = "t") { ; create and tie to next chord If (ChordMode = 0) { Send {left} Sleep, 100 } (ErrorLevel := "EndKey:Enter") } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Enter") ; get position selected element { PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV1, , Fast RGB ; voice 1 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV2, , Fast RGB ; voice 2 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV3, , Fast RGB ; voice 3 if ErrorLevel PixelSearch, ElementX, ElementY, % CSA_X1, % CSA_Y1, % CSA_X2, % CSA_Y2, ColorV4, , Fast RGB ; voice 4 if ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 4144, Pitch before Duration, Mousemove to note.`n`nNo note found! Continue } Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% ; mouse to selected element } If (Note = "t") { ; create and tie ToolTip, Ties. Enter duration.`nPress CapsLock., ElementX, ElementY - 100, 8 ; (*change*?) Send n Sleep, 50 Keywait, CapsLock, d ; enter duration Keywait, CapsLock, u Send +{=} Sleep, 50 Send n ToolTip, , , , 8 ; close ToolTip (8) SetNormalMode := 1 ; switch to normal mode } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Enter") Continue If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:NumpadEnter") ; retrieve earlier mouse position Click, %ElementX%, %ElementY% If (Note = "q") ; suspend macro { ToolTip, , , , 6 ; close tooltip (6) ToolTip, , , , 7 ; close tooltip (7) Sleep, 100 Tooltip, Pitch before duration.....Suspended.......Press CapsLock to activate., ToolT_F6_X, 22, 5 ; (*change*?) Y = 22 Keywait, CapsLock, d Keywait, CapsLock, u ; back to macro If (ChordMode = 1) ToolTip, ChordMode..............To activate Normal Mode press Right Control., ToolT_F6_X, 44, 6 ; (*change*?) Y = 44 If (ChordMode = 0) ToolTip, Normal Mode................To activate Chord Mode press Left Control., ToolT_F6_X, 44, 7 ; (*change*?) Y = 44 Tooltip, , , , 5 ; close Tooltip (5) Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:LControl") { ChordMode := 1 Send {left} ToolTip, , , , 7 ; close tooltip (7) ToolTip, ChordMode..............To activate Normal Mode press Right Control., ToolT_F6_X, 44, 6 ; (*change*?) Continue } StartChordModeScreen: If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:RControl") || (SetNormalMode = 1) { ChordMode := 0 If (A_Index > 1) Send {right} ToolTip, , , , 6 ; close tooltip (6) ToolTip, Normal Mode................To activate Chord Mode press Left Control., ToolT_F6_X, 44, 7 ; (*change*?) SetNormalMode := 0 Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Left") { Send {left} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Right") || (Note = "r") { Send {right} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:NumpadAdd") { ; chromatically Send {up} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:NumpadSub") { ; chromatically Send {down} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Up") { ; diatonically Send +!{up} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Down") { ; diatonically Send +!{down} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgUp") { ; octave up If (ChordMode = 0) Send {left} Send ^{up} If (ChordMode = 0) Send {right} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:PgDn") { ; octave down If (ChordMode = 0) Send {left} Send ^{down} If (ChordMode = 0) Send {right} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Delete") { ; delete Send {delete} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Home") { ; to previous measure Send ^{left} Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:End") { ; to next measure Send ^{right} Continue } If (ChordMode = 0) { If (Note = "n") Send n If (Note = "a") Send a If (Note = "b") Send b If (Note = "c") Send c If (Note = "d") Send d If (Note = "e") Send e If (Note = "f") Send f If (Note = "g") Send g Sleep, 50 If Note in a,b,c,d,e,f,g { Send {right} Sleep, 50 Send n Sleep, 50 Continue } } If (ChordMode = 1) { If (Note = "a") Send +a If (Note = "b") Send +b If (Note = "c") Send +c If (Note = "d") Send +d If (Note = "e") Send +e If (Note = "f") Send +f If (Note = "g") Send +g If note in a,b,c,d,e,f,g { Sleep, 50 Send n Sleep, 50 Continue } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad1") Send !1 ; enter unisono above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad2") Send !2 ; enter second above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad3") Send !3 ; enter third above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad4") Send !4 ; enter fourth above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad5") Send !5 ; enter fifth above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad6") Send !6 ; enter sixth above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad7") Send !7 ; enter seventh above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad8") Send !8 ; enter octave above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad9") Send !9 ; enter ninth above If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad0") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad1") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad2") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad3") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad4") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad5") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad6") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad7") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad8") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad9") { Sleep, 50 Continue } } If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad0") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad1") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad2") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad3") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad4") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad5") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad6") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad7") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad8") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad9") { If (ChordMode = 0) { Send {left} If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad1") Send 1 ; hemidemisemiquaver - 64th note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad2") Send 2 ; demisemiquaver - 32th note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad3") Send 3 ; semiquaver - 16th note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad4") Send 4 ; quaver - eighth note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad5") Send 5 ; crotchet - quarter note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad6") Send 6 ; minim - half note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad7") Send 7 ; semibreve - whole note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad8") Send 8 ; breve - double whole note If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:Numpad9") Send 9 ; longa Sleep, 50 Send {right} } } If (Note = ".") || (Note = "1") || (Note = "2") || (Note = "3") || (Note = "4") || (Note = "5") || (Note = "6") || (Note = "7") || (Note = "8") || (Note = "9") || (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:NumpadDot") { If (ChordMode = 0) Send {left} Sleep, 50 If (Note = "9") Send 9 ; longa If (Note = "8") Send 8 ; breve - double whole note If (Note = "7") Send 7 ; semibreve - whole note If (Note = "6") Send 6 ; minim - half note If (Note = "5") Send 5 ; crotchet - quarter note If (Note = "4") Send 4 ; quaver - eighth note If (Note = "3") Send 3 ; semiquaver - 16th note If (Note = "2") Send 2 ; demisemiquaver - 32th note If (Note = "1") Send 1 ; hemidemisemiquaver - 64th note If (Note = ".") Send . ; augmentationdot 1 If (ErrorLevel = "EndKey:NumpadDot") Send !. ; augmentationdot 2 Sleep, 50 If (ChordMode = 0) Send {right} } } FinishPitchBefDur: Tooltip, , , , 4 ; close Tooltip (4) Tooltip, , , , 6 ; close Tooltip (6) Tooltip, , , , 7 ; close Tooltip (7) Return ; ♣=======================================================================================