14:43:10.655 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene. 14:43:10.906 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene. 14:43:11.909 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: quit 14:43:14.555 | WARN | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver | clearSources: Not supported!! 14:43:14.661 | INFO | main_thread | Profiler | Main thread. Top 150 by sum time (total count: 150) Function Call time Call count Sum time ProjectActionsController::doOpenProject 2530.617 ms 1 2530.617 ms ProjectActionsController::loadProject 2420.200 ms 1 2420.200 ms NotationProject::load 2420.100 ms 1 2420.100 ms NotationProject::doLoad 2419.479 ms 1 2419.479 ms PluginsService::init 1470.161 ms 1 1470.161 ms PluginsService::readPlugins 1450.834 ms 1 1450.834 ms DockWindow::loadPage 73.934 ms 3 221.803 ms NotationProject::save 214.997 ms 1 214.997 ms DockWindow::loadPageContent 48.749 ms 3 146.246 ms DockWindow::addDock 3.197 ms 43 137.469 ms EngravingProject::writeMscz 97.749 ms 1 97.749 ms UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll 3.497 ms 25 87.435 ms DockWindow::loadPanels 24.018 ms 3 72.053 ms StartupScenario::run 71.288 ms 1 71.288 ms EngravingProject::loadMscz 61.470 ms 1 61.470 ms MscLoader::loadMscz 61.455 ms 1 61.455 ms Score::update 21.264 ms 2 42.527 ms Score::doLayoutRange 42.501 ms 1 42.501 ms SystemLayout::collectSystem 9.964 ms 4 39.855 ms AbstractMenuModel::setItems 1.494 ms 26 38.837 ms InstrumentsRepository::load 37.500 ms 1 37.500 ms DockWindow::loadToolBars 12.321 ms 3 36.963 ms PageLayout::collectPage 13.128 ms 2 26.257 ms PluginsService::registerShortcuts 18.354 ms 1 18.354 ms Score::createThumbnail 14.843 ms 1 14.843 ms NotationActionController::canReceiveAction 0.003 ms 3660 11.546 ms SoundFontRepository::loadSoundFontPaths 11.418 ms 1 11.418 ms DockWindow::loadTopLevelToolBars 3.756 ms 3 11.269 ms LanguagesService::init 10.268 ms 1 10.268 ms AppMenuModel::load 10.231 ms 1 10.231 ms LanguagesService::setCurrentLanguage 9.437 ms 1 9.437 ms InspectorListModel::setElementList 2.948 ms 3 8.843 ms NavigationController::onActiveRequested 0.477 ms 18 8.586 ms dock::clearRegistry 2.096 ms 4 8.383 ms DockBase::componentComplete 0.134 ms 57 7.612 ms MasterNotation::setMasterScore 7.020 ms 1 7.020 ms MStyle::read 0.993 ms 7 6.949 ms PluginsService::scanFileSystemForPlugins 6.340 ms 1 6.340 ms DockWindow::restorePageState 1.789 ms 3 5.368 ms DockWindow::restoreLayout 5.288 ms 1 5.288 ms UiContextResolver::currentUiContext 0.003 ms 2000 5.061 ms DockWindow::savePageState 1.276 ms 3 3.828 ms PlaybackModel::updateEvents 3.301 ms 1 3.301 ms DockBase::applySizeConstraints 0.046 ms 72 3.296 ms DockWindow::windowState 0.775 ms 4 3.100 ms InstrumentsPanelTreeModel::clear 1.510 ms 2 3.020 ms NotationSwitchListModel::loadNotations 1.384 ms 2 2.768 ms DockWindow::componentComplete 2.725 ms 1 2.725 ms NotationSwitchListModel::load 2.657 ms 1 2.657 ms DockWindow::onQuit 2.429 ms 1 2.429 ms MasterNotation::initExcerptNotations 1.751 ms 1 1.751 ms NavigationController::activePanel 0.001 ms 2009 1.715 ms MasterNotation::doSetExcerpts 1.696 ms 1 1.696 ms MasterNotation::updatePotentialExcerpts 1.689 ms 1 1.689 ms NavigationControl::setPanel 0.003 ms 637 1.674 ms UiActionsRegister::updateEnabled 0.317 ms 5 1.586 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::onViewSizeChanged 0.716 ms 2 1.431 ms DockWindow::initDocks 0.461 ms 3 1.383 ms ShortcutsRegister::reload 1.325 ms 1 1.325 ms RecentFilesController::recentFilesList 0.409 ms 3 1.227 ms UiActionsRegister::updateShortcutsAll 0.573 ms 2 1.146 ms ShortcutsRegister::readFromFile 0.521 ms 2 1.043 ms DockPageView::init 0.347 ms 3 1.042 ms NavigationController::activeSection 0.001 ms 2009 1.040 ms LanguagesService::loadLanguages 0.807 ms 1 0.807 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::setScaling 0.688 ms 1 0.688 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::scale 0.685 ms 1 0.685 ms EngravingProject::checkCorrupted 0.303 ms 2 0.607 ms Score::sanityCheckLocal 0.050 ms 12 0.594 ms NavigationController::doDeactivateSection 0.085 ms 7 0.594 ms SymNames::loadNameToSymIdHash 0.583 ms 1 0.583 ms NavigationController::doDeactivatePanel 0.021 ms 25 0.536 ms NavigationController::doDeactivateControl 0.005 ms 89 0.463 ms DockPageView::doReorderSections 0.219 ms 2 0.437 ms NavigationController::activeControl 0.015 ms 27 0.401 ms DockWindow::saveGeometry 0.363 ms 1 0.363 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::load 0.353 ms 1 0.353 ms NavigationPanel::addControl 0.001 ms 635 0.331 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::forceFocusIn 0.100 ms 3 0.299 ms UiActionsRegister::updateChecked 0.023 ms 13 0.296 ms NotationActionController::init 0.289 ms 1 0.289 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::onNotationSetup 0.288 ms 1 0.288 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::onCurrentNotationChanged 0.142 ms 2 0.284 ms AbstractCloudService::init 0.124 ms 2 0.248 ms InstrumentsPanelTreeModel::load 0.228 ms 1 0.228 ms DockPanelMenuModel::load 0.014 ms 14 0.191 ms EngravingProject::doSetupMasterScore 0.183 ms 1 0.183 ms UiActionsRegister::updateCheckedAll 0.178 ms 1 0.178 ms ShortcutsRegister::makeUnique 0.173 ms 1 0.173 ms ProjectMigrator::migrateProject 0.173 ms 1 0.173 ms PlaybackController::updateMuteStates 0.011 ms 13 0.146 ms NavigationPanel::setSection_property 0.001 ms 151 0.140 ms AbstractCloudService::readTokens 0.068 ms 2 0.137 ms InstrumentsPanelTreeModel::loadMasterPart 0.013 ms 9 0.117 ms InstrumentsPanelContextMenuModel::loadItems 0.108 ms 1 0.108 ms NotationStatusBarModel::load 0.053 ms 2 0.106 ms NoteInputBarModel::data 0.000 ms 399 0.096 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::onPlayingChanged 0.018 ms 4 0.070 ms UiConfiguration::readThemes 0.068 ms 1 0.068 ms ShortcutsRegister::mergeShortcuts 0.062 ms 1 0.062 ms Score::setUpTempoMap 0.009 ms 7 0.062 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::ensureViewportInsideScrollableAre0.029 ms 2 0.059 ms DockWindow::registerDock 0.001 ms 45 0.058 ms CompatUtils::doCompatibilityConversions 0.057 ms 1 0.057 ms Score::resetDefaults 0.047 ms 1 0.047 ms engraving::markInstrumentsAsPrimary 0.002 ms 22 0.046 ms PluginsConfiguration::readPluginsConfiguration 0.042 ms 1 0.042 ms NavigationController::reg 0.001 ms 36 0.042 ms Excerpt::updateTracksMapping 0.004 ms 10 0.039 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::movePlaybackCursor 0.039 ms 1 0.039 ms NotationPageModel::init 0.035 ms 1 0.035 ms ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys 0.017 ms 2 0.033 ms RegisterAudioPluginsScenario::init 0.029 ms 1 0.029 ms NavigationSection::addPanel 0.000 ms 65 0.026 ms KnownAudioPluginsRegister::load 0.022 ms 1 0.022 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::updateLoopMarkers 0.021 ms 1 0.021 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::constraintCanvas 0.008 ms 2 0.016 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::notationContentRect 0.000 ms 42 0.016 ms DockPageView::deinit 0.008 ms 2 0.015 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::scrollableAreaRect 0.006 ms 2 0.013 ms NavigationPanel::removeControl 0.000 ms 34 0.013 ms CompatUtils::replaceStaffTextWithPlayTechniqueAnnotation 0.011 ms 1 0.011 ms BrailleModel::load 0.010 ms 1 0.010 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::verticalScrollbarSize 0.002 ms 5 0.009 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::horizontalScrollbarSize 0.002 ms 5 0.009 ms NotationPageModel::updateDrumsetPanelVisibility 0.008 ms 1 0.008 ms InspectorListModel::notifyModelsAboutNotationChanged 0.004 ms 2 0.008 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::startHorizontalScrollPosition 0.001 ms 10 0.007 ms NavigationSection::removePanel 0.000 ms 16 0.007 ms RepeatList::unwind 0.006 ms 1 0.006 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::startVerticalScrollPosition 0.000 ms 10 0.004 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::onNoteInputStateChanged 0.003 ms 1 0.003 ms StartupScenario::onStartupPageOpened 0.003 ms 1 0.003 ms DockWindow::restoreGeometry 0.003 ms 1 0.003 ms SlurSegment::avoidCollisions 0.000 ms 6 0.003 ms UiArrangement::toolConfig 0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms RegisterAudioPluginsScenario::registerNewPlugins 0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms NavigationController::unreg 0.001 ms 2 0.002 ms RecentFilesController::init 0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms Workspace::rawData 0.000 ms 4 0.002 ms CompatUtils::assignInitialPartToExcerpts 0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::horizontalScrollableSize 0.000 ms 5 0.002 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::verticalScrollableSize 0.000 ms 5 0.002 ms T* findNearestEnabled(const std::set&, const mu::ui::INa0.002 ms 1 0.002 ms T* findNearestEnabled(const std::set&, const mu::ui::INa0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms RecentFilesController::prependRecentFile 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::adjustCanvasPosition 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms CompatUtils::replaceStaffTextWithCapo 0.001 ms 1 0.001 ms PlaybackConfiguration::defaultAuxSendValue 0.000 ms 18 0.001 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::hideElementPopup 0.000 ms 1 0.000 ms Other threads. Top 150 by sum time (total count: 13) Function Call time Call count Sum time LearnService::th_requestPlaylist 508.989 ms 1 508.989 ms LearnService::th_requestPlaylist 501.463 ms 1 501.463 ms SynthResolver::resolveSynth 7.199 ms 20 143.979 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::paint 22.776 ms 3 68.329 ms NotationPainting::doPaint 22.223 ms 3 66.669 ms Paint::paintScore 22.218 ms 3 66.654 ms Paint::paintElements 12.510 ms 5 62.548 ms Paint::paintElement 0.032 ms 1915 61.305 ms NotationPainting::paintPageSheet 0.426 ms 5 2.132 ms AbstractNotationPaintView::paintBackground 0.454 ms 3 1.363 ms FxResolver::resolveFxList 0.065 ms 14 0.911 ms SynthResolver::resolveAvailableResources 0.011 ms 1 0.011 ms SlurSegment::avoidCollisions 0.000 ms 1 0.000 ms 14:43:14.661 | INFO | main_thread | App | run: activeThreadCount: 0 mscore4portablenightly: pcm.c :1349 : snd_pcm_drain: l'assertion « pcm » a échoué. [503732:503732:20230716,144314.751624:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.751985:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.751996:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb8be7000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752025:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752033:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb8be0000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752126:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752134:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb8097000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752232:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752242:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb8091000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752268:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752275:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb8088000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752300:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752307:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb8074000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752333:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752340:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb806a000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752366:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752374:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb7cc1000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752399:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752406:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb7cbb000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752431:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752439:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb7caf000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752464:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752471:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb7ca4000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752496:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752503:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb7c9a000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752527:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752534:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb78de000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752558:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752566:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb78c7000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752590:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.752597:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb78bb000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.753159:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.755661:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.755744:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.755890:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.755969:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756092:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756113:ERROR elf_image_reader.cc:116] no preferred header address [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756147:ERROR process_reader_linux.cc:520] no module mappings 0x7f3bb183f000 [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756495:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756660:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756912:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.756994:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757078:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757156:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757236:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757319:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757402:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757495:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757579:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757663:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757796:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757870:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.757946:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758020:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758105:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758181:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758257:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758331:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758405:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758492:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758570:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758645:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758722:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.758804:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.759034:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.759192:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.759285:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.759372:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found [503732:503732:20230716,144314.759778:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found /tmp/.mount_MuseSchQL96h/AppRun : ligne 26 : 503724 Abandon (core dumped) "${APPDIR}/bin/mscore4portablenightly" "$@"