Last login: Thu Sep 12 08:52:03 on ttys000 shuitianchen@shuitianchendeMacBook-Pro ~ % /Applications/MuseScore\ -F qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "IconCode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MusicalSymbolCodes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ContainerType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "NavigationEvent"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MUAccessible"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CompareType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SelectionMode"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ToolBarItemType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "DockToolBarAlignment"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Location"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CloudVisibility"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SaveToCloudResponse"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "DirectionTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SlurTieTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "NoteHead"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Beam"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Hairpin"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "OrnamentTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Dynamic"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "Glissando"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "CommonTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "BarlineTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MarkerTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "KeySignatureTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "AccidentalTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "FretDiagramTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "LineTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TextTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ArticulationTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "AmbitusTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "ChordSymbolTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "BendTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TremoloBarTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "TremoloTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "VoiceTypes"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "InstrumentsTreeItemType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "StandardButton"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "SaveLocationType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "GenerateAudioTimePeriodType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter qt.qml.typeregistration: Invalid QML element name "MigrationType"; value type names should begin with a lowercase letter 09:46:50.540 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule::onPreInit | log path: /Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_240912_094650.log 09:46:50.540 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule::onPreInit | === Started MuseScore Studio 4.4.1, build: 242490810 === 09:46:50.542 | INFO | main_thread | LanguagesService::effectiveLanguageCode | System language code: "zh-Hans-CN" 09:46:50.543 | ERROR | main_thread | LanguagesService::setCurrentLanguage | Error loading translator "/Applications/MuseScore" 09:46:50.543 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | failed connect to server 09:46:50.543 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | failed connect to server 09:46:50.543 | INFO | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | success connected to ipc server 09:46:50.543 | INFO | 0x16c617000 | IpcServer::listen | id: "9e78cffd5ac44861ab97abe399021ae5" 2024-09-12 09:46:50.550 mscore[5530:425518] WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:. 09:46:50.571 | INFO | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule::onInit | success start crash handler 09:46:50.650 | INFO | main_thread | OSXAudioDriver::open | Connected to Systems default with bufferSize 512, sampleRate 44100 09:46:50.662 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: /Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseSampler/lib/libMuseSamplerCoreLib.dylib 09:46:50.662 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring 09:46:50.668 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | MuseSampler 0.3.2 is not supported (too old -- update MuseSampler); ignoring 09:46:50.668 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring 09:46:50.669 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QIODevice::read (QFile, "/Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/shortcuts.xml"): device not open 09:46:50.669 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QIODevice::read (QFile, "/Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/midi_mappings.xml"): device not open 09:46:50.678 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/musescorecom_cred.dat 09:46:50.678 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/audiocom_cred.dat 09:46:51.037 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Using graphics api: "metal" 09:46:51.039 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Detecting problems with graphics api 09:46:51.287 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | Populating font family aliases took 72 ms. Replace uses of missing font family ".AppleSystemFallback" with one that exists to avoid this cost. 09:46:51.302 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(): Object already has a QQmlContext 09:46:51.316 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 09:46:51.316 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 09:46:51.316 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 09:46:51.316 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 09:46:51.339 | WARN | main_thread | nativeKeycode | Unhandled key code: 16777314 09:46:51.339 | WARN | main_thread | translateToCurrentKeyboardLayout | Key 16777314 not found in the keyboard layout 09:46:51.339 | WARN | main_thread | MacOSShortcutsInstanceModel::doLoadShortcuts | Failed to translate sequence "Forward" 09:46:51.339 | WARN | main_thread | nativeKeycode | Unhandled key code: 16777218 09:46:51.339 | WARN | main_thread | translateToCurrentKeyboardLayout | Key 16777218 not found in the keyboard layout 09:46:51.339 | WARN | main_thread | MacOSShortcutsInstanceModel::doLoadShortcuts | Failed to translate sequence "Ctrl+Shift+Backtab" 09:46:51.340 | WARN | main_thread | nativeKeycode | Unhandled key code: 16777313 09:46:51.340 | WARN | main_thread | translateToCurrentKeyboardLayout | Key 16777313 not found in the keyboard layout 09:46:51.340 | WARN | main_thread | MacOSShortcutsInstanceModel::doLoadShortcuts | Failed to translate sequence "Back" 09:46:51.362 | ERROR | main_thread | ExtensionsConfiguration::manifestConfigs | failed read config data, err: [406] 从文件中读取时发生错误, file: /Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/plugins/plugins.json 09:46:51.399 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/Ui/InteractiveProvider.qml:148: Error: Cannot assign to non-existent property "sync" 09:46:51.658 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | No problems detected with graphics api 09:46:52.938 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSoundsCheckUpdateScenario::doCheckForUpdate | Unable to check for update, error: [1701] 09:46:53.746 | ERROR | main_thread | UpdateScenario::doCheckForUpdate | Unable to check for update, error: [1701] 2024-09-12 09:46:56.358 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:46:56.358 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:46:56.377 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:46:56.377 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:46:56.398 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:46:56.399 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:46:56.399 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:46:56.399 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:46:56.399 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:46:56.399 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 09:47:00.746 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: file-open 09:47:00.746 | INFO | main_thread | ProjectActionsController::openProject | Try open project: url = "file:///Users/shuitianchen/Desktop/日常文件/音乐/音乐制作/小品集《担簦》/一样.mscz" , displayNameOverride = "一样" 09:47:00.963 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: file-open 09:47:00.963 | INFO | main_thread | ProjectActionsController::openProject | Try open project: url = "file:///Users/shuitianchen/Desktop/日常文件/音乐/音乐制作/小品集《担簦》/一样.mscz" , displayNameOverride = "一样" 09:47:01.553 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.554 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.561 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.561 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.569 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.569 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.634 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:01.634 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.125 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.126 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.776 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.776 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.778 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.778 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.787 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.788 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.796 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.797 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.800 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.800 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.802 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.802 | INFO | 0x16c95f000 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /Applications/MuseScore Basic.sf3 09:47:03.990 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: file-export 09:47:03.996 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/Ui/InteractiveProvider.qml:148: Error: Cannot assign to non-existent property "sync" 2024-09-12 09:47:04.049 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:04.049 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:04.074 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:04.074 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:04.074 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:04.074 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:04.076 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:04.076 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:04.353 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:04.353 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:04.353 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:04.353 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.213 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.213 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.225 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.225 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.246 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.246 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.246 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.246 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.247 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.247 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.274 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.274 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:05.274 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:05.274 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:07.032 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:07.032 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:07.037 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:07.037 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:07.037 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:07.037 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. 2024-09-12 09:47:07.038 mscore[5530:425518] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context! 2024-09-12 09:47:07.038 mscore[5530:425518] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing. [5532:425549:20240912,094707.156541:ERROR] opendir /Users/shuitianchen/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/dumps/attachments/1c8c7eb7-3723-4572-9d85-4adc42cf5b24: No such file or directory (2) [5532:425548:20240912,094707.157181:WARNING] UniversalExceptionRaise: (os/kern) failure (5) zsh: segmentation fault /Applications/MuseScore\ -F shuitianchen@shuitianchendeMacBook-Pro ~ %