HotKeys_in_prefix_order.txt. Look up a hotkey and see in which macrogroup it is used. The order of modifier keys is not relevant for AutoHotKey. The chosen order is: Ctrl - Alt - Shift - Win. ♣================================================================================================== A note about saving AHK scripts: Save the script as UTF-8 with BOM. To save as UTF-8 with BOM in Notepad, select UTF-8 from the Encoding drop-down in the Save As dialog. zie AHK Help -> Using the Program , Create a Script and FAQ: Why are the non-ASCII characters in my script displaying or sending incorrectly? ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with H - liberated MsC shortcut 'H' was "Add fret 7 on current string - TAB only". (Alternative still possible with '7'} Use e.g. the free editor XML Notepad 2007 to edit "shortcuts.xml" in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore3 ~h & -:: ; reset colored range from medium purple to pure green F1 ~h & -:: ; reset colored range (4) from medium purple to pure green F1 ~h & =:: ; select colored range from medium purple to pure green F1 ~h & =:: ; select colored range (4) from medium purple to light salmon F1 ~h & [:: ; set left color (4) medium purple 0xaa55ff F1 ~h & ]:: ; set right color (4) light salmon 0xffaa7f F1 ~h & LButton:: ; go to left color (4) medium purple 0xaa55ff F1 ~h & RButton:: ; go to right color (4) light salmon 0xffaa7f F1 ~h & MButton:: ; select colored range (4) from medium purple to light salmon F1 ♣================================================================================================== option SHORTCUTS with I - liberated Using the prefix key 'I' could be an option as an alternative prefix key. MsC shortcut 'I' Show Instruments Dialog coudl be redefined in Shift + I ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with J - liberated MsC shortcut 'J' was Change enharmonic spelling (both modes) redefined: Alt + J ~j & -:: ; reset colored range (3) from red to dark yellow F1 ~j & =:: ; select colored range (3) from red to dark yellow F1 ~j & [:: ; set left color (3) red 0xff0000 F1 ~j & ]:: ; set right color (3) dark yellow 0xaaaa00 F1 ~j & LButton:: ; go to left color (3) red 0xff0000 F1 ~j & RButton:: ; go to right color (3) dark yellow 0xaaaa00 F1 ~j & MButton:: ; select colored range (3) from red to dark yellow F1 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with K - liberated MsC shortcut 'K' was "Add fret 9 on current string - TAB only". (Alternative still possible with '9') Use e.g. the free editor XML Notepad 2007 to edit "shortcuts.xml" in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore3 ~k & -:: ; reset colored range (2) from blue to orange half tone F1 ~k & =:: ; select colored range (2) from blue to orange half tone F1 ~k & [:: ; set left color (2) blue 0x0000ff F1 ~k & ]:: ; set right color (2) orange half tone 0xffaa00 F1 ~k & LButton:: ; go to left color (2) blue 0x0000ff F1 ~k & RButton:: ; go to right color (2) orange half tone 0xffaa00 F1 ~k & MButton:: ; select colored range (2) from blue to orange half tone F1 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with L After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~l & -:: ; reset colored range from magenta to lime F1 and F1_stripped ~l & =:: ; select colored range from magenta to lime F1 and F1_stripped ~l & [:: ; set left color (1) magenta 0xff00ff F1 and F1_stripped ~l & ]:: ; set right color (1) lime 0x00ff00 F1 and F1_stripped ~l & LButton:: ; go to left color (1) magenta 0xff00ff F1 and F1_stripped ~l & RButton:: ; go to right color (1) lime 0x00ff00 F1 and F1_stripped ~l & MButton:: ; select colored range from magenta to lime F1 and F1_stripped ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with M - liberated MsC shortcut 'M' was Toggle 'Create Multimeasure Rest' redefined: Shift + M ~m & F1:: ; set memorypoint spot 1 F4 ~m & F2:: ; set memorypoint spot 2 F4 ~m & F3:: ; set memorypoint spot 3 F4 ~m & F4:: ; set memorypoint spot 4 F4 ~m & F5:: ; set memorypoint spot 5 F4 ~m & F6:: ; set memorypoint spot 6 F4 ~m & F7:: ; set memorypoint spot 7 F4 ~m & F8:: ; set memorypoint spot 8 F4 ~m & F9:: ; set memorypoint spot 9 F4 ~m & F10:: ; set memorypoint spot 10 F4 ~m & F11:: ; set memorypoint spot 11 F4 ~m & F12:: ; set memorypoint spot 12 F4 ~m & 1:: ; click memorypoint spot 1 F4 ~m & 2:: ; click memorypoint spot 2 F4 ~m & 3:: ; click memorypoint spot 3 F4 ~m & 4:: ; click memorypoint spot 4 F4 ~m & 5:: ; click memorypoint spot 5 F4 ~m & 6:: ; click memorypoint spot 6 F4 ~m & 7:: ; click memorypoint spot 7 F4 ~m & 8:: ; click memorypoint spot 8 F4 ~m & 9:: ; click memorypoint spot 9 F4 ~m & 0:: ; click memorypoint spot 10 F4 ~m & -:: ; click memorypoint spot 11 F4 ~m & =:: ; click memorypoint spot 12 F4 ~m & b:: ; navigation to beam left handle (X) F4 ~m & c:: ; navigation to X-offset chord F4 ~m & d:: ; navigation to minimum distance F4 ~m & e:: FREE ~m & f:: FREE ~m & g:: ; range: select all grace notes F1 and F1_stripped ~m & h:: ; range: select all note heads F1 and F1_stripped ~m & j:: FREE ~m & k:: FREE ~m & l:: ; navigation to segment leading space F4 ~m & n:: ; navigation to beam right handle (Y) F4 ~m & o:: FREE ~m & p:: FREE ~m & q:: FREE ~m & r:: ; range: select all rests F1 and F1_stripped ~m & s:: ; Launch OR activate MuseScore IHK ~m & t:: ; navigation to text font size F4 ~m & u:: ; navigation to Y-offset chord F4 ~m & v:: ; navigation to velocity amount F4 ~m & w:: FREE ~m & x:: ; navigation to X-offset element F4 ~m & y:: ; navigation to Y-offset element F4 ~m & z:: ; navigation to Stacking order F4 ~m & [:: ; Parallel Beams set beam distance 1.16 F4 ~m & ]:: ; Parallel Beams set beam distance 1.25 F4 ~m & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~m & ':: FREE ~m & \:: FREE ~m & ,:: ; navigation to beam grow left F4 ~m & .:: ; navigation to beam grow right F4 ~m & /:: ; Reset Parallel Beams (set beam distance 1.00) F4 ~m & PrintScreen:: FREE ~m & ScrollLock:: FREE ~m & CapsLock:: FREE ~m & Tab:: ; to the first next empty measure F3 ~m & Pause:: FREE ~m & Ins:: FREE ~m & Home:: FREE ~m & PgUp:: FREE ~m & Del:: FREE ~m & End:: FREE ~m & PgDn: FREE ~m & Up:: FREE ~m & Down FREE ~m & Left:: FREE ~m & Right:: FREE ~m & LButton:: ; copy custom X/Y position (as P + F9) F4 ~m & RButton:: ; paste custom X/Y position (as P + F10) F4 ~m & MButton:: FREE ~m & WheelDown:: FREE ~m & WheelUp:: FREE ~m & AppsKey:: FREE ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with O Using the prefix key 'O' could be an option as an alternative prefix key because this key is free after a default installation of MuseScore. ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with P liberated Piano keyboard shortcut was 'P' - liberated AHK equivalent: P + K ~p & F1:: FREE ~p & F2:: FREE ~p & F3:: FREE ~p & F4:: FREE ~p & F5:: ; copy style page sp. settings and last system fill treshold F4 ~p & F6:: ; paste style page sp. settings and last system fill treshold F4 ~p & F7:: ; copy style header and footer texts F4 ~p & F8:: ; paste style header and footer texts F4 ~p & F9:: ; copy beam X left handle en Y right handle F4 ~p & F10:: ; paste beam X left handle en Y right handle F4 ~p & F11:: ; copy X- and Y- Offsets of element F4 ~p & F12:: ; paste X- and Y- Offsets of element F4 ~p & 1:: ; zoomfactor 110 % M ~p & 2:: ; zoomfactor 120 % M ~p & 3:: ; zoomfactor 130 % M ~p & 4:: ; zoomfactor 140 % M ~p & 5:: ; zoomfactor 150 % M ~p & 6:: ; zoomfactor 160 % M ~p & 7:: ; zoomfactor 170 % M ~p & 8:: ; zoomfactor 180 % M ~p & 9:: ; zoomfactor 190 % M ~p & 0:: ; zoomfactor 200 % M ~p & -:: ; copy beam grow left and right F4 ~p & =:: ; paste beam grow left and right F4 ~p & a:: FREE ~p & b:: FREE ~p & c:: ; continuous view M ~p & d:: FREE ~p & e:: ; zoomfactor 300 % M ~p & f:: ; show palettes, hide selection filter M ~p & g:: FREE ~p & h:: ; whole page M ~p & i:: ; attach staffspacer up of 15 sp M ~p & j:: ; attach small spacer up M ~p & k:: ; toggles the screen pianokeyboard M and M_stripped ~p & l:: ; toggle page - continuous view M ~p & m:: ; make staves small - loop - toggle M ~p & n:: ; toggle staff small M ~p & o:: ; zoomfactor 100 % M ~p & p:: IMPOSSIBLE ~p & q:: FREE ~p & r:: ; zoomfactor 400 % M ~p & s:: ; single page view M ~p & t:: ; two pages M ~p & u:: ; set extra distance above staff M ~p & v:: ; page view M ~p & w:: ; page width M ~p & x:: ; exclude from measure count M ~p & y:: FREE ~p & z:: FREE ~p & [:: ; Measure Properties M ~p & ]:: ; Staff/Part Properties M ~p & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~p & ':: FREE ~p & \:: FREE ~p & ,:: ; open last closed ▼ Portal ► M ~p & .:: ; close open Portal if ▼ is visible M ~p & /:: FREE ~p & PrintScreen/ScrollLock/CapsLock/Pause/Ins/Home/PgUp/Del/End/PgDn all FREE ~p & Up:: FREE ~p & Down:: FREE ~p & Left:: FREE ~p & Right:: FREE ~p & LButton:: ; copy grow left and right (same as P + F9) F4 ~p & RButton:: ; paste grow left and right (same as P + F10) F4 ~p & MButton:: ~p & WheelDown/WheelUp/AppsKey all FREE ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with T Using the prefix key 'T' could be an option as an alternative prefix key because this key is free after a default installation of MuseScore. Can also be used while learning for making simple macros in the Learn.ahk ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with U Using the prefix key 'U' could be an option as an alternative prefix key because this key is free after a default installation of MuseScore. Can also be used while learning for making simple macros in the Learn.ahk ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Y After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~y & F1:: ; set left color (1) magenta 0xff00ff F1 and F1_stripped ~y & F2:: ; set right color (1) lime 0x00ff00 F1 and F1_stripped ~y & F3:: ; set left color (2) blue 0x0000ff F1 ~y & F4:: ; set right color (2) orange half tone 0xffaa00 F1 ~y & F5:: ; set left color (3) red 0xff0000 F1 ~y & F6:: ; set right color (3) dark yellow 0xaaaa00 F1 ~y & F7:: ; set left color (4) medium purple 0xaa55ff F1 ~y & F8:: ; set right color (4) light salmon 0xffaa7f F1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~y & F9:: ; select colored range (1) from magenta to lime F1_stripped ~y & F9:: FREE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~y & F10:: FREE ~y & F11:: FREE ~y & F12:: FREE ~y & 1:: ; go to left color (1) magenta 0xff00ff F1 and F1_stripped ~y & 2:: ; go to right color (1) lime 0x00ff00 F1 and F1_stripped ~y & 3:: ; go to left color (2) blue 0x0000ff F1 ~y & 4:: ; go to right color (2) orange half tone 0xffaa00 F1 ~y & 5:: ; go to left color (3) red 0xff0000 F1 ~y & 6:: ; go to right color (3) dark yellow 0xaaaa00 F1 ~y & 7:: ; go to left color (4) medium purple 0xaa55ff F1 ~y & 8:: ; go to right color (4) light salmon 0xffaa7f F1 ~y & 9:: ; select colored range (1) from magenta to lime F1 ~y & 0:: ; select colored range (2) from blue to orange half tone F1 ~y & -:: ; select colored range (3) from red to dark yellow F1 ~y & =:: ; select colored range (4) from medium purple to light salmon F1 ~y & c:: ; to colorpicker F1 ~y & n:: ; elements without style button - reset color (e.g. notes) F1 ~y & r:: ; reset color - range F1 ~y & s:: ; style button - reset color by sending 'black' to ColorPicker F1 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Z MsC shortcut 'Z' was Show symbol palette redefined: Shift + M ~z & F1:: ; test images and measure distance (2x) from locators to palette separator M and M_stripped ~z & F2:: ; measure distance from Insp image to inspector separator M and M_stripped ~z & F3:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F4:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F5:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F6:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F7:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F8:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F9:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & F10:: ; test functionality of one image M ~z & F11:: ; get coordinates of hotspots M and M_stripped ~z & F12:: ; get coordinates of surfaces M and M_stripped ~z & 1:: ; auto-reset the Palette separator to the Defined Width M and M_stripped ~z & 2:: ; auto-reset the Inspector separator to the Defined Width M and M_stripped ~z & 3:: ; focus on screencentre (e.g. to activate AHK MsgBoxes) M and IHK - when MuseScore is active it takes precedence ~z & 4:: ; check canvas search area (check coordinates) M --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & 5:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & 5:: ; Test Image Recognition IM_01_Inspector_Inspector.png M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & 6:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & 6:: ; get color mouseposition M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & 7:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & 8:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & 9:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & 0:: ; reserved for maintenance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & -:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & -:: ; semi-auto-reset the Palette separator to the Defined Width M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & =:: ; reserved for maintenance ~z & =:: ; semi-auto-reset the Inspector separator to the Defined Width M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & a:: ; add symbols from advanced workspace ahk F2 ~z & b:: ; set beam properties (loop) F5 ~z & c:: ; color search and select F1 ~z & d:: ; advanced dynamics F6 ~z & e:: ; set single dynamics consecutively (loop) F6 ~z & f:: ; selection filter F1 ~z & g:: ; graphic accidentals in ornament F9 ~z & h:: ; add special characters F9 ~z & i:: ; explode collapsed inspector sections: ▼ instead of ► M and M_stripped ~z & j:: ; copy long/short instrument name (for cues) F9 ~z & k:: ; tempo changes F9 ~z & l:: ; set pedal lines consecutively F9 ~z & m:: ; mask measures/staff (specials) -> F9 ~z & n:: ; note patterns F8 ~z & o:: ; add ornaments from master palette F7 ~z & p:: ; pitch before duration F8 ~z & q:: ; make cues from cue material of Selection Filter F9 ~z & r:: ; colored rest templates (rhythmic patterns) F8 ~z & s:: ; add symbols from master palette F7 ~z & t:: ; create alternating timesignatures (or only one) F5 ~z & u:: ; master utilities (not PixMousing) M ~z & v:: ; single note or range - zero velocity but keep type F11 ~z & w:: ; inputbox independent hotkeys IHK ~z & x:: ; add accidentals F8 ~z & y:: FREE ~z & z:: IMPOSSIBLE ~z & [:: FREE ~z & ]:: FREE ~z & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~z & ':: FREE ~z & \:: FREE ~z & ,:: ; break Keep/Delete staccato loop F9 ~z & .:: ; Keep/Delete staccato notes F9 ~z & /:: ; get color mouse position M and M_stripped ~z & PrintScreen:: ; ~z & ScrollLock:: ; ~z & CapsLock:: ; ~z & Tab:: ; to the first empty measure after last non-empty measure M ~z & Pause:: ; break loop score search F1 ~z & Ins/Home/PgUp/Del/End/PgDd all FREE ~z & Up:: ; Scroll vertically - up (= MuseScore Shift + WheelUp) M ~z & Down:: ; Scroll vertically - down (= MuseScore Shift + WheelDown) M ~z & Left:: ; Scroll horizontically - left (= MuseScore WheelUp) M ~z & Right:: ; Scroll horizontically - right (= MuseScore WheelDown) M ~z & Tab:: ; to next note in staff skipping whole measure rests F3 ~z & LButton:: FREE ~z & RButton:: FREE ~z & MButton:: FREE ~z & WheelDown:: ; move caret x measures to the left M ~z & WheelUp:: ; move caret x measures to the right M ~z & AppsKey:: ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with [ OPENING bracket After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~[ & F1:: ; run macrogtoup #1 F1_ColorSearchSelect.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F1 and in M_stripped ~[ & F2:: ; run macrogtoup #2 F2_Apply_Palette_Symbols.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F2 and in M_stripped ~[ & F3:: ; run macrogtoup #3 F3_Navigation.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F3 ~[ & F4:: ; run macrogtoup #4 F4_Positioning.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F4 ~[ & F5:: ; run macrogtoup #5 F5_Alt_Time_Sigs_and_BeamProps.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F5 ~[ & F6:: ; run macrogtoup #6 F6_Advanced_Dynamics.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F6 ~[ & F7:: ; run macrogtoup #7 F7_Master_Palette.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F7 ~[ & F8:: ; run macrogtoup #8 F8_Note_Input.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F8 ~[ & F9:: ; run macrogtoup #9 F9_Specials.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F9 ~[ & F10:: ; run macrogtoup #10 F10_Change_Score_Status.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F10 ~[ & F11:: ; run macrogtoup #11 F11_Note Duration_MouseWheel.ahk M second press: shows tooltip in F11 ~[ & F12:: FREE ~[ & /:: ; run PixelMousing M ~[ & NumpadEnter:: ; run Set_Surface_Coordinates.ahk M and M_stripped ~[ & NumpadAdd:: ; run SnippingTool M ~[ & 1:: ; info macrogroup 1 F1 Search and Select F1 and F1_stripped ~[ & 2:: ; info macrogroup 2 F2 Apply Palette Symbols F2 ~[ & 3:: ; info macrogroup 3 F3 Navigation F3 ~[ & 4:: ; info macrogroup 4 F4 Positioning F4 ~[ & 5:: ; info macrogroup 5 F5 Alt.TimeSigs and BeamProps F5 ~[ & 6:: ; info macrogroup 6 F6 Advanced Dynamics F6 ~[ & 7:: ; info macrogroup 7 F7 Master Palette F7 ~[ & 8:: ; info macrogroup 8 F8 Note Input F8 ~[ & 9:: ; info macrogroup 9 F9 Specials F9 ~[ & 0:: ; info macrogroup 10 F10 Change Score Status F10 ~[ & -:: ; info macrogroup 11 F11 MouseWheel Note Duration F11 ~[ & =:: FREE ~[ & a:: FREE ~[ & b:: ; info positioning beams F4 ~[ & c:: ; info color search and select F1 ~[ & d:: ; staff > select notes > same duration F1 and F1_stripped ~[ & e:: ; info ergonomy M ~[ & f:: FREE ~[ & g:: ; info positioning - generic numeric felds F4 ~[ & h:: ; info help in master M and M_stripped ~[ & i:: ; info micro navigation F3 ~[ & j:: FREE ~[ & k:: FREE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & l:: ; info positioning - stemlength and align F4 ~[ & l:: ; load 'learn' M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & m:: ; info more in master M and M_stripped ~[ & n:: ; staff > select notes > same notename F1 and F1_stripped ~[ & o:: FREE ~[ & p:: ; staff > select notes > same pitch F1 and F1_stripped ~[ & q:: FREE ~[ & r:: FREE ~[ & s:: FREE ~[ & t:: ; info positioning - ties F4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & u:: ; info utilities M ~[ & u:: ; info utilities Defined State M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & v:: ; staff > select notes > same voice F1 and F1_stripped ~[ & w:: ; info workflow in master M ~[ & x:: FREE ~[ & y:: ; info positioning - copy positions F4 ~[ & z:: ; info view en zoomfactor M ~[ & [:: IMPOSSIBLE ~[ & ]:: ; reloads the master M ~[ & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~[ & ':: ; reload independent hotkeys (from IHK) IHK ~[ & \:: ; run independent hotkeys (from master) M --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & ,:: ; edit 'learn' M_stripped ~[ & ,:: FREE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & .:: ; open Notepad and edit Coordinates.ahk M and M_stripped ~[ & /:: ; run PixelMousing M and M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & Home:: ; edit Master_stripped M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~[ & PrintScreen/ScrollLock/CapsLock/Pause/Ins/Home/PgU/Del/End/PgDn all FREE ~[ & Up:: FREE ~[ & Down:: FREE ~[ & Left:: FREE ~[ & Right:: FREE ~[ & LButton:: FREE ~[ & RButton:: ; staff > select all similar F1 ~[ & MButton:: ; staff > select same subtype > same voice F1 ~[ & WheelDown/WheelUp/AppsKey all FREE ~[ & ]:: ; reloads the master (when master already running) M and M_stripped ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with ] CLOSING bracket After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~] & F1:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #1 Search and Select F1 and F1_stripped ~] & F2:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #2 Apply Palette Symbols F2 ~] & F3:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #3 Navigation F3 ~] & F4:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #4 Positioning F4 ~] & F5:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #5 Alt.TimeSigs and BeamProps F5 ~] & F6:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #6 Advanced Dynamics F6 ~] & F7:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #7 Master Palette F7 ~] & F8:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #8 Specials F8 ~] & F9:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #9 Master Palette Symbols F9 ~] & F10:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #10 Change Score Status F10 ~] & F11:: ; ExitApp MacroGroup #11 MouseWheel Note Duration F11 ~] & F12:: ~] & -:: ~] & =:: ~] & a:: ; close all active macrogroups M ~] & d:: ; range > select all notes with the same duration F1 and F1_stripped ~] & h:: ; range > only the noteheads or only the rests F1 and F1_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~] & l:: ; exit 'learn' M_stripped ~] & l:: FREE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~] & n:: ; range > select all notes with the same F1 and F1_stripped ~] & p:: ; range > select all notes with the same pitch F1 and F1_stripped ~] & v:: ; range > select all notes with the same voice F1 and F1_stripped ~] & /:: ; exit PixelMousing PM ~] & \:: ; exit independent hotkeys IHK ~] & [:: ; exit master M and M_stripped ~] & MButton:: ; staff > select all similar > same voice F1 ~] & RButton:: ; staff > select same subtype F1 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with , (comma) After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~, & .:: ; create masking text F10 ~, & /:: ; inspector: element, set stacking order F10 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with / Forwardslash MsC shortcut '/' was Add acciaccatura: redefined Shift + / (shows as '?') ~/ & c:: ; Pixel Mousing - copy coordinates to clipboard PM ~/ & d:: ; Pixel Mousing - down 25 px PM ~/ & h:: ; Pixel Mousing Help PM ~/ & i:: ; Pixel Mousing - Copy 4 Image coordinates to clipboard PM ~/ & l:: ; Pixel Mousing - left 25 px PM ~/ & m:: ; Pixel Mousing - drag disable PM ~/ & n:: ; Pixel Mousing - drag enable PM ~/ & p:: ; Pixel Mousing - paste coordinates ~/ & r:: ; Pixel Mousing - right 25 px PM ~/ & u:: ; Pixel Mousing - up 25 px PM ~/ & ,:: ; Pixel Mousing left-cLick PM ~/ & .:: ; Pixel Mousing right-click PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~/ & .:: ; right-click when MuseScore is inactive IHK On desktop: type first character to walk through the desktop items - press Z Rightclicks colored icon. If an explorer window is open press again / + . This moves the mouse to the color of the selected file and gives it a rightclick. (Open, Edit, etc..) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~/ & n:: ; Pixel Mousing - drag enable PM ~/ & m:: ; Pixel Mousing - drag disable PM ~/ & Up:: ; Pixel Mousing 1 px up PM ~/ & Down:: ; Pixel Mousing 1 px down PM ~/ & Left:: ; Pixel Mousing 1 px left PM ~/ & Right:: ; Pixel Mousing 1 px right PM NB: with modifier keys ~>^/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px right - Right Control PM ~<^/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px left - Left Control PM ~!/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px up - Right Alt PM ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with \ (backslash) After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~\ & F1,F2,F3...F12 FREE ~\ & 9:: ; decrease stemlength one note with 0.25 sp F4 ~\ & 0:: ; increase stemlength of one note with 0.25 sp F4 ~\ & -:: ; decrease stemlength of one note with 0.5 sp F4 ~\ & =:: ; increase stemlength of one note with 0.5 sp F4 ~\ & a:: ; open paused script (activate akh icon red) IHK ~\ & c:: ; change score status to concert pitch F10 ~\ & h:: ; help independent hotkeys IHK ~\ & l:: ; stems selected - change stemlength - exit with Z F4 ~\ & m:: ; run ahk master MuseScore IHK ~\ & o:: ; decrease stems of notes same voice in range 0.25 sp F4 ~\ & p:: ; increase stems of notes same voice in range 0.25 sp F4 ~\ & s:: ; activate akh icon in systemtray IHK ~\ & t:: ; change score status to transposed pitch F10 ~\ & x:: ; run/exit Window Spy toggle IHK ~\ & z:: ; run/exit AHK Help file toggle IHK ~\ & [:: ; decrease stems of notes same voice in range 0.50 sp F4 ~\ & ]:: ; increase stems of notes same voice in range 0.50 sp F4 ~\ & /:: ; reset stemlength one note F4 ~\ & Ins:: ~\ & Home:: ; to first measure of score and select first element F3 ~\ & End:: ; to last measure of score and select last element F3 ~\ & PgUp:: ; to previous page in page width and select highest first note/rest in top staff F3 ~\ & PgDn:: ; to next page in page width and select highest first note/rest in top staff F3 ~\ & Up:: ; to highest staff in page view F3 ~\ & Down:: ; to lowest staff in page view F3 NB: ~<^\:: ; LCtrl centre active window, size (1) 800x800 px IHK ~>^\:: ; RCtrl centre active window, size (2) 900x1200 px IHK ^#\:: ; position window 1 left and window 2 right - toggle IHK ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with \ (backslash) SC056 Info about key SC056 in F11_DATA.txt ~SC056 & WheelUp:: ; increase note duration dotted F11 ~SC056 & WheelDown:: ; decrease note duration dotted F11 ~SC056 & LButton:: ; to the previous note or rest F11 ~SC056 & RButton:: ; to the next note or rest F11 ~SC056 & MButton:: ; creates a rest F11 ~SC056 & z:: ; creates a tie F11 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with CapsLock ~CapsLock & F1:: ; select font only active in .odt documents IHK ~CapsLock & F2:: ; select font size only active in .odt documents IHK ~CapsLock & F3:: ~CapsLock & F4:: ~CapsLock & F5:: ~CapsLock & F6:: ~CapsLock & F7:: ~CapsLock & F8:: ~CapsLock & F9:: ~CapsLock & F10:: ; horizontal alignment of similar elements F4 ~CapsLock & F11:: ; horizontal alignment of similar elements of the same subtype F4 ~CapsLock & F12:: ~CapsLock & 1:: ; toolbar: note input + workspace - toggle M ~CapsLock & 2:: ; toolbar: file operations - toggle M ~CapsLock & 3:: ; toolbar: playback controls - toggle M ~CapsLock & 4:: ; toolbar: concert pitch - toggle M ~CapsLock & 5:: ; toolbar: image capture - toggle M ~CapsLock & 6:: ; toolbar: feedback - toggle M ~CapsLock & 7:: ; toolbar: toggle all toolbars except note input + workspaces M --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CapsLock & 8:: ; version 1 all toolbars off (pdf p 29) M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & 8:: ; version 2 leave only note input and workspaces on (pdf p 30) M and M_stripped --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CapsLock & 9:: FREE ~CapsLock & 0:: FREE ~CapsLock & -:: FREE ~CapsLock & =:: FREE ~CapsLock & a:: ; full screen toggle (adjacent keys) M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & b:: FREE ~CapsLock & c:: ; center selected element M ~CapsLock & d:: ; accessibility: alternative for Alt + down M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & e:: ; empty palette searchfield (show all palettes) M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & f:: FREE ~CapsLock & g:: FREE ~CapsLock & h:: ; make single beam horizontal F4 ~CapsLock & i:: ; make beams of same voice in range horizontal F4 ~CapsLock & j:: ; reset single beam F4 ~CapsLock & k: ; reset beams in range F4 ~CapsLock & l:: FREE ~CapsLock & m:: FREE ~CapsLock & o:: FREE ~CapsLock & p:: FREE ~CapsLock & q:: FREE ~CapsLock & q:: ; store MousePosition (cooperates with CapsLock + W) M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & LButton:: ; store clicked MousePosition (idem) M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & r:: FREE ~CapsLock & s:: ; preferences -> shortcuts -> search M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & t:: FREE ~CapsLock & u:: FREE ~CapsLock & v:: FREE ~CapsLock & w:: ; click MousePos stored by CapsLock + Q M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & x:: ; delete M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & y:: FREE ~CapsLock & z:: ; accessibility: next element (alternative for Alt + right) M and M_stripped ~CapsLock & [:: FREE ~CapsLock & ]:: FREE ~CapsLock & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~CapsLock & ':: FREE ~CapsLock & \:: FREE ~CapsLock & ,:: FREE ~CapsLock & .:: FREE ; ~CapsLock & /:: FREE ~CapsLock & PrintScreen::FREE ~CapsLock & ScrollLock::FREE ~CapsLock & CapsLock:: IMPOSSIBLE ------------------------------ ~CapsLock & Pause:: ~CapsLock & Ins:: ~CapsLock & Home:: FREE ; ~CapsLock & PgUp:: FREE ; ~CapsLock & Del:: FREE ; ~CapsLock & End:: FREE ; ~CapsLock & PgDn:: FREE ; ~CapsLock & left:: ~CapsLock & right:: ~CapsLock & up:: ~CapsLock & left:: ; X-offset CHORD 0.1 sp to the left F4 ~CapsLock & right:: ; X-offset CHORD 0.1 sp to the right F4 ~CapsLock & up:: ; X-offset CHORD 0.05 sp to the left F4 ~CapsLock & down:: ; X-offset CHORD 0.05 sp to the right F4 ~CapsLock + NumPad 4 Left ; X-offset CHORD 0.50 sp to the left F4 ~CapsLock + NumPad 6 Right ; X-offset CHORD 0.50 sp to the right F4 ~CapsLock & Tab ; to next note in staff skipping whole measure rests F3 ~CapsLock & LButton:: ; store clicked MousePosition = CapsLock & Q (icm CapsLock + W) M ~CapsLock & RButton:: ; staff > all similar F1 and F1_stripped ~CapsLock & MButton:: ; staff > same subtype F1 and F1_stripped ~CapsLock & WheelDown:: ; toward you - increase Y-offset element F4 (lower) ~CapsLock & WheelUp:: ; away from you - decrease Y-offset element F4 (higher) ~CapsLock & AppsKey:: ; ~CapsLock & PrintScreen:: ; NB: ~^CapsLock:: ; reset (ergonomical alternative for Control + R) M and M_stripped ~+CapsLock:: ; toggles automatic placement M and M_stripped #CapsLock:: ; escape + memorypoint M and M_stripped ~!CapsLock:: ; performs doubleclick M and M_stripped ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with F2 After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free if not used whith text. ~F2 & 1:: ; beam left handle 0.01 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 2:: ; beam left handle 0.02 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 3:: ; beam left handle 0.03 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 4:: ; beam left handle 0.04 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 5:: ; beam left handle 0.05 sp higher F4 ~F2 & right:: ; beam left handle 0.05 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 6:: ; beam left handle 0.06 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 7:: ; beam left handle 0.07 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 8:: ; beam left handle 0.08 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 9:: ; beam left handle 0.09 sp higher F4 ~F2 & 0:: ; beam left handle 0.10 sp higher F4 ~F2 & -:: ; beam grow left & right 1.16 F4 ~F2 & =:: ; beam grow left & right 1.25 F4 ~F2 & l:: ; beam grow left F4 ~F2 & r:: ; beam grow right F4 ~F2 & up:: ; beam left handle 0.25 sp higher F4 ~F2 & NumPad1:: ; beam left handle 0.01 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad2:: ; beam left handle 0.02 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad3:: ; beam left handle 0.03 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad4:: ; beam left handle 0.04 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad5:: ; beam left handle 0.05 sp lower F4 ~F2 & left:: ; beam left handle 0.05 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad6:: ; beam left handle 0.06 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad7:: ; beam left handle 0.07 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad8:: ; beam left handle 0.08 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad9:: ; beam left handle 0.09 sp lower F4 ~F2 & NumPad0:: ; beam left handle 0.10 sp lower F4 ~F2 & down:: ; beam left handle 0.25 sp lower F4 ~F2 & up:: ; beam left handle 0.25 sp higher F4 ~F2 & down:: ; beam left handle 0.25 sp lower F4 ~F2 & left:: ; beam left handle 0.05 sp lower F4 ~F2 & right:: ; beam left handle 0.05 sp higher F4 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with F3 After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~F3 & F2:: ; unicode input IHK ~F3 & 1:: ; beam right handle 0.01 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 2:: ; beam right handle 0.02 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 3:: ; beam right handle 0.03 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 4:: ; beam right handle 0.04 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 5:: ; beam right handle 0.05 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 6:: ; beam right handle 0.06 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 7:: ; beam right handle 0.07 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 8:: ; beam right handle 0.08 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 9:: ; beam right handle 0.09 sp higher F4 ~F3 & 0:: ; beam right handle 0.10 sp higher F4 ~F3 & -:: ; tie leftside - 5 shorter F4 ~F3 & =:: ; tie leftside - 5 longer F4 ~F3 & NumPad1:: ; beam right handle 0.01 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad2:: ; beam right handle 0.02 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad3:: ; beam right handle 0.03 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad4:: ; beam right handle 0.04 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad5:: ; beam right handle 0.05 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad6:: ; beam right handle 0.06 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad7:: ; beam right handle 0.07 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad8:: ; beam right handle 0.08 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad9:: ; beam right handle 0.09 sp lower F4 ~F3 & NumPad0:: ; beam right handle 0.10 sp lower F4 ~F3 & a:: FREE ~F3 & b:: ; downstem bottom tie - line note F4 ~F3 & c:: ; downstem bottom tie - mirrored note F4 ~F3 & d:: ; tie 3 lower F4 ~F3 & e:: FREE ~F3 & f:: ; flatten downties - enlarge curve-up tie F4 ~F3 & g:: FREE ~F3 & h:: FREE ~F3 & i:: ; tie leftside - 2 shorter F4 ~F3 & j:: FREE ~F3 & k:: FREE ~F3 & l:: ; downstem - linenote - down tie F4 ~F3 & m:: ; downstem adjacent notes - mirrored secunde linenote F4 ~F3 & n:: ; downstem adjacent notes - mirrored secunde spacenote F4 ~F3 & o:: ; downstem - linenote - up tie F4 ~F3 & p:: ; tie leftside - 2 longer F4 ~F3 & q:: FREE ~F3 & r:: ; reset tie F4 ~F3 & s:: ; downstem - spacenote - down tie F4 ~F3 & t:: ; downstem topnote (for line- and spacenotes) F4 ~F3 & u:: ; tie 3 higher F4 ~F3 & v:: ; downstem bottom tie - space notes F4 ~F3 & w:: ; downstem- spacenote - uptie F4 ~F3 & x:: ; flip tie F4 ~F3 & y:: ; downstem topnote (1/8) F4 ~F3 & z:: ~F3 & [:: ; downstem innernote uptie F4 ~F3 & ]:: ; downstem innernote downtie F4 ~F3 & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~F3 & ':: FREE ~F3 & \:: FREE ~F3 & ,:: ; reset dot F4 ~F3 & .:: ; move dot in chord with seconds 1.2 sp left F4 ~F3 & /:: FREE ~F3 & PrintScreen/ScrollLock/CapsLock/Pause/Ins/Home/PgUp/Del/End/PgDn all FREE ~F3 & up:: ; beam right handle 0.25 sp higher F4 ~F3 & down:: ; beam right handle 0.25 sp lower F4 ~F3 & left:: ; beam right handle 0.05 sp lower F4 ~F3 & right:: ; beam right handle 0.05 sp higher F4 ~F3 & LButton/RButton/MButton/WheelDown/WheelUp/AppsKey all FREE ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with F5 After a default installation of MuseScore this key is free. ~F5 & -:: ; tie rightside - 5 shorter F4 ~F5 & =:: ; tie rightside - 5 longer F4 ~F5 & a:: FREE ~F5 & b:: ; upstem bottom tie - line notes F4 ~F5 & c:: ; upstem bottom tie - chord with mirrored head F4 ~F5 & d:: ; tie 5 lower F4 ~F5 & e:: FREE ~F5 & f:: ; flatten upties - enlarge curve down-ties F4 ~F5 & g:: FREE ~F5 & h:: FREE ~F5 & i:: ; tie rightside - 2 shorter F4 ~F5 & j:: FREE ~F5 & k:: FREE ~F5 & l:: ; upstem - linenote - down tie F4 ~F5 & m:: ; upstem adjacent notes - mirrored secunde linenote F4 ~F5 & n:: ; upstem adjacent notes - mirrored secunde spacenote F4 ~F5 & o:: ; upstem - linenote - up tie - curve up F4 ~F5 & p:: ; tie rightside - 2 longer F4 ~F5 & q:: FREE ~F5 & r:: ; reset tie F4 ~F5 & s:: ; upstem - spacenote - downtie F4 ~F5 & t:: ; upstem topnote non mirrored F4 ~F5 & u:: ; tie 5 higher F4 ~F5 & v:: ; upstem bottom - space notes F4 ~F5 & w:: ; upstem - spacenote - uptie F4 ~F5 & x:: ; flip tie F4 ~F5 & y:: ; upstem mirrored topnote F4 ~F5 & z:: FREE ~F5 & [:: ; upstem mirrored innernote downtie - default curvature F4 ~F5 & ]:: ; upstem innernote (not mirrored) - downtie F4 ~F5 & ;:: FORBIDDEN ~F5 & ':: FREE ~F5 & \:: FREE ~F5 & ,:: ; reset dot F4 ~F5 & .:: ; move dot in chord with seconds 1.2 sp left F4 ~F5 & /:: FREE ~F5 & PrintScreen/ScrollLock/CapsLock/Pause/Ins/Home/PgUp/Del/End/PgDn -all FREE ~F5 & up/down/left/right/LButton/RButton/MButton/WheelDown/WheelUp/AppsKey - all FREE ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with F11 liberated F11 Playpanel Clear the shortcut in MuseScore and use the hotkey F11 + F10 instead. ~F11 & F1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 all FREE ~F11 & F9:: ; Mute/unmute the master volume + Vol.change with MWheel (OS) M ~F11 & F10::: ; show play panel - toggle M ~F11 & F12:: ; show play panel - toggle - to volume slider - press Z M ~F11 & -:: ; regulates volume in OS; stepsize -5 M ~F11 & =:: ; regulates volume in OS; stepsize +5 M NB: Utility Initialise Play Panel: Z + U -> IPP. Undocks the panel and moves it to a spot of your choice. See pdf p 48 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Numpad - prefixkeys NumpadEnter, NumpadAdd and NumpadSub ~NumpadEnter & NumpadAdd:: ; Y-Offset Element 0.25 sp up F4 ~NumpadEnter & NumpadSub:: ; Y-Offset Element 0.25 sp down F4 ~NumPadEnter + left ; 0.05 sp to the left Element F4 ~NumPadEnter + right ; 0.05 sp to the right Element F4 ~NumPadEnter + up ; 0.05 sp higher Element F4 ~NumpadEnter & Up:: ; when stems selected: stem O.25 sp longer F4 ~NumpadEnter + down ; 0.05 sp lower Element F4 ~NumpadEnter & down:: ; when stems selected: stem O.25 sp shorter F4 ~+NumpadEnter:: ; select image surface area (Snipping Tool) ~NumpadEnter + Numpad1 ; PixelMousing left 1px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad2 ; PixelMousing down 25px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad3 ; PixelMousing right 1px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad4 ; PixelMousing left 25px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad5 ; PixelMousing up 1px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad6 ; PixelMousing right 25px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad7 ; PixelMousing leftclick PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad8 ; PixelMousing up 25px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad9 ; PixelMousing rightclick PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad0 ; PixelMousing down 1px PM ~NumpadEnter + Numpad. ; PixelMousing down 1px PM ~NumpadEnter + NumpadDiv ; get TLC PM ~NumpadEnter + NumpadMult ; get BRC PM NumpadAdd + left ; 0.03 sp to the left Element F4 NumpadAdd + right ; 0.03 sp to the right Element F4 NumpadAdd + up ; 0.03 sp higher Element F4 NumpadAdd + down ; 0.03 sp lower Element F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad1 ; increase value 0.01 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad2 ; increase value 0.02 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + NumPad3 ; increase value 0.03 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad4 ; increase value 0.10 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad5 ; increase value 0.20 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad6 ; increase value 0.30 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad7 ; increase value 1.00 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad8 ; increase value 2.00 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad9 ; increase value 3.00 sp NumField F4 NumpadAdd + Numpad0 ; increase value 10.0 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + left ; 0.01 sp to the left Element F4 NumpadSub + right ; 0.01 sp to the right Element F4 NumpadSub + up ; 0.01 sp higher Element F4 NumpadSub + down ; 0.01 sp lower Element F4 NumpadSub + Numpad1 ; decrease value 0.01 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad2 ; decrease value 0.02 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + NumPad3 ; decrease value 0.03 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad4 ; decrease value 0.10 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad5 ; decrease value 0.20 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad6 ; decrease value 0.30 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad7 ; decrease value 1.00 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad8 ; decrease value 2.00 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad9 ; decrease value 3.00 sp NumField F4 NumpadSub + Numpad0 ; decrease value 10.0 sp NumField F4 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with LButton ~LButton & x:: ; fast access X-offset ELEMENTS F5 ~LButton & y:: ; fast access Y-offset ELEMENTS F5 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with MButton ~^MButton:: ; range > same subtype F1 and F1_stripped ~<+MButton:: ; score > same subtype (Left Shift) F1 and F1_stripped ~>+MButton:: ; same system > same subtype (Right Shift) F1 and F1_stripped ~!MButton:: ; range > same subtype > same voice F1 and F1_stripped ~CapsLock & MButton:: ; staff > same subtype F1 and F1_stripped #MButton:: ; staff > same subtype > same voice F1 and F1_stripped ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with RButton ~^RButton:: ; range > all similar F1 and F1_stripped ~<+RButton:: ; score > all similar (left shift) F1 and F1_stripped ~>+RButton:: ; same system > all similar (right shift) F1 and F1_stripped ~!RButton:: ; range > similar > same voice F1 and F1_stripped ~CapsLock & RButton:: ; staff > all similar F1 and F1_stripped #RButton:: ; staff > all similar > same voice F1 and F1_stripped ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with XButtons ~XButton1 & WheelUp:: ; semitone higher F11 ~XButton1 & WheelDown:: ; semitone lower F11 ~XButton2:: ; toggle note input F11 If F11 not active: ~XButton1:: ; copy IHK ~XButton2:: ; paste IHK ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Control ~^RButton:: ; range > all similar F1 and F1_stripped ~^MButton:: ; range > same subtype F1 and F1_stripped ~^CapsLock:: ; reset = MsC Control + R F1 and M_stripped ^[:: ; select all similar in range F1 and F1_stripped ~^/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px right - mouse away from selection PM ~>^\:: ; centre active window, size it to 900x1200 px (right control) IHK ~<^\:: ; centre active window, size it to 800x800 px (left control) IHK ~>^/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px right - Right Control PM ~<^/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px left - Left Control PM SHORTCUTS with Control + Alt ~^!c:: ; text conversion to capitalized IHK ~^!i:: ; text conversion to inverted IHK ~^!l:: ; text conversion to lower IHK ~^!u:: ; text conversion to upper IHK SHORTCUTS with Control + Win ^#\:: ; position window 1 left and window 2 right IHK ^#b:: ; micro navigation to bend F3 ^#z:: ; focus on MuseScore - restore defined state IHK ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Alt ~!z:: ; search color voice 1 and click found element F1 and F1_stripped ~!x:: ; search color voice 2 and click found element F1 and F1_stripped ~!c:: ; search color voice 3 and click found element F1 and F1_stripped ~!d:: ; search color voice 4 and click found element F1 and F1_stripped ~!s:: ; search color voice 1,2,3,4 F1 and F1_stripped ~!m:: ; to color voice 4 (= also of handles) without click F9 ~!n:: ; to color unselected invisible elements ; and little grey square in handles without click F9 ~!b:: ; to color selected invisible elements F9 !CapsLock:: ; performs doubleclick M and M_stripped !WheelUp:: ; increase note duration dotted F11 !WheelDown:: ; decrease note duration dotted F11 ~!/:: ; Pixel Mousing 100 px up - Right Alt PM SHORTCUTS with Alt + Win !#b:: ; micro navigation to barline F3 !#c:: ; toggle chord small (also in range) F3 !#f:: ; set text frame F3 !#n:: ; toggle note small (also in range) F3 !#o:: ; toggle play tickbox off/on - single note or range F3 !#r:: ; toggle rest small (also in range) F3 !#s:: ; toggle note(s) stemless (also in range) F3 !#t:: ; reset text attributes B,I,U and size F3 !#v:: ; break velocity loop F3 !#x:: ; fix to line (also in range) F3 ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Shift +CapsLock:: ; toggles automatic placement M and M_stripped + select all similar (left shift} F1 and F1_stripped ~>+RButton:: ; same system > all similar (right shift) F1 and F1_stripped + same subtype (left shift} F1 and F1_stripped ~>+MButton:: ; same system > same subtype (right shift) F1 and F1_stripped ♣================================================================================================== SHORTCUTS with Windows logo key The Win + key shortcuts loose their native function, are not active when MuseScore is active. The Win + G key must be disabled in settings->game mode->game bar off (Win 10) #1:: ; switch workspace - see pdf p 70 M #a:: ; nav to articulation (including ornaments) F3 #b:: ; nav to beam F3 #c:: ; nav chords tie toggle (from note to stem to (un)tie chords) F3 #d:: ; nav to dynamics F3 #e:: ; nav to stem F3 #f:: ; nav to fingering F3 #g:: ; nav to grace note (disable Win + G key - gaming) F3 #h:: ; nav to hairpin F3 #i:: ; nav to tie F3 #j:: ; nav to note headgroup F3 #k:: ; nav to flag (hook) F3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB: #l:: Win sc lock computer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #m:: ; nav to symbol F3 #n:: ; nav to note F3 #o:: ; from note to ornament F3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NB: #p:: ; reserved for Win10 - play project --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #q:: ; nav to fretboard diagrams F3 #r:: ; #s:: ; nav to slur F3 #t:: ; nav to text F3 #u:: ; nav to tuplet F3 #v:: ; nav to velocity F3 #w:: ; nav to tremolo F3 #x:: ; nav to accidental F3 #y:: ; nav to style F3 #z:: ; back to last escaped element M and M_stripped #.:: ; nav to augmentation dot F3 #\:: ; focus on desktop - windows stay open IHK #[:: ; segment leading space for note, rest, barline, timesig, clef F4 #]:: ; reset segment leading space F4 #CapsLock:: ; escape M #LButton:: ; toggle - copy/paste M and M_stripped #MButton:: ; Staff > same subtype > same voice F1 #RButton:: ; Staff > all similar > same voice F1 #WheelDown:: ; toward you - increase X-offset element (to the right) F4 #WheelUp:: ; away from you - decrease X-offset element (to the left) F4 ♣================================================================================================== AppsKey:: ; Click, right