World Music 100 100 100 33 100 50 100 67 100 100 120 67 150 100 150 50 120 50 120 100 Percussion - Unpitched Bodhrán Bod. Irish Bodhrán, a type of handheld frame drum drum.bodhran PERC percussion 1 1 slash 1 0 Top damping 1 A slash -1 0 Bottom damping 1 B xcircle 0 0 Frame shot 1 C world Tamburello Tambu. Large southern Italian tambourine. drum.tambourine PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross 0 0 Thumb 2 A cross 1 0 Back of hand 2 B cross -1 0 Fingertips 2 C world Pandero jarocho Pan. jar. Octagonal tambourine played in son jarocho ensembles. drum.pandero PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross -1 0 Middle 2 A cross 1 0 Rim 2 B world Cajón peruano Caj. pe. Afro-Peruvian percussion instrument. drum.cajon PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross -1 0 Bass 2 A cross 0 0 Middle 2 B cross 1 0 Slap 2 C world Cajón de rumba Caj. de r. Cuban cajón. drum.cajon PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross -1 0 Bass 2 A cross 0 0 Middle 2 B cross 1 0 Slap 2 C world Cajón flamenco Caj. de f. A cajón with a snare. drum.cajon PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross -1 0 Bass 2 A cross 0 0 Middle 2 B cross 1 0 Slap 2 C world Clapper Stick Cla. st. A native Californian percussion instrument. wood.pan-clappers PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross 0 0 Clack 2 A world Cajón de tapeo Caj. de t. Large cajón played in southern Mexico. drum.cajon PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross -1 0 Bass 2 A cross 1 0 Slap 2 C world Tamborita Tamborita Small Mexican drum played with a stick and a mallet. PERC drum.tamborita percussion 1 1 0 cross -1 0 Mallet 2 A cross 1 0 Stick 2 B world Bones Bones A traditional Irish percussion instrument made of bones or wood, later adopted into American folk music. wood.bones PERC percussion 1 1 0 cross 0 0 Clack 2 A world Hardingele Hard. The hardingfele, or hardanger fiddle, is a Norwegian fiddle with a flattened fingerboard and bridge and 5 sympathetic strings. strings.fiddle.hardanger G 1 57-88 57-103 world Kamancheh Kam. The kamancheh, or kamancha, is a four-stringed bowed instrument played throughout Iran, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and elsewhere. strings.kamancha G 1 57-88 57-103 world orchestral-strings Kontra Kon. The kontra, or háromhúros brácsa in Hungarian, is a three-stringed Balkan viola used for rhythmic accompaniment. strings.viola C3 1 55-79 55-93 world Bassetto Basse. A half-sized three-stringed bass from northern Italy, tuned in fifths, and traditionally played with a bow. strings.contrabass 24 43 50 62 F F8vb 1 43-67 43==50-72 -7 -12 0 world Strings - Plucked Irish Bouzouki Ir. Bou. Much like an octave mandolin, but tuned GDAD. 24 43 50 57 62 G8vb 1 43-71 36-86 0 Irish Bouzouki (Tablature) irish-bouzouki Irish Bouzouki (Tablature) tablature world Guitarrón Guita. The guitarrón is a deep-bodied 6-string acoustic bass instrument used in mariachi music. pluck.guitarron 10 33 38 43 48 52 45 G8vb 1 33-57 33-62 world Bajo sexto Baj. sex. The bajo sexto is similar to a 12-string guitar, only tuned an octave lower and in all fourths. pluck.bajo 21 28 33 38 43 48 53 G8vb 1 33-65 28-70 world Bajo Sexto (Tablature) bajo-sexto Bajo Sexto (Tablature) pluck.bajo tablature world Chitarra Battente Chit. Bat. Italian descendant of the baroque guitar pluck.chitarra-battente 10 57 62 55 59 64 G8vb 1 55-74 55-77 world Chitarra Battente (Tablature) chitarra-battente Chitarra Battente (Tablature) pluck.chitarra-battente tablature world Chiterra Sarda Chit. Sa. A dreadnought-sized baritone guitar from Sardinia. pluck.guitar.acoustic 14 35 40 45 50 54 59 G8vb 1 35-71 35-73 world Chiterra Sarda (Tablature) chitarra-sarda Chitarra Sarda (Tablature) pluck.guitar.acoustic tablature world Pípá Pípá Four stringed Chinese lute. pluck.pipa 24 57 62 64 69 G8vb 1 57-71 57-86 0 Pípá (Tablature) pipa Pípá (Tablature) pluck.pipa tablature world Biwa Biwa Japanese version of the Chinese pipa. pluck.biwa 24 59 64 66 71 G8vb 1 59-71 59-86 0 Biwa (Tablature) Biwa Biwa (Tablature) pluck.biwa tablature world Đàn tỳ bà Đàn tỳ bà Vietnamese version of the Chinese pipa. pluck.dan-ty-ba 24 72 77 79 84 G8vb 1 72-71 72-86 0 Đàn tỳ bà (Tablature) Đàn tỳ bà Đàn tỳ bà (Tablature) pluck.dan-ty-ba tablature world Cuatro Venezolano Cuatro V. Cuatro Venezolano. pluck.cuatro 24 69 74 78 71 G8vb 1 69-90 69-90 0 Cuatro Venezolano (Tablature) Cuatro Venezolano Cuatro venezolano (Tablature) pluck.cuatro tablature world Cuatro Puertorriqueño Cuatro P. Cuatro Puertorriqueño. pluck.tres 24 59 64 69 74 79 G8vb 1 59-91 59-94 0 Cuatro Puertorriqueño (Tablature) Cuatro Puertorriqueño Cuatro Puertorriqueño (Tablature) pluck.tres tablature world Guitarra Quinta Huapanguera Huap. The guitarra quinta huapanguera is a Mexican descendant of the baroque guitar. pluck.huapanguera 10 43 50 55 59 52 G8vb 1 43-69 43-69 world Guitarra Quinta Huapanguera (Tablature) huapanguera Guitarra Quinta Huapanguera (Tablature) pluck.huapanguera tablature world Jarana Huasteca Jar. hua. A five-stringed rhythm instrument used in son huasteco. pluck.jarana-huasteca 11 55 59 62 66 69 G8vb 1 55-80 55-80 0 Jarana Huasteca (Tablature) jarana-huasteca Jarana Huasteca (Tablature) pluck.jarana-huasteca tablature world Jarana Jarocha Jar. jar. An eight-stringed rhythm (in five courses) instrument used in son jarocho. pluck.jarana-jarocha 12 55 60 64 69 55 G8vb 1 55-80 55-80 0 Jarana Jarocha (Tablature) jarana-jarocha Jarana Jarocha (Tablature) pluck.jarana-jarocha tablature world Jarana leona Jar. leo. pluck.jarana-jarocha 12 43 45 50 55 G8vb 1 43-64 43-67 0 Jarana Leona (Tablature) jarana-leona Jarana Leona (Tablature) pluck.jarana-jarocha tablature world Guitarra de Golpe Guit. de G. pluck.guitar.nylon-string 13 50 55 60 52 57 G8vb 1 43-80 43-80 0 Guitarra de Golpe (Tablature) guitarra-de-golpe Guitarra de Golpe(Tablature) pluck.guitar.nylon-string tablature world Guitarra de Son Guit. de S. pluck.guitar.nylon-string 13 48 50 55 60 G8vb 1 48-67 48-67 0 Guitarra panzona Guit. panz. Also called a "tua." pluck.guitar.nylon-string 12 45 50 43 52 G8vb 1 43-59 43-59 0 Guitarra Portuguesa de Coimbra Guit. P. de C. pluck.guitar.portuguese 13 48 55 57 62 67 69 G8vb 1 48-81 48-83 0 Guitarra Portuguesa de Coimbra (Tablature) guitarra-portuguesa-de-coimbra Guitarra Portuguesa de Coimbra (Tablature) pluck.guitar.portuguese/musicXMLid> tablature world Guitarra Portuguesa de Lisboa Guit. P. de L. pluck.guitar.portuguese 13 50 57 59 64 69 71 G8vb 1 50-83 50-85 0 Guitarra Portuguesa de Lisboa (Tablature) guitarra-portuguesa-de-lisboa Guitarra Portuguesa de Lisboa (Tablature) pluck.guitar.portuguese/musicXMLid> tablature world Requinto Guitar Requinto pluck.guitar.requinto 18 45 50 55 60 64 69 G8vb 1 45-83 45-87 0 Requinto (Tablature) requinto Requinto (Tablature) pluck.guitar.requinto tablature world Charango Char. The charango is a 10-stringed instrument from the Andes. pluck.charango 14 67 72 64 69 76 G 1 64-86 64-88 0 world Charango (Tablature) charango Charango (Tablature) pluck.charango tablature world F 48-86 48-86 orchestra world Russian Guitar Rus. Gui. The Russian Guitar is a 7 string classical guitar tuned to Open G. pluck.guitar.nylon-string 19 50 55 59 62 67 71 74 G 1 50-86 48-90 0 orchestra world Russian Guitar (Tablature) russian-guitar Russian Guitar (Tablature) pluck.guitar.nylon-string tablature world Triple Harp T. Hrp. Developed in Italy during the Baroque period, now largely played in traditional Welsh music as the telyn deires. pluck.harp 2 G 1 2 2 F 43-100 43-100 common orchestra Kora Kora West African double-harp with a gourd resonator. pluck.kora 2 G 1 2 2 F 41-93 41-93 common orchestra Bandurria Peruana Band. Pe. Peruvian Bandurria with four courses of 12 strings. pluck.bandurria 17 62 67 83 88 G 1 62-100 62-102 0 world Bandurria Peruana (Tablature) bandurria-peruana Bandurria Peruana(Tablature) pluck.bandurria tablature world Banduria Band. The Philippine version of the Spanish bandurria. pluck.bandurria 17 66 71 76 81 86 91 G 1 56-98 56-98 0 world Banduria (Tablature) banduria Banduria (Tablature) pluck.bandurria tablature world Laúd Cubano Laud Cu. Cuban Laúd pluck.laud 22 62 66 71 76 81 86 G8vb 1 62-98 62-103 0 popular Laúd Cubano (Tablature) laud Laúd Cubano (Tablature) pluck.laud tablature popular Philippine Laud Ph. Laud Philippine Laúd pluck.laud 22 54 59 64 69 74 79 G8vb 1 54-91 54-91 0 popular Philippine Laud (Tablature) laud Philippine Laud (Tablature) pluck.laud tablature popular Tres Tres Cuban and Puerto Rican instrument with three courses of strings. pluck.tres 17 67 72 76 G 1 67-88 67-93 0 world Tres (Tablature) tres Tres (Tablature) pluck.tres tablature world Mountain Dulcimer Mtn. Dul. The Mountain or Appalachian Dulcimer which evolved from European zithers and is strummed with a pick or turkey feather. Traditionally has frets diatonic to the mixolydian and/or major scales. pluck.dulcimer 17 62 69 74 G 1 62-88 62-93 0 world Mountain Dulcimer (Tablature) mountain-dulcimer Mountain Dulcimer (Tablature) pluck.dulcimer tablature world guitars Terz Guitar Terz Tuned up a major third from a standard guitar. pluck.guitar.nylon-string 19 45 50 55 60 63 69 G8vb 1 45-83 45-83 0 common popular guitars Terz Guitar (Tablature) terz-guitar Terz Guitar (Tablature) pluck.guitar.nylon-string tablature common Vihuela Vih. The vihuela mexicana is the modern Mexican descendant of the renaissance vihuela and is commonly used in mariachi music. pluck.vihuela.mexican 7 57 62 67 59 64 G 1 57-74 57-74 0 world Vihuela (Tablature) vihuela Vihuela (Tablature) pluck.vihuela.mexican tablature world Tololoche Tolo. A 3/4 sized upright bass from Mexico, tuned one-fourth higher than a normal bass. pluck.bass 24 45 50 55 60 F F8vb 1 45-67 45-72 -7 -12 0 world