Kalani: (Pacing impatiently) I wonder where the Council members are?
 Kaimi: Yes, where are they? What's holding them up? Kalani: You mean your shamanic gifts aren't telling you where they are? 
Kaimi: I don't need to call upon the spirits for every trivial thing that comes up, Kalani.Kalani: Trivial? This isn't trivial! Here I am, Kalani, the High Chief, and they're keeping me waiting on getting ready for the Ceremonies--and Kekipi too--my would-be son-in-law-- where 
he is I'd like to know also! Mehe-Winyan: Oh, come down off your high horse, Kalani. Surely you are the High,Chief--but only because I
 married you, remember! And my people, who followed the Good Red Road were here long before ANY
 of your people came from overseas--the original pure lineage.Leilani: Mother, don't criticize that way--nobody is pure anything anymore--we're all mixed! We probably even have a lilttle wasichu in us from those who came from the East so long ago and built the great nation the old histories tell about. And much mixture from the Western Motherland.
 Kaimi: True, on this Turtle Island continent, people have been mixing for a long time indeed! Mehe-Winyan: Well, I'm not that mixed! And Kalani is High Chief mainly because of my lineage. My ancestors ruled here long before his people rowed over here or whatever from their miserable sinking islands! Kaimi: But Mehe-Winyan, those beautiful islands of the West were a paradise once --a noble remnant of the
 wondrous Empire of the Sun.
 Mehe-Winyan: Yes, I've heard it all before! The Motherland that sank beneath the Great Western Ocean's waves --
 what a story!
 Leilani: It's not just a story. Right, Kaimi?
 Kaimi: Yes, Leilani, it is the truth. For thousands of years our people were some of the only surviviors from that
 land. There were others, not many--the Great Ones, the advanced ones. They warned the others of the coming destruction. Some of them had come here to Turtle Island in ancient times before the breakup of the continent. They lived in secret places, invisible to the natives, yet powerful. They were called the
 Anasazi, possessed of great knowledge and power, and they still exist here.
 Leilani: They are the Ancient Ones?
 Kaimi: Yes, as I revealed to you before, Leilani, they wield the power of the Star-Nation people and the Motherland that sank so long ago.
 Mehe-Winyan: maybe! I think a lot of that is hogwash!
 Kaimi: No, Mehe-Winyan.True, some of your people were Originals on this Turtle Island, but even your wise ones 
taught about the Anasazi, the Old Ones, they from the lost lands of the Western ocean--who built the great buidings, who flew through the air in their shining ships, who lived in great cities of marble and granite -- lit at night by the ever-burning lamps that used no fuel--before they retired into secrecy.
 Mehe-Winyan So! Even in bygone times those places were just a lot of old ruins with nothing but scorpions and
 ghosts living in them! My ancestors knew that.
 Kaimi: Not exactly, honored Mother. The legend goes that there have always been a few secluded ones who have secretly kept our Mother Earth from being destroyed by the folly of the peoples of their time.
 Leilani: But you told me they are forbidden by the Star-nations to have any contact with our people? 
 Kaimi: Yes, the legend--more than a legend, syas that. They have knowdge and powers that must not be revealed to the profane world. for fear that man will once again use this power to conquer and destroy his fellow and even the Earth Herself.
Leilani: But they could share this knowledge with us to help, not destroy. We are a good people. That's why I disappeared into the Wild Zone for two days and nights--to try to find them--where you told me they 
should be, Kaimi. No one else would go, so I had to go!
 Kaimi: A Kachina revealed to me that they were not far away, through the Wild Zone, but by their powers and will protected from our eyes and approach.I received this visison when I was praying and asking for help for our people.
 Kalani: Did the Kachina say that we of the Eagles should go to them? Why don't the kachinas just help us?
 Kaimi: Kalani! how can you say that? They've helped us since long ago when they were contacted by our Kahunas
 And look how they saved Leilani from danger in the wilds, and brought her home to us!
 Mehe-Winyan: That's true, but if my ancestors hadn't helped your Kahunas, you'd still be floundering around on
 that beach you landed on!
 Kaimi:The Island People weren't floundering, Mehe-Winyan. The ancestral spirits guided them. They received
 and we receive help from on High--and hat's why we celebrate these days of the year, under the stars of the Sacred White Buffalo constellation.
 Mehe-Winyan: As named kby the Originals here!
 Leilani: You know so much kaimi--star lore, the legends, the medicines, everything!
 Kaimi: I'm the Shaman--it's my job! Knowing such things and helping my people. And believe me, it's no picnic!
 (A gaurd enters, raises his right hand to Kalani in salutation, kneels.)
 Gaurd: Kalani, Alii Nuii, of the High Mana-Mana, you who rules the--
 Kalani: ( interrupting ) Yes, yes, skip all that! What is it? Rise! 
 Gaurd: The High Council is here.
 Kalani: It's about time! Command them to come inl 
 Gaurd: Yes,High One. ( Does salutation again and exits. He immediately re-enters, followed by the eight members,
 four men and four women, of the High Council, walking slowly and majestically, wearing special robes denoting their station.)

 Kalani: (Pacing impatiently) I wonder where the Council members are?
 Kaimi: Yes, where are they? What's holding them up?
 Kalani: You mean your shamanic gifts aren't telling you where they are? Kaimi: I don't need to call upon the spirits for every trivial thing that comes up Kalani. Kalani: Trivial? This isn't trivial! Here I am, Kalani, the High Chief, and they're keeping me waiting on getting ready for the Ceremonies--and Kekipi too--my would-be son-in-law-- where he is I'd like to know also!
 Mehe-Winyan: Oh, come down off your high horse, Kalani. Surely you are the High Chief--but only because I
 married you, remember! And my people, who followed the Good Red Road were here long before ANY
 of your people came from overseas--the original pure lineage.
 Leilani: Mother, don't criticize that way--nobody is pure anything anymore--we're all mixed! We probably even have a lilttle wasichu in us from those who came from the East so long ago and built the great nation the old histories tell about. And much mixture from the Western Motherland.
 Kaimi: True, on this Turtle Island continent, people have been mixing for a long time indeed!
 Mehe-Winyan: Well, I'm not that mixed! And Kalani is High Chief mainly because of my lineage. My ancestors ruled here long before his people rowed over here or whatever from their miserable sinking islands!
 Kaimi: But Mehe-Winyan, those beautiful islands of the West were a paradise once--a noble remnant of the wondrous Empire of the Sun.
 Mehe-Winyan: Yes, I've heard it all before! The Motherland that sank beneath the Great Western Ocean's waves--
 what a story!
 Leilani: It's not just a story. Right, Kaimi?
 Kaimi: Yes, Leilani, it is the truth. For thousands of years our people were some of the only surviviors from that
 land. There were others, not many--the Great Ones, the advanced ones. They warned the others of the
 coming destruction. Some of them had come here to Turtle Island in ancient times before the breakup of 
the continent. They lived in secret places, invisible to the natives, yet powerful. They were called the
 Anasazi, possessed of great knowledge and power, and they still exist here.
 Leilani: They are the Ancient Ones?
 Kaimi: Yes, as I revealed to you before, Leilani, they wield the power of the Star-Nation people and the Motherland that sank so long ago.
 Mehe-Winyan: maybe! I think a lot of that is hogwash! 
 Kaimi: No, Mehe-Winyan. True, some of your people were Originals on this Turtle Island, but even your wise ones 
taught about the Anasazi, the Old Ones, they from the lost lands of the Western ocean--who built the great 
 buidings, who flew through the air in their shining ships, who lived in great cities of marble and granite--
 lit at night by the ever-burning lamps that used no fuel--before they retired into secrecy.
 Mehe-Winyan So! Even in bygone times those places were just a lot of old ruins with nothing but scorpions and
 ghosts living in them! My ancestors knew that.
 Kaimi: Not exactly, honored Mother. The legend goes that there have always been a few secluded ones who have 
secretly kept our Mother Earth from being destroyed by the folly of the peoples of their time.
 Leilani: But you told me they are forbidden by the Star-nations to have any contact with our people? 
 Kaimi: Yes, the legend--more than a legend, syas that. They have knowdge and powers that must not be revealed to the profane world. for fear that man will once again use this power to conquer and destroy his fellow and even the Earth Herself 
Leilani: But they could share this knowledge with us to help, not destroy. We are a good people. That's why I disappeared into the Wild Zone for two days and nights--to try to find them--where you told me they should be, Kaimi. No one else would go, so I had to go!
 Kaimi: A Kachina revealed to me that they were not far away, through the Wild Zone, but by their powers and will protected from our eyes and approach. I received this visison when I was praying and asking for help for our people.
 Kalani: Did the Kachina say that we of the Eagles should go to them? Why don't the kachinas just help us?
 Kaimi: Kalani! how can you say that? They've helped us since long ago when they were contacted by our Kahunas
 And look how they saved Leilani from danger in the wilds, and brought her home to us!
 Mehe-Winyan: That's true, but if my ancestors hadn't helped your Kahunas, you'd still be floundering around on
 that beach you landed on!
 Kaimi: The Island People weren't floundering, Mehe-Winyan. The ancestral spirits guided them. They received
 and we receive help from on High--and that's why we celebrate these days o f the year, under the stars of the Sacred White Buffalo constellation.
 Mehe-Winyan: As named kby the Originals here!
 Leilani: You know so much kaimi--star lore, the legends, the medicines, everything!
 Kaimi: I'm the Shaman--it's my job! Knowing such things and helping my people. And believe me, 
it's no picnic!
 (A gaurd enters, raises his right hand to Kalani in salutation, kneels.)
 Gaurd: Kalani, Alii Nuii, of the High Mana-Mana, you who rules the--
 Kalani: ( interrupting ) Yes, yes, skip all that! What is it? Rise! 
 Gaurd: The High Council is here.
 Kalani: It's about time! Command them to come inl 
 Gaurd: Yes, High One.. ( Does salutation again and exits. He immediately re-enters, followed by the eight members,
 four men and four women, of the High Council, walking slowly and majestically, wearing special 
robes denoting their station. )

 Kalani: (Pacing impatiently) I wonder where the Council members are?
 Kaimi: Yes, where are they? What's holding them up?
 Kalani: You mean your shamanic gifts aren't telling you where they are? Kaimi: I don't need to call upon the spirits for every trivial thing that comes up, Kalani. Kalani: Trivial? This isn't trivial! Here I am, Kalani, the High Chief, and they're keeping me waiting on getting ready for the Ceremonies--and Kekipi too--my would-be son-in-law-- where 
he is I'd like to know also!
 Mehe-Winyan: Oh, come down off your high horse, Kalani. Surely you are the High Chief--but only because I
 married you, remember! And my people, who followed the Good Red Road were here long before ANY of your people came from overseas--the original pure lineage.
 Leilani: Mother, don't criticize that way--nobody is pure anything anymore--we're all mixed! We probably even 
 have a lilttle wasichu in us from those who came from the East so long ago and built the great nation the 
 old histories tell about. And much mixture from the Western Motherland.
 Kaimi: True, on this Turtle Island continent, people have been mixing for a long time indeed!
 Mehe-Winyan: Well, I'm not that mixed! And Kalani is High Chief mainly because of my lineage. My ancestors 
 ruled here long before his people rowed over here or whatever from their miserable sinking islands!
 Kaimi: But Mehe-Winyan, those beautiful islands of the West were a paradise once--a noble remnant of the 
 wondrous Empire of the Sun.
 Mehe-Winyan: Yes, I've heard it all before! The Motherland that sank beneath the Great Western Ocean's waves--
 what a story!
 Leilani: It's not just a story. Right, Kaimi?
 Kaimi: Yes, Leilani, it is the truth. For thousands of years our people were some of the only surviviors from that
 land. There were others, not many--the Great Ones, the advanced ones. They warned the others of the
 coming destruction. Some of them had come here to Turtle Island in ancient times before the breakup of 
 the continent. They lived in secret places, invisible to the natives, yet powerful. They were called the
 Anasazi, possessed of great knowledge and power, and they still exist here.
 Leilani: They are the Ancient Ones?
 Kaimi: Yes, as I revealed to you before, Leilani, they wield the power of the Star-Nation people and the 
 Motherland that sank so long ago.
 Mehe-Winyan: maybe! I think a lot of that is hogwash!
 Kaimi: No, Mehe-Winyan. True, some of your people were Originals on this Turtle Island, but even your wise ones 
 taught about the Anasazi, the Old Ones, they from the lost lands of the Western ocean--who built the great 
 buidings, who flew through the air in their shining ships, who lived in great cities of marble and granite-- 
 lit at night by the ever-burning lamps that used no fuel--before they retired into secrecy.
 Mehe-Winyan So! Even in bygone times those places were just a lot of old ruins with nothing but scorpions and
 ghosts living in them! My ancestors knew that.
 Kaimi: Not exactly, honored Mother. The legend goes that there have always been a few secluded ones who have 
 secretly kept our Mother Earth from being destroyed by the folly of the peoples of their time.
 Leilani: But you told me they are forbidden by the Star-nations to have any contact with our people? 
 Kaimi: Yes, the legend--more than a legend, syas that. They have knowdge and powers that must not be revealed 
 to the profane world. for fear that man will once again use this power to conquer and destroy his fellow 
 and even the Earth Herself.
Leilani: But they could share this knowledge with us to help, not destroy. We are a good people. That's why I 
 disappeared into the Wild Zone for two days and nights--to try to find them--where you told me they 
 should be, Kaimi. No one else would go, so I had to go!
 Kaimi: A Kachina revealed to me that they were not far away, through the Wild Zone, but by their powers and will 
 protected from our eyes and approach. I received this visison when I was praying and asking for help 
 for our people.
 Kalani: Did the Kachina say that we of the Eagles should go to them? Why don't the kachinas just help us?
 Kaimi: Kalani! how can you say that? They've helped us since long ago when they were contacted by our Kahunas
 And look how they saved Leilani from danger in the wilds, and brought her home to us!
 Mehe- Winyan: That's true, but if my ancestors hadn't helped your Kahunas, you'd still be floundering around on
 that beach you landed on!
 Kaimi: The Island People weren't floundering, Mehe-Winyan. The ancestral spirits guided them. They received
 and we receive help from on High--and that's why we celebrate these days of the year, under the stars of 
 the Sacred White Buffalo constellation.
 Mehe-Winyan: As named kby the Originals here!
 Leilani: You know so much kaimi--star lore, the legends, the medicines, everything!
 Kaimi: I'm the Shaman--it's my job! Knowing such things and helping my people. And believe me, 
 it's no picnic!
 ( A gaurd enters, raises his right hand to Kalani in salutation, kneels. )
 Gaurd: Kalani, Alii Nuii, of the High Mana-Mana, you who rules the--
 Kalani: ( interrupting ) Yes, yes, skip all that! What is it? Rise! 
 Gaurd: The High Council is here.
 Kalani: It's about time! Command them to come inl 
 Gaurd: Yes, High One.. ( Does salutation again and exits. He immediately re-enters, followed by the eight members,
 four men and four women, of the High Council, walking slowly and majestically, wearing special 
 robes denoting their station. )

ut you told me they are forbidden by the Star-nations to have any contact with our people? 
 Kaimi: Yes, the legend--more than a legend, syas that. They have knowdge and powers that must not be revealed 
 to the profane world. for fear that man will once again use this power to conquer and destroy his fellow 
 and even the Earth Herself.
Leilani: But they could share this knowledge with us to help, not destroy. We are a good people. That's why I 
 disappeared into the Wild Zone for two days and nights--to try to find them--where you told me they 
 should be, Kaimi. No one else would go, so I had to go!
 Kaimi: A Kachina revealed to me that they were not far away, through the Wild Zone, but by their powers and will 
 protected from our eyes and approach. I received this visison when I was praying and asking for help 
 for our people.
 Kalani: Did the Kachina say that we of the Eagles should go to them? Why don't the kachinas just help us?
 Kaimi: Kalani! how can you say that? They've helped us since long ago when they were contacted by our Kahunas
 And look how they saved Leilani from danger in the wilds, and brought her home to us!
 Mehe- Winyan: That's true, but if my ancestors hadn't helped your Kahunas, you'd still be floundering around on
 that beach you landed on!
 Kaimi: The Island People weren't floundering, Mehe-Winyan. The ancestral spirits guided them. They received
 and we receive help from on High--and that's why we celebrate these days of the year, under the stars of 
 the Sacred White Buffalo constellation.
 Mehe-Winyan: As named kby the Originals here!
 Leilani: You know so much kaimi--star lore, the legends, the medicines, everything!
 Kaimi: I'm the Shaman--it's my job! Knowing such things and helping my people. And believe me, 
 it's no picnic!
 ( A gaurd enters, raises his right hand to Kalani in salutation, kneels. )
 Gaurd: Kalani, Alii Nuii, of the High Mana-Mana, you who rules the--
 Kalani: ( interrupting ) Yes, yes, skip all that! What is it? Rise! 
 Gaurd: The High Council is here.
 Kalani: It's about time! Command them to come inl 
 Gaurd: Yes, High One.. ( Does salutation again and exits. He immediately re-enters, followed by the eight members,
 four men and four women, of the High Council, walking slowly and majestically, wearing special robes denoting their station. )