This DATA files is a stripped .txt version of the Master.ahk It is a supporting file meant to keep track. Some hotkeys don't need extra data. So in this document they get just one line. For the hotkeys in need of extra data: for each hotkey alle DIY items are listed. This concerns images + their search surface, hotspots, colornumbers, offsets and dimensions. The actual valus have to be entered in Coordinates.ahk Often you'll find more info in the Reference - Master section of the pdf. ; ♣================================================================================================ Legenda Modifier keys ^ Control ! Alt + Shift # Win Examples Hotspots ToolBarSel_X/Y means ToolBarSel_X and ToolBarSel_Y Surfaces CSA_X/Y1 CSA_X1 CSA_Y1 TLC TopLeftCorner CSA_X/Y2 CSA_X2 CSA_Y2 BRC BottomRightCorner Offsets are treated separately: one entry for each offset ; ♣================================================================================================ List of all images used in the master: Statusbar_Nothing_Selected.png Statusbar_Range_Selection.png IM_01_Inspector_Inspector.png IM_18_Inspector_Triangle_Closed.png CTS_Checked_ticked_sign.png PI_Print_Icon.png PIN_Master_Palette_Pincé.png DA_Portal_Open_Down_Arrow.png NB: the functionality of (almost) all images can be tested by the master utility 'Test Image Recognition'. In some cases the most simple test is just to execute a hotkey in which the image is used. ; ♣================================================================================================ The position of the tooltips, acting as separators between Canvas and Inspector cq Palettes/Sel Filter Def_Insp_Width Def_Insp_Width Def_Pal_Width Pal_Sep_Height ~[ & h:: ; general help F1 ~[ & z:: ; helpscreen Zoom & View ~[ & e:: ; helpscreen Ergonomy ~[ & m:: ; helpscreen More Hotkeyinfo ~[ & w:: ; helpscreen WorkFlow ~[ & u:: ; helpscreen Utilities ~[ & ]:: ; reload master ~] & [:: ; exit master ~[ & F1:: ; open macrogroup F1 ] & F1 is in F1 ~[ & F2:: ; open macrogroup F2 ] & F2 is in F2 ~[ & F3:: ; open macrogroup F3 ] & F3 is in F3 ~[ & F4:: ; open macrogroup F4 ] & F4 is in F4 ~[ & F5:: ; open macrogroup F5 ] & F5 is in F5 ~[ & F6:: ; open macrogroup F6 ] & F6 is in F6 ~[ & F7:: ; open macrogroup F7 ] & F7 is in F7 ~[ & F8:: ; open macrogroup F8 ] & F8 is in F8 ~[ & F9:: ; open macrogroup F9 ] & F9 is in F9 ~[ & F10:: ; open macrogroup F10 ] & F10 is in F10 ~[ & F11:: ; open macrogroup F11 ] & F11 is in F11 After repeating [ & F1,2,3 etc: Tooltips to show the name of the macro group are in their respective .ahk files ~] & a:: ; close all active macro groups ~[ & \:: ; load Independent Hotkeys ~[ & /:: ; load PixelMousing ~[ & .:: ; edit Coordinates file ~[ & NumpadEnter:: ; set surface and make image ~[ & NumpadAdd:: ; run the Snipping Tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CapsLock & 1:: ; Toolbar Note Input + Workspaces toggle ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ~CapsLock & 2:: ; Toolbar File Operations toggle ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ~CapsLock & 3:: ; Toolbar Playback Controls toggle ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ~CapsLock & 4:: ; Toolbar Concert Pitch toggle ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ~CapsLock & 5:: ; Toolbar Image Capture toggle ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ~CapsLock & 6:: ; Toolbar Feedback toggle ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ~CapsLock & 7:: ; Toggle for all Toolbars except Note Input and Workspaces ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot FIRST VERSION ~CapsLock & 8:: ; all toolbars off ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ImageSearch, Tick_X, Tick_Y, CTS_X1, CTS_Y1, CTS_X2, CTS_Y2, *40 CTS_Checked_ticked_sign.png CTS_X/Y1 CTS_X/Y2 ToolBTickOffset_X ToolBTickOffset_Y ALTERNATIVE VERSION ~CapsLock & 8:: ; switch the toolbars from 'File Operations' to 'Feedback' off if on. Switch Note Input and Workspaces on if off ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot FoFb_X/Y1 FoFb_X/Y2 ToolBTickOffset_X ToolBTickOffset_Y ImageSearch, Tick_X, Tick_Y, NoteInp_X1, NoteInp_Y1, NoteInp_X2, NoteInp_Y2, *40 CTS_Checked_ticked_sign.png NoteInp_X/Y1 NoteInp_X/Y2 ToolBTickOffset_X ToolBTickOffset_Y ToolBarSel_X/Y ; to Toolbar selection spot ImageSearch, Tick_X, Tick_Y, WorkSp_X1, WorkSp_Y1, WorkSp_X2, WorkSp_Y2, *40 CTS_Checked_ticked_sign.png WorkSp_X/Y1 WorkSp_X/Y2 ~F11 & F12:: ; playpanel toggle - change volume (NB: Default = -40 dB, click on Vol.slider) AND ~F11 & F10:: ; playpanel toggle - change speed as percentage Play_Panel_X/Y ; position of Play Panel outside Inspector PlayP_Wide ; width Play Panel PlayP_High ; height Play Panel Volume_X/Y ; rectangle master volume. Coordinates relative to Play Panel window! TempoPerc_X/Y ; rectangle playback speed as percentage. Coordinates relative to Play Panel window! ~F11 & F9:: ; Mute/unmute the master volume - change vol. by MWheel SplashImage, MuseScore_logo_round.jpg, b fm8 wm1000 ctff0000, , When ready`nPress Z, Press Zvolume, Arial ~F11 & -:: ; regulates volume in OS; stepsize -5 ~F11 & =:: ; regulates volume in OS; stepsize =5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #LButton:: ; toggle - copy range selection ImageSearch, , , SB_X1, SB_Y1, SB_X2, SB_Y2, *40 Statusbar_Range_Selection.png SB_X/Y1 ; Statusbar Search Area SB_X/Y2 AppsKey:: ; right-click ~!CapsLock:: ; doubleclick ~^CapsLock:: ; reset = Control + R ~+CapsLock:: ; toggles automatic placement #CapsLock:: ; accessible escape + creation memorypoint PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 ColorV2 ColorV3 ColorV4 #z:: ; back to last Escaped element ~Capslock & z:: ; accessibility: next element ~CapsLock & d:: ; accessibility: Alt + down ~Capslock & x:: ; delete ~CapsLock & q:: ; store MousePosition ~CapsLock & LButton:: ; store clicked MousePosition ~CapsLock & w:: ; click MousePosition stored by previous command PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 ColorV2 ColorV3 ColorV4 ~CapsLock & a:: ; toggles full screen with two adjacent keys ~CapsLock & s:: ; Preferences -> Search Tab_Sc_X/Y ; (TAB_SC) Preferences Tab Shortcuts Pref_Search_X/Y ; searchfield ~CapsLock & c:: ; Center selected element ColorCanvas ; color on testscreen = 0xfffeef Determine color with Z + / or with utility Z + U -> GCM ImageSearch, , , SB_X1, SB_Y1, SB_X2, SB_Y2, Statusbar_Nothing_Selected.png SB_X/Y1 ; Statusbar Search Area SB_X/Y2 ~CapsLock & e:: ; empty palette search field -> show all palettes Send ^{f9} ; Ctrl + F9 as Custom MuseScore shortcut, to Palette Search ~z & WheelUp:: ; move cursor x measures to the right ~z & WheelDown:: ; move cursor x measures to the left ~z & Up:: ; Scroll vertically - up - MuseScore Shift + WheelUp ~z & Down:: ; Scroll vertically - down - MuseScore Shift + WheelDown ~z & Left:: ; Scroll horizontically - left - MuseScore WheelUp ~z & Right:: ; Scroll horizontically - right - MuseScore WheelDown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~p & i:: ; attach Staffspacer of 15 sp. Send ^{f9} ; Ctrl + F9 as Custom MuseScore shortcut, to Palette Search PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) ~p & j:: ; attach small spacer up CoordMode, Mouse, Screen Send ^{f9} ; Ctrl + F9 as Custom MuseScore shortcut, to Palette Search PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) ~p & u:: ; set extra distance above staff WSPPHeight : height of window Staff/Part Properties WSPP_03X/Y ; (WSPP_03) Window Staff/Part Props Extra distance above staff SplashImage, MuseScore_logo_round.jpg, b fm8 wm1000 ctff0000, , When ready`nPress Z, Press Zvolume, Arial ~p & n:: ; toggle size of staff PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) WSPPHeight : height of window Staff/Part Properties WSPP_01X/Y ; (WSPP_01) Window Staff/Part Props Small staff tickbox ~p & m:: ; toggle size of staves PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) WSPPHeight : height of window Staff/Part Properties WSPP_01X/Y ; (WSPP_01) Window Staff/Part Props Small staff tickbox WSPP_06X/Y ; (WSPP_06) Window Staff/Part Props Next staff ↓ WSPP_08X/Y ; (WSPP_08) Window Staff/Part Props OK WSPP_09X/Y ; (WSPP_09) Window Staff/Part Props Apply ~p & [:: ; Measure Properties PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) ~p & ]:: ; Staff/Part Properties PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) WSPPHeight : height of window Staff/Part Properties ~p & x:: ; Exclude from measure count PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 (only) WMPP_02X/Y ; Exclude from measure count tickbox WMPP_04X/Y ; Apply ~p & k:: ; toggle on screen piano keyboard ~p & f:: ; show palettes, hide selection filter ToolBarSel_X/Y ; toolbar selection spot ImageSearch, , , PalTick_X1, PalTick_Y1, PalTick_X2, PalTick_Y2, *40 CTS_Checked_ticked_sign.png PalTick_X/Y1 PalTick_X/Y2 ImageSearch, , , SelTick_X1, SelTick_Y1, SelTick_X2, SelTick_Y2, *40 CTS_Checked_ticked_sign.png SelTick_X/Y1 SelTick_X/Y2 ~p & .:: ; close open palette if ▼ is visible ImageSearch, OpenPortalX, OpenPortalY, DA_X1, DA_Y1, DA_X2, DA_Y2, *40 DA_Portal_Open_Down_Arrow.png DA_X/Y1 DA_X/Y2 TriAngleOffset_X TriAngleOffset_Y PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 ColorV2 ColorV3 ColorV4 ~p & ,:: ; open last closed ▼ Portal ► TriAngleOffset_X TriAngleOffset_Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~p & l:: ; toggle page/continuous view For the next six commands: ImageSearch, , , PI_X1, PI_Y1, PI_X2, PI_Y2, *40 PI_Print_Icon.png PI_X/Y1 PI_X/Y2 SPCView_X/Y ; to selection field Single/Page/Continuous View ZoomArrow_X/Y ; arrow next to Zoompercentage rectangle ~p & v:: ; page view ~p & c:: ; continuous view ~p & l:: ; toggle page/continuous view ~p & s:: ; single page view ~p & w:: ; page width ~p & h:: ; whole page ~p & t:: ; two pages ~p & o:: ; zoomfactor 100 % ~p & 1:: ; zoomfactor 110 % ~p & 2:: ; zoomfactor 120 % ~p & 3:: ; zoomfactor 130 % ~p & 4:: ; zoomfactor 140 % ~p & 5:: ; zoomfactor 150 % ~p & 6:: ; zoomfactor 160 % ~p & 7:: ; zoomfactor 170 % ~p & 8:: ; zoomfactor 180 % ~p & 9:: ; zoomfactor 190 % ~p & 0:: ; zoomfactor 200 % ~p & e:: ; zoomfactor 300 % ~p & r:: ; zoomfactor 400 % For all these commands: ImageSearch, , , PI_X1, PI_Y1, PI_X2, PI_Y2, *40 PI_Print_Icon.png PI_X/Y1 PI_X/Y2 ZoomPerc_X/Y ; (ZoomPerc) Zoom Percentage rectangle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~z & u:: ; open InputBox utilities W_IB ; Width of InputBox in Inspector H_IB ; Height of InputBox in Inspector IB_X/Y ; TLC of position InputBox in Inspector ~z & i:: ; check current inspector sections - if collapsed expand: ▼ instead of ► Inspectorcheck PixelSearch ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y1 ; CanvasSearchArea CSA_X/Y2 ColorV1 ColorV2 ColorV3 ColorV4 ImageSearch, TrX, TrY, IM_18_X1, IM_18_Y1, IM_18_X2, IM_18_Y2, IM_18_Inspector_Triangle_Closed.png IM_18_X/Y1 IM_18_X/Y2 TriAngleOffset_X TriAngleOffset_Y ~z & 1:: ; reset the Palette separator to the Defined Width ImageSearch, X, Y, Pal_Loc_X1, Pal_Loc_Y1, Pal_Loc_X2, Pal_Loc_Y2, *80 Palette_Locator_Left.png ImageSearch, X, Y, Pal_Loc_X1, Pal_Loc_Y1, Pal_Loc_X2, Pal_Loc_Y2, *80 Palette_Locator_Right.png Pal_Loc_X/Y1 Pal_Loc_X/Y2 Left_Loc_Dist_X ; measured distance to separator Right_Loc_Dist_X) ; measured distance to separator Def_Pal_Width ~z & 2:: ; reset the Inspector separator to the Defined Width ImageSearch, X, Y, IM_01_2_X1, IM_01_2_Y1, IM_01_2_X2, IM_01_2_Y2, *40 IM_01_2_Inspector_Displaced_Insp.png IM_01_2_X/Y1 IM_01_2_X/Y2 Insp_Loc_Dist_X Def_Insp_Width ~z & 3:: ; focus on AHK (e.g. MsgBoxes) ~z & 4:: ; Check Canvas Search Area (visual check of coordinates) CSA_X/Y1 CSA_X/Y2 ~z & f1:: ; test images and measure distance (2x) from locators to palette separator ImageSearch, X, Y, Pal_Loc_X1, Pal_Loc_Y1, Pal_Loc_X2, Pal_Loc_Y2, *80 Palette_Locator_Left.png ; nb with *80 more color shades are allowed ImageSearch, X, Y, Pal_Loc_X1, Pal_Loc_Y1, Pal_Loc_X2, Pal_Loc_Y2, *80 Palette_Locator_Right.png ; nb with *80 more color shades are allowed Pal_Loc_X/Y1 Pal_Loc_X/Y2 ~z & f2:: ; test image and measure distance from Insp image to inspector separator ImageSearch, X, Y, IM_01_2_X1, IM_01_2_Y1, IM_01_2_X2, IM_01_2_Y2, *40 IM_01_2_Inspector_Displaced_Insp.png IM_01_2_X/Y1 IM_01_2_X/Y2 ~z & f10:: ; test an image In the Master.ahk file you find 7 examples. E.g. to test the surface of an image before you enter the values in Coordinates.ahk Or to test it after having entered the values in Coordinates.ahk Use the utility 'Test Image Recognition' in the master to test images consecutively. ~z & f11:: ; get coordinates (GC) of hotspots ~z & f12:: ; get coordinates (GC) of surfaces ~z & /:: ; get color mouseposition --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check of almost all hotspots ~z & u:: -> CCC Check coordinates NB: Some MuseScore windows are NOT minimized. The check presupposes that their width and height are correctly set in Coordinates.ahk Check of all images ~z & u:: -> TIR Test Image Recognition Initialise Inspector ~z & u:: -> INI ; Loads the mscz file 'Initialise Inspector' ; This includes all inspector headers which must be checked. ImageSearch, , , SB_X1, SB_Y1, SB_X2, SB_Y2, *40 Statusbar_Rest.png ImageSearch, TrX, TrY, IM_18_X1, IM_18_Y1, IM_18_X2, IM_18_Y2, IM_18_Inspector_Triangle_Closed.png IM_18_X/Y1 IM_18_X/Y2 TriAngleOffset_X TriAngleOffset_Y IN_051_X/Y ; I(051) Select augm. dot 1 IN_052_X/Y ; I(052) Select stem IN_054_X/Y ; I(054) Select beam IN_055_X/Y ; I(055) Select tuplet Initialise play panel ~z & u:: -> IPP ImageSearch, PP_X, PP_Y, IM_19_X1, IM_19_Y1, IM_19_X2, IM_19_Y2, *40 IM_19_Inspector_Play_Panel_Header.png IM_19_X/Y1 IM_19_X/Y2 PP_Off_X PP_Off_Y Reset width Palettes ~z & u:: -> RWP Min_Pal_Width ; found minimal Palettes width Def_Pal_Width ; defined Palettes width Reset width Inspector ~z & u:: -> RWI Min_Insp_Width ; found minimal (docked) Inspector width Def_Insp_Width ; defined Inspector width Empty palette search field ~z & u:: -> EPS Send ^{f9} ; Ctrl + F9 as Custom MuseScore shortcut, to Palette Search Get color of mouseposition ~z & u:: -> GCM Initialise master palette ~z & u:: -> IMP Send +z ; Shift + Z custom shortcut open master palette symbols WMPS_01X/Y ; (WMPS_01) Window Master Palette Symbols, Search rectangle WMPS_02X/Y ; (WMPS_02) Window Master Palette Symbols, Clear rectangle ImageSearch, PincéX, PincéY, MP_X1, MP_Y1, MP_X2, MP_Y2, *40 PIN_Master_Palette_Pincé.png MP_X/Y1 MP_X/Y2 ; ♣====================================== SUBROUTINE ============================================== InspectorCheck: ImageSearch, , , IM_01_X1, IM_01_Y1, IM_01_X2, IM_01_Y2, *40 IM_01_Inspector_Inspector.png IM_01_X/Y1 IM_01_X/Y2