14:54:43.322 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule::onPreInit | log path: /home/gerhard/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_241219_145443.log 14:54:43.322 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule::onPreInit | === Started MuseScore Studio 4.4.4, build: 243461245 === 14:54:43.354 | ERROR | main_thread | LanguagesService::setCurrentLanguage | Error loading translator "/tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4//locale/qt_de.qm"  14:54:43.372 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | failed connect to server 14:54:43.372 | WARN | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | failed connect to server 14:54:43.376 | INFO | main_thread | IpcSocket::connect | success connected to ipc server 14:54:43.376 | INFO | 139850491356864 | IpcServer::listen | id: "1013abc1738445dba7652625b39d9355"  14:54:43.663 | DEBUG | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule::onInit | crash server url: https://sentry.musescore.org/api/4/minidump/?sentry_key=933cddd6c36e4e768be159c15c254dab 14:54:43.733 | INFO | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule::onInit | success start crash handler 14:54:44.256 | INFO | main_thread | LinuxAudioDriver::open | Connected to default with bufferSize 1024, sampleRate 44100, channels: 2 14:54:44.257 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | TaskScheduler::setupThreads | Thread pool size: 4 14:54:44.257 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: /home/gerhard/.local/share/MuseSampler/lib/libMuseSamplerCoreLib.so 14:54:44.257 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring 14:54:44.257 | INFO | 139850011489984 | AudioEngine::setAudioChannelsCount | Audio channels: 2 14:54:44.257 | INFO | 139850011489984 | AudioEngine::setSampleRate | Sample rate: 44100 14:54:44.257 | INFO | 139850011489984 | AudioEngine::setReadBufferSize | Read buffer size: 1024 14:54:44.261 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerLibHandler::MuseSamplerLibHandler | Unable to open MuseSampler library, path: libMuseSamplerCoreLib.so 14:54:44.261 | ERROR | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver::doInit | Incompatible MuseSampler library; ignoring 14:54:44.265 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys | removed 5 shortcut, because they are not bound to standard key 14:54:44.265 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys | added 3 shortcut, because they are alternative shortcuts for the given standard keys 14:54:44.271 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys | removed 253 shortcut, because they are not bound to standard key 14:54:44.272 | DEBUG | main_thread | ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys | added 1 shortcut, because they are alternative shortcuts for the given standard keys 14:54:44.328 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /home/gerhard/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/musescorecom_cred.dat 14:54:44.328 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractCloudService::readTokens | Could not find the tokens file: /home/gerhard/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/audiocom_cred.dat 14:54:45.453 | DEBUG | main_thread | InstrumentTemplate::read | InstrumentTemplate:: init instrument not found 14:54:45.464 | DEBUG | main_thread | AlsaMidiInPort::connect | Connected to -1 14:54:45.465 | DEBUG | main_thread | AlsaMidiOutPort::connect | Connected to -1 14:54:45.524 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score::tick2segment | no measure for tick -1 14:54:45.598 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score::tick2segment | no measure for tick -1 14:54:45.619 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider::rawData | get data from current workspace, key: ui_settings 14:54:45.619 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider::rawData | get data from current workspace, key: ui_states 14:54:45.623 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider::rawData | get data from current workspace, key: ui_toolconfigs 14:54:45.623 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown 14:54:45.644 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score::tick2segment | no measure for tick -1 14:54:45.665 | DEBUG | main_thread | Score::tick2segment | no measure for tick -1 14:54:45.671 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider::rawData | get data from current workspace, key: palettes 14:54:45.671 | DEBUG | main_thread | PaletteWorkspaceSetup::setup | there is palette data in the workspace, we will use it 14:54:45.732 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Using graphics api: "opengl"  14:54:45.739 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | Detecting problems with graphics api 14:54:46.716 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown 14:54:46.813 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(): Object already has a QQmlContext 14:54:46.908 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"  14:54:46.908 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 14:54:46.909 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth"  14:54:46.909 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/internal/PopupContent.qml:81:5: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" 14:54:47.015 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.016 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.017 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.017 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.019 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.019 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.021 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.021 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.022 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.022 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.024 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.024 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.025 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.025 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.026 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.026 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.027 | ERROR | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | error: qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth"  14:54:47.028 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | qrc:/qml/Muse/UiComponents/FlatButton.qml:182:5: QML Loader: Binding loop detected for property "itemImplicitWidth" 14:54:47.069 | INFO | main_thread | AudioOutputDeviceController::init | Available output devices changed, checking connection... 14:54:47.075 | DEBUG | main_thread | ExtensionsLoader::loadManifestList | try load extensions, def: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4//extensions, user: /home/gerhard/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/extensions 14:54:47.079 | DEBUG | main_thread | ExtPluginsLoader::loadManifestList | try load extensions, def: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4//plugins, user: /home/gerhard/MuseScore4/Plugins 14:54:47.096 | DEBUG | main_thread | onFireOpen | try open uri: musescore://home, page: {"modal":"","params":{"sync":true},"path":"","sync":true,"type":1,"uri":"musescore://home"} 14:54:47.276 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:47.300 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:47.301 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:47.301 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:47.302 | ERROR | main_thread | ScoreThumbnailLoader::loadThumbnail | Could not load thumbnail for "/mnt/data/datab/projects/Musik/ForPlayingArrangement/ForArrangement/AmercanPie/midi/Mclean. Don - American Pie___WWW.MIDISFREE.COM.mid" : [21] [21]  14:54:47.410 | DEBUG | 139848630023872 | GraphicsTestObject::paint | painted, graphics api: "opengl"  14:54:47.447 | DEBUG | 139848463660736 | MscMetaReader::readMeta | Can't find thumbnail 14:54:47.560 | INFO | main_thread | GuiApp::perform | No problems detected with graphics api 14:54:49.174 | ERROR | main_thread | ScoreThumbnailLoader::loadThumbnail | Could not load thumbnail for "/home/gerhard/data/projects/Musik/ForPlayingArrangement/ForArrangement/ForestGump/6_feather_theme_forrest_gump.mid" : [21] [21]  14:54:49.174 | ERROR | main_thread | ScoreThumbnailLoader::loadThumbnail | Could not load thumbnail for "/home/gerhard/data/projects/Musik/ForPlayingArrangement/ForArrangement/ForestGump/4_feather_theme_forrest_gump.mid" : [21] [21]  14:54:49.725 | ERROR | main_thread | ScoreThumbnailLoader::loadThumbnail | Could not load thumbnail for "/mnt/data/datab/projects/Musik/ForPlayingArrangement/ForArrangement/AmercanPie/midi/Don McLean - American Pie.mid" : [21] [21]  14:54:49.874 | ERROR | main_thread | ScoreThumbnailLoader::loadThumbnail | Could not load thumbnail for "/mnt/data/datab/projects/Musik/NotenManagement/Ludwig3/americanpie/americanpie.mid" : [21] [21]  14:54:50.872 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:50.873 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:50.874 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: file-open 14:54:50.874 | INFO | main_thread | ProjectActionsController::openProject | Try open project: url = "file:///home/gerhard/data/projects/Musik/NotenManagement/NotenWeihnachtlicheWeisen/TK - O Wunder, was soll es bedeuten.mscz" , displayNameOverride = ""  14:54:51.401 | DEBUG | main_thread | IpcChannel::syncRequestToAll | ret code: 1 14:54:51.401 | DEBUG | main_thread | NotationProject::load | try load: /home/gerhard/data/projects/Musik/NotenManagement/NotenWeihnachtlicheWeisen/TK - O Wunder, was soll es bedeuten.mscz, format: mscz 14:54:51.773 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:51.787 | DEBUG | main_thread | onFireOpen | try open uri: musescore://notation, page: {"modal":"","params":{"sync":true},"path":"","sync":true,"type":1,"uri":"musescore://notation"} 14:54:51.789 | DEBUG | main_thread | WorkspacesDataProvider::setRawData | set data to current workspace, key: ui_states 14:54:52.070 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxHomeOpened 14:54:52.078 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectFocused 14:54:52.123 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::init | synth inited  14:54:52.192 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.195 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.196 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth | Selected preset 'Trumpet' on channel 0 14:54:52.224 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::init | synth inited  14:54:52.224 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.225 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.225 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth | Selected preset 'Standard' on channel 0 14:54:52.577 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::init | synth inited  14:54:52.577 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.578 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.578 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth | Selected preset 'Trumpet' on channel 0 14:54:52.584 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::init | synth inited  14:54:52.584 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.585 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.585 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth | Selected preset 'Trumpet' on channel 0 14:54:52.591 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::init | synth inited  14:54:52.591 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.592 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.592 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth | Selected preset 'Trumpet' on channel 0 14:54:52.598 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::init | synth inited  14:54:52.598 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.599 | INFO | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth::addSoundFonts | success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_MuseScnlrALy/share/mscore4portable-4.4/sound/MS Basic.sf3 14:54:52.599 | DEBUG | 139850011489984 | FluidSynth | Selected preset 'Tuba' on channel 0 14:54:52.731 | DEBUG | 139848630023872 | Score::tick2segment | no measure for tick -1 14:54:52.844 | ERROR | main_thread | UpdateScenario::doCheckForUpdate | Unable to check for update, error: [1701]  14:54:57.850 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene. 14:54:58.000 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectOpened 14:54:58.353 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene. 14:54:58.455 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectOpened 14:54:59.221 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectOpened 14:54:59.236 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectFocused 14:54:59.241 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher::dispatch | try call action: muse://extensions/v1/chordidentifierpopjazz/chordidentifierpopjazz.qml?action=main 14:54:59.241 | WARN | main_thread | InteractiveUriRegister::meta | URI muse://extensions/v1/chordidentifierpopjazz/chordidentifierpopjazz.qml is not registered 14:54:59.241 | DEBUG | main_thread | onFireOpen | try open uri: muse://extensions/viewer, page: {"params":{"modal":false,"uri":"muse://extensions/v1/chordidentifierpopjazz/chordidentifierpopjazz.qml?action=main&modal=false&sync=true"},"path":"Muse/Extensions/ExtensionViewerDialog.qml","sync":false,"type":2,"uri":"muse://extensions/viewer"} 14:54:59.257 | ERROR | main_thread | ExtensionBuilder::load | Failed to load QML file: /home/gerhard/MuseScore4/Plugins/chordIdentifierPopJazz/chordIdentifierPopJazz.qml, from extension: "muse://extensions/v1/chordidentifierpopjazz/chordidentifierpopjazz.qml?action=main&modal=false&sync=true"  14:54:59.257 | ERROR | main_thread | ExtensionBuilder::load | "file:///home/gerhard/MuseScore4/Plugins/chordIdentifierPopJazz/chordIdentifierPopJazz.qml:36 module \"QtQuick.Controls\" version 1.0 is not installed\n"  14:54:59.262 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectOpened 14:54:59.267 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxUnknown 14:55:01.989 | DEBUG | main_thread | UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll | currentCtx: UiCtxProjectOpened