Adagio and Maestoso both at 72 BPM Allegro, Con brio, and Con moto all at 132 BPM Allegreto, Lively, and With movement all at 120 BPM Grave, Largo, and Lento all at 48 BPM Moderato and Moderate both at 112 BPM Ballad and Slow both at 60 BPM Inaccuracies: From The Harvard Dictionary of Music, Italian tempo term markings, definitions and BPMs are: • Larghissimo – very, very slow (19 BPM and under) • Grave – slow and solemn (20–40 BPM) v. MuseScore - 48 BPM • Lento – slowly (40–45 BPM) v. MuseScore - 48 BPM • Largo – broadly (45–50 BPM) • Larghetto – rather broadly (50–55 BPM) • Adagio – slow and stately (literally, "at ease") (55–65 BPM) v. MuseScore - 72 BPM • Adagietto – rather slow (65–69 BPM) • Andante moderato – a bit slower than andante (69–72 BPM) • Andante – at a walking pace (73–77 BPM) v. MuseScore - 96 BPM • Andantino – slightly faster than andante (78–83 BPM) • Marcia moderato – moderately, in the manner of a march (83–85 BPM) • Moderato – moderately (86–97 BPM) v. MuseScore - 112 BPM • Allegretto – moderately fast (98–109 BPM) v. MuseScore - 120 BPM • Allegro – fast, quickly and bright (109–132 BPM) v. MuseScore - 132 BPM • Vivace – lively and fast (132–140 BPM) v. MuseScore - 144 BPM • Vivacissimo – very fast and lively (140–150 BPM) • Allegrissimo – very fast (150–167 BPM) • Presto – very fast (168–177 BPM) v. MuseScore - 184 BPM • Prestissimo – extremely fast (178 BPM and over)