read shortcuts from <:/data/shortcuts.xml> Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started in stat: : No such file or directory in stat: : No such file or directory Init midi driver failed InstrumentTemplate:: init instrument not found expand voice: found Rest 4/4 addClone Rest at 480 1/4 addClone Rest at 960 1/2 expand voice: found Rest 1/2 addClone at 1440, 480 addClone Rest at 1440 1/4 expand voice: found Chord 1/4 expand voice: found Rest 1/4 QFileSystemWatcher::removePaths: list is empty Attempting to load LAME from system search paths Loading LAME from libmp3lame.dylib load failed Attempting to load LAME from builtin path Loading LAME from /usr/local/lib/audacity/libmp3lame.dylib load failed (Maybe) ask user for library QFileSystemWatcher::removePaths: list is empty